Tao: +2 Compassion, +1 Rhetoric
Vendaril: +1 Intimidation, +2 Rhetoric
Tao: Flight Response, Accepting Apologies, Safety First
Vendaril: Relationship 101 in Kalinor, Apologising, Disheartened at a Lack of Trust
I love Vendaril/Tao threads. You two have simply the cutest friendship. I loved how you didn't make them rush gleefully into eachother's arms, and go home to braid each other's hair. Your rp'ed their reconciliation realistically, and I look forward to watching it mend. I didn't award Una anything because she went AWOL, but if she comes back and wants xp, I'll regrade for her as well. As always, questions/concerns/pictures of Aragorn, PM me.