Going out for once (Cara)

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Going out for once (Cara)

Postby Darren on March 26th, 2011, 5:40 pm

"Um, yea I did..."Darren replied as the moose collided with the ram, "Eheh he, yea... I just threw a ram". The speed that the ram was thrown though was decent but the moose only stalled for a little bit before resuming the charge. A look of concern apeared on his face when he realized what he just did. Oh that's right I have to keep this flux thing a secret, not too many people in Avanthal know that I know magic. I have to keep this a secret. If they found out they might relate me to this, firewielding Cara, he thought being wary of her. "Not like yours did any better." he though as he watched as Cara sent her fireball at the moose, the thing literally fizzled under the moose's antler leaving only a small smoke trail on it. "Tck, what are you doing? Move out of the way, already!" He said as he pushed Cara out of the moose's path. He himself dove out of the way barely avoiding the antlers and hooves of the beast. He pulled a throwing knife as he got himself up. He helped Cara up and checked her over before he turned to face the moose.

It seemed that they managed to avoid any damage the inital charge but as soon as they recovered The moose was already facing them. Darren did a quick look around, staying in the open field wasn't the best way to face a charging animal. Over there! he said pointing at the nearby forest and grabbing Cara trying to pull her along. Another one of his crazy plans was coming into effect. "Alright let's see if we can ambush the thing in the trees and you can hit it with that fireball thing again or something better" he said in a low tone. He wasn't too sure about how he felt about another magic user but right now he had to rely on Cara to make out of the situation alive.
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Going out for once (Cara)

Postby Cara on March 27th, 2011, 1:46 am

Cara went crashing into the snow. "Be careful you idiot, this fireball is our only shot." Ohhh Morwen, didn't he notice anything? Like the fact that there was a ball of fire hovering over her right hand? Cara's irises turned an angry ruby red, as glared at him from down on the ground. Snow encased her delicate body, as her elbows dug into the snow and she began to shiver. A large hand reached for her, and reluctantly, Cara let Darren pull her to her feet. The fireball was starting to spit, had it touched the snow? The smoke that billowed out of it was growing, an angry grey cloud matching the face of the moose that was continually charging Cara and her hunting companion. Ohhh goodness the two of you are screwed, Cara thought as she yelled, "no grab the other hand idiot unless you want to burn yourself!"

Cara offered her left hand, which Darren grabbed instantly. He tugged her along and towards the forest. Is he retarded? We will burn the forest to the ground like this! The fireball that hovered over Cara's hand continued to spit, and finally, she decided to cast it into the ground at her side. There was no use getting burnt. It sizzled to an end, just as they were passing through the line of trees.

Cara tugged her arm away from Darren. She didn't want him touching her unless is was absolutely necessary, and even then, she wasn't too fond of the idea. As soon as she had, she continued running forward, and took cover behind a large pine tree. "You know, it would be a bad idea if we set a fire in here." Cara yelled. "So please say you have a better idea than burning the area to the ground." It's not like you have any ideas right now. The young sorceress waited for a response. She could always try using water to their advantage, but she wasn't sure how. It also wasn't what the girl was known for, and she didn't much care for the notion of being the "water girl," or "water barer." But then again, this was a life or death situation, so perhaps mist would be a good thing to use. At least it would daze the creature and give them time to escape.

Within seconds, Cara found herself concentrating on her own djed. She felt a tingling sensation coursing through her body, and within seconds, a translucent light blue mist had appeared over her right hand. The mist formed a small orb with a moment's concentration, and a moment after that, it was filled with both fire and water. As soon as it made contact with something, the orb would burst into a cloud of smoke, steam, or mist, depending on which element was winning. She just needed to time everything right.

Although Cara could hear the moose stomping on the ground, she couldn't quite see it from behind the large evergreen tree.
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Going out for once (Cara)

Postby Darren on March 27th, 2011, 2:49 am

Darren sighed as Cara still chided him. "Look it's better we limit that thing's options in attacking rather then I'm own." He quickly checked behind them before checking up on Cara, his eyes popped open as he saw her manipulating her magic again. She seems to be fine readily using djed he thought Darren looked for a bit at the combination of the two magics his eyes popping up in surprise as the thing looked to be of water and fire encompass the small orb. The union of the two wasn't so majestic though as the steam or mist that was created from the pair of magics as it fizzed violently causing a nasty burning smoke that irritated his eyes. He took a deep breathe as he considered their options, he looked straight in Cara's eyes with a very serious and (what he thought) a very heroic look, "Listen Cara... we'll get out of this, you hear me? Just trust in us and we should get out of this without real injuries." He gave a short but still very grin as he continued, "At the very least trust in yourself, I know I trust myself enough to be able to take on this thing."

He moved out of the cover of the tree as he looked for the moose. He found it to the left pawing at the ground impatiently, he threw a knife at it's shoulder clipping it's side and causing it to cry out in pain. "Hey ugly! Looking for me?" he said as the moose looked at him, "come on..." As the moose charged Darren stood his ground. At the very least he was going to try to make sure this thing wouldn't be strong enough to chase Cara if the worst came to be. As the moose came within arm's reach Darren shot out his arm connecting with the thing's forehead, Yes! he thought as his move connected.

However the moose was still able to resume his charge as it's head got knocked back but was still able to clip Darren sending him back tumbling into the snow. ...dammit, looks like I have to do something drastic. he thought as he pulled himself out of the snow. A small cut appeared on his forehead bleeding a little as it lightly cover one of his eyes in blood. "Tck...Come!!! On!!!" He shouted as gathered a dangerous amount of flux into his arms. The moose didn't waste any time into looking as it repositioned himself for another charge. Darren's eyes started glowing red as he charged the moose for another exchange.
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Going out for once (Cara)

Postby Cara on March 27th, 2011, 3:37 am

"Are you crazy Darren?" Cara screamed as she stepped out from behind the tree. "Are you trying to get us both killed?" she asked. She had spotted the moose coming closer and closer to where they had both hid. "Or are you the only one who wants to sacrifice yourself, because that's alright. We just need to come up with a way to explain that to everyone back at home you know! So, if you have any ideas, it'd be lovely right about now." Cara was silent as she watched the creature and her hunting companion fighting. He is definitely a dead man, and this mixture of fire and water is going to be a useless escape route unless his dumb ass gets the heck away from that thing.

Does Darren honestly think he can beat that thing in hand to hoof combat? After all, it is at least twice his size, more than likely three times his size. It has big scary antlers, tons of fat, and strong legs with hooves. Seriously, Darren wants to die. The creature's fur seemed to ripple and glow in the moonlight as the two fought. She needed to get Darren away from that thing so that they could escape. Of course, she could just leave him there. She didn't really mind. She didn't even like him, but if she did, the watch would be all over her, and that was not something she wanted to deal with.

Cara looked all around her. All she saw were evergreen trees, the moose, Darren, and piles and piles of snow, which where getting crunched beneath feet and scattered this way and that. Cara's heart was pounding in her chest. She was breathing so rapidly, and the air was so cool, that a light silver mist began to swirl around her mouth. "Run Darren! Get out of the way!" Cara yelled as she hurled the fire and water filled orb at both him and the moose. The orb flew through the air, and landed on the creature's front right hoof. The res orb broke, emitting its contents into the air. A light, foggy mist floated into the air. It wrapped around the moose. Now is your chance. Cara turned around and ran as fast as she could out of the line of trees. With each right step, her left arm swung forward, with each step of her left, her right swung forward, propelling her through the snow that crunched beneath her feet, and the thin mountain air. She would get away from this. Well, if Darren was smart enough to escape when he had the chance. She wasn't so sure she would be able to bail him out again.
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Going out for once (Cara)

Postby Darren on March 28th, 2011, 6:55 pm

Darren's eyes were that of ecstasy as his need for a decent fight was starting to coming into fruition. Like the ram he hit the moose with a heavy downswing using his gauntlets but this time he found himself jumping to get the same angle he did with the ram. He smirked as his blow connected but then he turned to see Cara lobbing the smoke ball at them. His eyes grew wide as he saw Cara's magic emit a smoke screen. "No Cara I can't see where I'm goin-off!!!" He collided with the moose's forward momentum and was sent tumbling forward in the air. He found himself flying a few feet before crashing into an evergreen tree, his chest hitting the branches.

"Aughhhhhh......." he groaned as the pain slowly took hold of his body. He hung unto the tree as he rubbed his chest. "Yea that freaking hurt" he muttered as he hoisted himself on the tree. He looked to see the moose still dazed and confused but closing on Cara and her fox. Directing his djed flow to his legs he bounced a few times before he lept onto another tree. Then to another, and another. He finally caught up to Cara taking a huge leap forward and tackling her to the ground. The moose finally out of the mist snapped to the sound moving closer and closer. Without speaking he took Cara onto his shoulder and started away. Ugh she's not as light as I would have imagined he thought as he moved back out into the field.

He was already at the end of the field only a mere 5 minutes run away from Avanthal. On the way he saw the ram wobbling weakly around. "Alright this can be the catch of the day from both of us okay?" he said hitting the thing over the head again. He tossed it over his shoulder landing on top of Cara. He finally glanced behind him to see the moose charging at them. "...Oh god" he muttered as he moved double time gripping Cara and the ram even tighter.
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Going out for once (Cara)

Postby Cara on March 28th, 2011, 8:39 pm

Cara curled into his back, her arms dangled over the left side of Darren's body. Her hands were balled into tight fists. Her knuckles had turned white, and her light green veins seemed to pop out of her skin as her muscles continued to tense. "Put me down you giant oaf!" Cara shouted as she pounded her fists into the top of his leg. Her legs were flopping around awkwardly, like a fish out of water. The edges of her cheeks were lined with dark reds and bright pinks. "Put the girl down or face her wrath!" Cara tried again as she gave Darren another punch. None of it seemed to be working. Iaera was running along beside them, occasionally snapping at Darren's legs. Perhaps it was in an effort to get Darren to move faster, or even to get Darren to put her mistress back down on her feet. After all, it wasn't as though Cara couldn't take care of herself.

As he carried her, Cara merely sighed heavily and let her arms droop over his side. It didn't seem like he would let her go. "You know, you can't keep this up forever." The girl's eyes grew wide as the ram's fur made contact with her skin. "Are you kidding? The thing weighs more than you do! Get it the heck off in the name of the Ice Queen herself!" Cara yelled as her body was flattened beneath the unconscious creature's weight. She could hear the moose's hooves pounding the ground behind them. She knew that is was gaining on them. "Hey Whitevine, you may want to move a little faster before we all wind up dead." Iaera seemed to growl, as though she were agreeing. She didn't seem to like the notion of death just yet either. "Or, you could put each of us down, we kill the bloody thing, and bring them both back to the city."

Does he honestly think he can pull this off? Cara wondered as they continued on their journey. "It doesn't matter how strong you are Whitevine, your body will give up on you eventually, and judging by the looks of things, it will be sooner rather than later." Cara smiled uneasily. She was waiting for the inevitable. The fall; the man's body crumpling into the cold, white snow, just before the moose trampled them to death. The only question was how long that would be from now.

Cara's heart was pounding in her tiny rib cage. Ohh why did men always have to be such stubborn bastards? she wondered. There was only a moment's pause before she started counting. She could hear the moose's tracks inching closer and closer to them. One second. Two seconds. Three seconds. Four seconds. Five seconds. "Just how long until we die?" she whispered into Darren's ear. Six seconds. Seven seconds. Eight seconds. Nine seconds. Ten seconds, her brain continued the count. It may have been a little fast.

OOCSorry this post is kind of blah. There wasn't much I could do though.
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Going out for once (Cara)

Postby Darren on March 31st, 2011, 4:55 pm

Darren licked Cara as she whispered close to his face, "Shuddap and lemme sweep you off your feet already." he said grinning. Behind them the shuffling of the moose's hooves starting to get unbearably loud. Darren looked to see a hill come up before them, if they reached the top they can see Avanthal again. Even more importantly the people of Avanthal can see them and come to their aid. He hobbled up the mountain with the stupid fox nipping at his feet. "Oh god Cara...dear?" he said with a tone of endearment. Being forced into a life and death struggle with someone really took away all pretenses of hostility and a eager friendliness with him. "I'm sorry but your gonna have to join me with training at the end of this. You are... sorta on the heavy side" he said.

He tried for a showy bravado move as they stood at the very top of the hill. "Hmm, say... does danger turn you on? It does for me actually..." he whispered discretely in her ear. The moose was behind them just a mere 2 feet away, losing most of it's momentum but still pretty threatening. Looking deep into Cara's eyes looking for an expression he suddenly jumped forward. He turned midflight as he to drop the ram, and watched as it tumbled down the hill, the moose unable to grasp any footing as it tripped on the ram fell along with it. He looked back at Cara a crazed look on his face as they too rolled down the hill, he actually enjoyed this.

Back in Avanthal the people watched as they saw two clumps of people and animals roll down the hill. They swiftly armed themselves for they the hunts, can go horribly wrong. An Icewatch member among them watched intently to see if those two needed help. Ugh the witch of FrostFawn and the hooligan from WhiteVine? This won't be any good. The two animals seem weak enough but that moose still looks somewhat able. he thought as he urged his mount to them.

The smell was nice and the feeling was good. Darren shook his head furiously in a daze, Cara and Darren were lying in a clump at the bottom of the hill. He softly stroked her hair as the fox threatened to bite his face. "Cara dear...wake up. It's your turn to save me now" He said matter-so-factly. Next to them the ram had enough, it looked like it was in a permanent coma as the moose very slowly got up. "Shenanigans really do take out alot from both parties" he chuckled as he felt the effects of prolonged flux use started causing painful spams inside his body. True one can fine tune it for endurance but he already used the flux for too long, his body was somewhat out of focus as the djed in his body moved around erratically. *Sigh* "Cara dear..." he said mindlessly stroking her hair as he talked. "Thing are about to get interesting" he said motioning to his tired body. "At least for a little bit." looking at their reinforcements.
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Going out for once (Cara)

Postby Cara on March 31st, 2011, 6:36 pm

"You know Darren, if it wasn't for your last comment, I'd say you already had," Cara commented just before the two began to roll down the hill. Their bodies crumpled and curled into each other as they rolled around. Their heads bent into their chests so they wouldn't break their necks. Cold, white snow flattened beneath them. It trailed behind them, fluttered onto their clothes, sending several shivers down Cara's spine. When the two had come to a halt at the bottom of the hill, their bodies unwound from around each other, and Cara fell flat on her back. Well that hurt.

Lazily, Cara lifted her right hand to her head, and began to press it into her chin. Sorry, but you're still alive. "Owww," Cara groaned as her face scrunched. Her eyes were closed. Why does he have to be such an idiot? Cara lowered her hand and rested it on her chest. Men. All they do is try to show off and fuck everything up. Darren was whispering to her, running his hands through her hair. "Get the heck off asshole," she hissed, as soon as the sharp pain in her head, and her back had begun to die down. "This is all your fault, if you hadn't tried to play the part of the hero, then we wouldn't be in this mess."

Cara paused. "You know perfectly well that not only am I not heavy, but a lady is just as capable of a man of running away when the time is right," she growled. Iaera was doing the same. Her fur was bristling, and she looked about ready to kill Darren. Cara smiled weakly. The fox's teeth were glistening with saliva, and poking out of the sides of her slightly parted lips. "Feel free to bite him Iaera," Cara said before growing silent for several moments. "Now, as for saving your sorry ass, well, you're on your own Darren. You shouldn't have tried to save someone who didn't need to be saved."

Slowly, Cara slid her hands off her chest, and into the snow. She gently pushed against the ground, and sat herself up. Her muscles ached, as did every bone in her body. You'll have to get him back for that later. Cara slowly turned her head to the left, and then to the right. She looked around, the moose was slowly getting to its feet. The ram, well, it looked like it'd be out cold for a very long while. Or at least, that's what the blobs of fur should be right? Her mind was still spinning a bit from the fall. Sitting up had only made it worse. Well that's probably not too good.
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Going out for once (Cara)

Postby Darren on April 1st, 2011, 3:24 am

"Cara? What are you- That thing is still coming at us!" he whispered somewhat concerned he looked somewhat worried at the thing as it shook off the remaining snow off it's antlers. Nudging the ram to make sure it wasn't going to get in the way again he finally shifted it's attention to Cara and Darren slowly striding towards was othem. Is that thing really stalking us right before it kills us? Darren thought before he tried getting up. ...No good he thought. Apparently his body was not taking any requests of that magnitude just yet. His body felt all types of sores and aches, as he feebly fried to get up. He found that he was still able to move around a bit but doing any unnecessary movements was just going to tired him out even more, and probably make the end all the more unbearable.

Finding the last of his throwing knifes he feebly tossed them at the moose. The things just floated in the air a few seconds before it dropped useless on the ground. He sighed inwardly awaiting the upcoming beating. My body needs to rest, and that thing will have a good 2-3 minutes of stomping on me before I can move properly again he thought. Now in a cranky mood he swatted at the fox, "Hey I tried my best. Leave me alone" he said weakly as he looked up at the beast.

The blow would have been severe or outright killed him if the fates hadn't intervened. As the moose raised it's hooves to stomp Cara and Darren a spear came flying out of nowhere and hit the beast straight in the chest. Darren was losing his sight as the moose cried out in pain. He was able to make a visage of a polar bear making short work of the animal but then Darren saw darkness as he fell unconscious.

"We got you WhiteVine. We even got you witch."
the bear replied after he shifted into his humanoid form. As the bear's partner finally caught up she took a quick look at the scene. It seems to me that they caught the ram but came across this moose she thought as she walked up to check up on Darren. "Alright everything seems fine" she said checking his vitals and seeing there were okay, erratic but she paid no mind. "Zuzu I need you to carry the moose and ram back to the village. These two had one heck of a hunt" She said slowly as her eyes looked accusingly at Cara as if instigating that she might have hurt her hunting partner.

The two were then carried off to their respective holds to rest. They weren't there to compare their catches of the day with everyone else. The moose, by far, was the largest of the group. The ram recovered, a bit wobbly at first, it was able to be used as a learning mount for the adolescent Vantha. The day ended pretty fast for both Darren and Cara, Darren found himself staring at the ceiling again. "Tck, how come I'm still so useless against such force?"
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Going out for once (Cara)

Postby Cheshire on April 9th, 2011, 4:50 pm


Character: Darren
Experience: Weapon (Gauntlets) +2, Flux +2, Weapon (Knife) +1, Hunting +1
Lore: Asserting Authority, Inability to Take Dire Situations Seriously

Character: Cara
Experience: Animal Husbandry +1, Reimancy +3, Hunting +1
Lore: Cross-Hold Prejudice, Frostfawn Fauna Pride

Additional Note: Great thread guys. Sorry that there was not more hunting XP bt it seemed a little more like a fight than an hunt in my opinion. PM me with concerns.
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