The Mixing of Language (Eisi)

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

The Mixing of Language (Eisi)

Postby Darren on March 28th, 2011, 8:55 pm

When he heard Eisi say those words to him his heart jumped for joy. He had a stupid smile on his face as he gently tackled her back to the snow laughing happily. He hugged her tightly taking care not to smother her. He rested his head on her shoulder rubbing his face with her cheeks. Darren heard his name he stopped to see what she had to saw. He tilted his head confused a bit, wondering if he did anything wrong, the next thing he heard made his heart stop. He smiled when he heard his name in Konti another word and Eisi's name, his heart was in the happiest place in the world, those two words sounding beautiful, as if music to the ears.

Finally! Someone who he knew that gave back his feelings reciprocated them, gave them back. He looked to see Eisi crying, startled by this Darren hastily ran his fingers through her eyes trying to dry them. "I'm so sorry! Eisi" he said worriedly looking concerned, he recovered quickly though realizing it might have been tears of joy running down her cheek. "No more tears Eisi. Darren LOVE Eisi" he said holding her close sitting her on his lap. His mind flashed back to the last time she saw her crying, remembering how much it tore him apart to see her sad. He spoke in Vani softly "I'll always be with you. I'll make sure you never cry again. I'll always be only yours..."

He quickly looked around them, not too many people were paying them mind. Seeing this he got up taking Eisi with him. Cradling her in his arms he started walking possibly back to the hold , possibly deeper into the wilderness where no one can peek at them. He looked at her snuggled in his arms "Eisi where?"
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The Mixing of Language (Eisi)

Postby E'isi on March 31st, 2011, 6:22 pm


Eisi watched as Darrens face lite up as he reached out to wrap his arms around her pulling her to his warmth. As she collapsed into his arms, warmth dug deep into her own body. That's what Darren was, warm loving everything that she wanted. She closed her eyes as she smiled. Never before had she ever felt this feeling. The feeling of love, safety and happiness. His soft lips touched her cheek, warm breath tickled at her hair, he laid his head on her shoulder seeming to want to take every physical aspect of her in. When she told him of her love he moved his head to look at her. His eyes where just not looking at her, but truly seeing her as if for the first time. At first his eyes seemed shocked then they shifted to something else. It could only be described as love. At that moment Eisi smiled, she had seen him in battle, him joking, she had even seen him mad, but this look...this open soft look suited him the best. Yes she liked seeing this look on Darren the most.

Soft hands wiped away the trailing tears on her face, she dung even notice she was still watery eyed. She looked down blushing some, he pulled her head back up to look at him, his face full of understanding. A small sme kept on her face as he spoke softly to her. His arms came crashing around her as he pulled her to him. cradling her as if she was a child, all the little Konti could feel was total peace. It was the first time she felt that since leaving Mura, peace and belonging. This terrible parfart seemed to be the one that could bring that to her. Darren, the man that was swearing never to leave her side, to love her and only her. Her heart skipped a beat, but also broke some for she knew that one day she would have to leave. He will grow as she will remain the same. She closed her eyes as she pushed back at this bitter truth, her hands gripped at his shirt. For the first time she wished that she too could say that she would never leave, that she will always love him and only him, and that she will die at his side.

With in Darrens arms time stopped, things slowed around them. She wished for the fist time in her life she was a normal human girl who could live normally, but this was not the case. Darren asked where she wanted to go. Opening her eyes she could see that Darren was holding her and now they where standing. Eisi spoke, " somewhere we can talk and be with eachother." it didnt matter where they went, she just wanted to spend this time with him, even if it was a fleeting moment in her life. She

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The Mixing of Language (Eisi)

Postby Darren on April 7th, 2011, 5:17 pm

He found himself walking for the better part of an hour merely, strolling along the snowy landscape of Avanthal. He finally let Eisi down as he found himself sitting down on the snow wondering if he can really be committed to Eisi. He looked back at her, looking at her he realized he still hasn't been able to communicate that well with her. But the feelings are still there he thought smiling happily at her with a reassuring nod. It's fine as long as she's here with me, we can make this last he thought.

Now was the time to lay everything down so they can make this work. "Eisi, looking for something right? Darren can help?" He asked trying to look useful as he posed for a second showing off how strong he thought he was. He thought for a bit, if I am to help Eisi I will have to leave Avanthal he thought solemnly, a bit worried about the outside world.

He took Eisi's hand with a somewhat worried look on his face as he realized that Eisi left Mura and braved a trip to Avanthal all by herself, his doubt disappearing as he gripped her hand tightly. Alright now all that's left is to make one more step towards living together. "Eisi and Darren, together? We sleep together?" he asked. He hoped that she knew what he meant, he wanted them to live together but due to his knowledge of innuendo's in common it came out sorta brutish.
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The Mixing of Language (Eisi)

Postby E'isi on April 7th, 2011, 6:41 pm


Eisi fell into a slight dream as he walked, holding her close to his chest. His heartbeat reminded her of home, the waves. She closed her eyes, breathing softly. After what seemed like days, he set her down. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes as she took a seat next to him, resting her head on his shoulder. She could tell that he was thinking hard. He seemed to be trying to figure out what he wanted to do. He asked a question that was a bit harsh in sound, she looked at him and then glances down. Of course he would want to know what she was looking for, of course he would be concerned with that. She leaned off his shoulder as she gripped her coat closer to herself. It wasnt that she was cold, just his question sent chills down her back.

She stood up and walked a bit away. As she walked away, he asked another question one that made her smile. Poor Darren could never get what he truly wanted to say to her, for their language barrier was just now starting to straighten out. Eisi sighed as she turned around to face him, First thing was first she must anwser his first question. She knew that he spoke Common well enough to understand, she walked back with a small smile on her face. She knelt down him front of him as she looked him in the eye. He took her hands and smiled.

She spoke slowly, "I will start with what I know." She sighed and knew that he might only understand a little. "Over 24 years ago a Konti woman was in slavery, she was a breeder, one who was abused and forced to take lovers. For you see only Konti are born to Konti women. We live for hundreds of years, take many lovers, and have many children." She looked at him in the eye, "I was the last of the children born to my mother. For I am the only one I know of that is not in Slavery." She hoped he could understand what she was trying to convey. "I am looking for my sisters for I know that they are out there. If needed I will free them and bring them home." She left out a lot about her past for when she did tell him, she wanted to be sure that he would understand fully. "So to answer your second question." she took a breath in, "I don't exactly understand it, but I hope this will answer it. I will not be able to marry, for I don't beleive in such, and for staying in one place to long, I can not." she looked down as she hid her feelings with a falsified smile, for all she wanted to do was stay with Darren. "So I will have to leave Darren," She looked back up it was obvious that she was trying to push him away one last time, for she wanted him to have a normal life, with normal children, "For my calling, is going to take me away."

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The Mixing of Language (Eisi)

Postby Darren on April 7th, 2011, 8:07 pm

This can't be right he thought as he listened to her finish her speech.

(His interpretation)
24 years Konti woman, Abused and forced lovers, Konti, Konti again, We ...hundreds ... many lovers ...many children. Last child mother... I am looking for sisters... not ...slavery. Second question ...I don't understand ...I will not marry ...staying in one place long, I can not. I will have to leave Darren. Take me away.

She's older then me? hmm...and as I thought she really is a seductress of sorts. He nodded his head furiously. 100's of Konti? Many lovers? *Gapes mouth open* Many children. *Blushes* I don't get that. Wait...she's looking for what? he wondered, now starting to question her sexual orientation. I'm not a slaver...I didn't want to'll have to go soon? ...what? his face looked all type of confused as he heard Eisi talk. He swallowed hard as he processed this all in, this was alottotake in for him.

Eisi was all sorts of confusing but that wasn't the thing that bothered him the most. What did bothered him was the fact that she had hundreds of lovers already disheartened him. Well...If I'm to win her heart I'll just have to do as she says and take her away from here he thought as he looked at Eisi with a look of acceptance and understanding. "I'll leave everything I know for you Eisi" he said in Vani.

He lead Eisi back to WhiteVine hold, boldly moving through the area as he led Eisi into his room. He motioned her to his bed as he looked around, wondering what things need to be gathered before he left. He tucked Eisi in and kissed her passionately on the lips first and then on her forehead. "Eisi sleep with Darren" he said tucking her in. "I'll be back, don't worry" he said as he exited the room in order to get ready. It is going to be a long night preparing the supplies needed, he thought as the other WhiteVines looked at him and then at Eisi solemnly.
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The Mixing of Language (Eisi)

Postby Cheshire on April 9th, 2011, 4:20 pm


Character: Darren
Experience: Massage +1, Bodybuilding +1, Teaching +1, Running +1, Acting +1, Seduction +2
Lore: Teaching Vani (Basic), Falling in Love

Character: Eisi
Experience: Teaching +2, Acting +1, Seduction +1, Storytelling +1
Lore: Teaching Kontinese (Basic), Falling in Love

Additional Note: Eisi has learned new phrases in Vani.
Darren has learned new phrases in Kontinese.
Great thread guys. PM me with concerns.
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