[Windward Boardwalk] Contemplation (Open)

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

[Windward Boardwalk] Contemplation (Open)

Postby Berus on March 30th, 2011, 10:50 pm

Aw crap, Berus cursed inwardly as the man walked toward him slowly. It flashed through his mind quickly that this couldn’t have been the one who had thrown the snowball at him; the foreigner had not responded with humor or with anger! Berus could do nothing but inwardly writhe in shame and outwardly shiver with cold as the man stood staring down at him in the snow. He knew there was little grace to be won out of this situation and standing up meant that the man was more likely to speak to him, so he remained where he was in the harsh, unforgiving ‘blanket’ of snow.

The man graciously leaned down, picked up his spear and, without any fight whatsoever, tossed it over to the stupidly hiding bard. The man spoke in his heavily accented Vani, leaving Berus even more ashamed at his actions. Of course, his curiosity pushed him to his childish actions and an impulsive need for revenge caused his boyish response to being pelted with snow.

He managed to convince himself of that for only a moment before he sighed deeply and pushed himself up to his feet. He apologetically smiled at the man as he retrieved his spear, though he couldn’t find the words to speak in this rather awkward situation. Berus’s eyes darkened to a deep brown as he cautiously, imperceptibly, starting backing away from the large hunter and his serious gaze. He felt very, very much like a little child that had been caught doing something he should not have.

Not taking his eyes off of the man, he bowed a little in another silent apology and started actively backing away from the two. He figured everything would be okay when he was out alone in the park again, then he could go back to his life and try to forget this whole ordeal.
^ thanks to Cheshire and Darren =D
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[Windward Boardwalk] Contemplation (Open)

Postby Amondaris on April 2nd, 2011, 12:29 pm

He nodded slowly as the man spoke, turning his thoughts over in his mind before speaking.

"Yes. Vantha are happy people. Like..Big family, sort of." A faint curve to his lips gave his smile a wry twist as he raised his hand once more to gesture at himself absently. "Halfbloods, not the same. We do not settle here. We do not belong. Always seem to leave or fade away. This is why I move, soon." He turned to the man, opening his mouth, intending to ask him if he, too, was a halfblood, when a fist-sized white blur smashed into the back of Rhuryc's head. Reacting reflexively, Amondaris pivoted to face the direction it had come from, his swords halfway from their scabbards before he stopped. A flicker of gold tinged his eyes as he straightened, sliding the weapons back into their resting place. The bard seemed to have picked the wrong target for retaliation. How amusing.
Turning his head to listen to Rhuryc as he continued to speak, admirably calm when faced with such childishness, Amondaris merely nodded, waiting to see how the man would react after he finished his piece. Canting his head curiously, he watched as the foreigner merely returned the bard's hastily abandoned spear to it's owner, a pale brow arching delicately at the decent gesture. Impressive self-control. Evidently the man is not easy to anger. Good.

Turning back the way they had been headed, pressing a hand to the wound in his side to stem the flow of blood, the hunter set off once more, without waiting to see if Rhuryc followed. Using the Vani word for those not native to the region, or a warmblood, the pale hunter called back over his shoulder. "Come, Tikita, before I bleed and suffer silly death. Do not wish to paint the snow in red more." His voice held a distinctly dry, faintly humourous tone to it, the young warrior evidently being well enough to crack his version of a joke. What a peculiar fellow.

OOCSorry for suckpost D: I've been trying to come up with something better for three days. FORGIVE ME.
Last edited by Amondaris on April 2nd, 2011, 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Vengeance , Honour, Strength.

Useless, to deny the flood,
The Rage, the Beast we keep chained within.
With slavering jaws and wicked teeth.
The will that binds, so very thin,
To drown us all in blood,
And choke us all beneath.

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[Windward Boardwalk] Contemplation (Open)

Postby Rhuryc on April 2nd, 2011, 12:46 pm

Well that was strange. Awkward, even. Rhuryc watched Berus as the bard backed up and bowed, a brow quirked to the side and a head canted just enough to cause wonder. Half a season he had been in Avanthal and still he could not figure these people out. He stared until the man backed away and shrugged in response, his own attention flicking back to Amondaris at the call. Tikita? That sounded like some kind of bird. He spun on a heel and made his way back over to the hunter, jugging a few of the steps in order to keep pace. The infirmary was not far, albeit he wondered what kind of queer explanation they would have to come up with to explain why the halfbreed was wounded. So often the truth only brought trouble.

"You can speak in Vani. I need more practice with it anyway." Rhuryc assumed an almost marching pattern while they walked, his shoulders relaxing for once in what was to be the first time in forty some days. There was a strange sort of kinship with this man. Maybe it was the height. Together they could be giants among the short, slender Vantha.

"And it's 'in more red'. If you're going to say it like that."
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[Windward Boardwalk] Contemplation (Open)

Postby Cheshire on April 7th, 2011, 9:59 pm


Character: Amondaris
Experience: Philosophy +2, Observation +1, Intimidation +1, Weapon (Gross Messers) +2, Dual Wield +1, Interrogation +1, Throwing +1
Lore: Knowing You are Anti-Social, Starting Battle, Speaking in Common

Character: Berus
Experience: Observation +1, Philosophy +1, Weapon (Spear) +1, Intellegence +1, Throwing +1, Running +1
Lore: Respect for Solitude, Vantha Manners, Using a Race as a Swear, Eavesdropping

Character: Rhuryc
Experience: Observation +1, Interrogation +2, Throwing +1
Lore: Interupting Practice, Speaking in Vani

Additional Note: Great thread guys. Berus, I applaud you for not letting the tall people scare you away. It is always good to see the little Vantha will not get intimidated too easily. PM me with concerns.
Avanthal Lore | Vantha | Avanthal | Morwen
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They said I'd be a gem.
But now that I'm a Cheshire Cat,
It's odd how odd I am...
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