It doesn’t quite take a great scholar in the World Wide Miz to know that more often than not, a Myrian and Konti are so worlds apart that they’ll generally not stick around one another for long. The Myrians are a warlike tribe, who fiercely defend their territory and devour the enemies they strike down. Nothing goes to waste. The Konti are peaceful, healing seers, who take a more diplomatic approach to life, trying to avoid conflict. Put the two of them in the same place and one will be shouting, “Get off my lawn or I’ll eat you!” while the other replies with, “Can’t we all just, get along? I’ll read your future.” But with almost all things in life, there are exceptions to the such things. The interaction between Gunto and Kamalia display just that. While their interaction together was a little rocky at the start, what with Gunto being all loud and blunt, tossing small Konti into the water and Kamalia answering in kind by submerging Gunto with a wave of water, they eventually began to see eye to eye. By such, I mean that Kamalia didn’t remain entirely pacifistic and Gunto didn’t try to eat her. Furthermore, as an attack broke out later on in the thread, it was revealed that the pair put aside all differences for the moment and fought together, kicking some medieval ass. By the end, their differences weren’t so completely settled that they made wild, passionate, jungle fever lovin’ amongst the pile of corpses, but they had established that with a tad bit of compromise and a lot of stubbornness, even two people who are almost completely different by nature’s standards can co-exist. Sure, the gold likely would have helped moved the Myrian along the way a little, but the prospect of battle and free food just lying around after would have brought him to such, but the fact that he still surges forward even after Kamalia says in her own way, “Shoo, go away.” gives testament to how far a Myrian can step out of their own bounds. And Kamalia of course didn’t freeze his feet in place, or kick him in the junk twice over his stubbornness. Which shows how far she has grown in accepting a little help from others. Of course, Gunto didn’t kiss her, so the kicks may still be coming. All in all, the thread shows that two races who would, by a most probable factor try to avoid each other many times (with the one other exception of a crazy little Konti wandering into the Fylandar jungles, kicking over tables and calling the Myrians weak), can co-exist easily enough when fate brings them together. That in of itself, is a lesson in life that can very often be overlooked. So very often, differences may be the only thing that one can focus on, but when the chips are down, if that one person is going to be the one who will keep you alive when alone you would die, those differences may not seem so bad at all. So give it a read if you all will. It has something for both Genders: Men: Violence, hot women who are drenched and wearing white Women: A strong female lead, women of power(hear them roar!) |