by Reaver on March 30th, 2011, 8:38 pm
Reaver was quick to note all the evidence of a very distracted person before him. Usually not a good sign, but he seamed reluctant to take any actions at the moment. Maybe he also likes to finish his thoughts. Nodding, maybe he was listening? Then the gentleman snapped out of the stupor and responded.
”Fortune you say?”
Reaver almost jumped at the sudden change. He supposed it was only natural for his trust to be lacking, but perhaps there was something more to the comment. But it didn't seam to take long for this other Nuit to drift back to whatever it is that goes on within his mind. This time, Reaver was more prepared for him to snap out of it.
”You wish to try to learn something while you are here?” and a short laugh. "”Stranger, your words are bold, but what could you have that I would possibly want to learn?” And he promptly turned away. Reaver kept his comment to himself, having felt he had learned something of the individual before him. And this Nuit went back to his lab... but as he did so, a very unexpected comment. "If you wish to learn I won't deny you that right.”
Reaver found gold, a jackpot of knowledge, all he had to do was sit and wait, and knowledge would come to him in strides, if short ones. Reaver followed promptly, and noted the giant single circle in the room. Summoning circles, if he remembered clearly, did not need a physical circle built, but a drawn one much like his own art. That left, Magecraft and Alchemy.
He observed as the Nuit threw the results of his work into the corner, then studying what info he could on the construction of this circle. When the other Nuit would finally look up to see Reaver, he'd find him already trying to learn, having placed himself along it's outer edge, though taking a moment to pause, note he had attention, and nod back. Reaver stood back a bit, and studied the surrounding area.
Reaver had already moved to the circle by the time the other was distracted by his desk. A lack of Glyphing, that left, Alchemy? Perhaps, and in the center, the source of the scream, now with, some odd additions. He made his way in the circle, and examined the person, no-longer living. He pulled some paper, and his quill, and carefully balanced his ink on his leg, and made some proper notes as to the circle's construction, the magical scarring, and what he could gather from the results. With those done, he'd look to the other Nuit, to see what he proceeded to do, as not to be in his way.
"You asked what you could want to learn from me? I have no proper answer for you, as that would be entirely up to you. I'm sorry to insist, but I think there are two things, one of which you may want to learn. I could either teach you something to do with your failures, or perhaps a unique way to remove them. Both take time and practice, but only one of them could drive you insane. Beyond that, what killed your victim but as that wouldn't pertain tot he process itself, I doubt you'd be interested." He almost burst out laughing, that would get him kicked out right quick. This gentleman had clearly lost his grips on reality already. But it's a different kind of insanity, so the comment wasn't wrong. How long was Reaver just like him? Mindlessly plotting along with only one goal in mind. He still has one goal, a much stronger one, in mind. But now, he's willing to watch the world go by in addition.
Reaver would make his way to the desk, not awaiting an answer from the other. He thought this other Nuit wouldn't be happy with words, if he was even listening after the second sentence. Such a long line was to bring the Nuit back to his mind, as to give Reaver the time to demonstrate what he may be able to teach. Reaver picked up the lizards, and stacked them on one side of the desk. Noting the burnt papers, stacked all he could on the other side of the desk. "Sorry, this takes time. Carry on, I'll have a partial answer in a minute or two. I hope not to distract you any further then I have already, but my skill isn't as potent as it should be." He knew it didn't take that long, but the other Nuit was rather unlikely to enjoy watching anyway. Maybe to him, it would feel like an hour. Standing to the side, on lacking a proper chair, he'd begin his casting process once again. Twice in one day, maybe I'm not being as careful as I'd hoped. No matter, others at my level have been known to cast much more.
((Unsure as to if I should have carried on with the casting process or not. I think I shall, but my post beyond this point will be moot if your character would do anything to change Reaver's actions.))
Reaver began this process as he had so many times before, He starts his muttering, repeating the formula they taught him so long ago that no-longer holds any meaning in his life. Repeating it under his breath, time and time again, he brings his top two fingers together, sliding them quickly together to make a spark. He knows he doesn't need a physical spark, but the Djed responds better when he applies it. With that touch of Djed applied, he closed it into nothingness. The whole of the meaninglessness of his formula, the will of nothingness being poured into that spark, and from it his nothing came. It began to invade the area before him. He moved his hands around the shape he wanted it to fill, and worked with the shape of his nothing much like he would if it were a physical something. The shape, where anything inside was to become nothing. Flat, simple, and almost too small for the lizards. He had to focus, keep his concentration. He repeated his formula again, and again, and kept his hands working on that shape. He worked hard to place this nothing, and let it only grow to proper size. His Djed wasn't at full capacity, and he had to be extra sure not to let it exceed this capacity. His physical body was beginning to tire, not exactly a good thing, but mostly from his running earlier rather then his Djed this time.
A X to the power of B becomes A multiplied by B X to the power of B minus one, A X to the power of B becomes A multiplied by B X to the power of B minus one, his focus held, his hands working as if possessed on their own, his mind filled with a strong grasp of what nothing truly is. His effort was growing, a linear progression, everything was as it was supposed to be. How long had it been, twenty seconds? He kept at it, for time was all it took. Time seamed to lose meaning anyway, as he continued forth. Lost in himself, he continued without responding, as if part of another world. Nearing it's completion, so close, and then it was finally there. What if it isn't big enough? I could make it bigger, always bigger. NO! That's... the thought itself proves I should stop there.
The end was so simple, yet it's power difficult to comprehend. Ending his speech, his hands stilled, and he carefully moved around his work. "Sorry, but this is one of the things I could teach." He reached over, grabbed the lizards one by one, and dropped them in. Reaver glanced back, to see if he had the Nuit's attention now, and gestured to the burnt papers. With any given indication to do so, he'd drop those in as well. Regardless of the fate of the papers, he'd then stop feeding his Djed to the portal, and it would bring itself to a close. The nothing closing into what it always was, and what existed taking it's place. "The other, takes a physical preparation, rather then a mental one." Reaver had one last concern on his mind, how ready was this other mage to see another? Would he respond well? He already had no trust, I suppose it would be amplified now. Well, Reaver attempted to mentally prepare himself for whatever sort of reaction this Nuit would hold.
((Bonus points to you if you can identify what formula he uses. With that, I have a post I feel holds close your length and style. ...ignoring what additions my own hand wrought.))
Reaver's CS (Voice: #3355FF Thoughts: #000AAA Hidden: #3D2828)