Akuaysun said nothing as she spoke, having learned the value of listening long ago. Her voice was soft, yet firm, each word carefully selected as she let them roll from her lips. Her phrases flowing into one another and speaking of the things she did know rather than those she did not. Nilanv tried to give his soul comfort and help direct him, but it was hard to explain exactly what it was he himself spoke of. Aku could not expect her to fully understand, even he truly did not. Especilly in this form of his being, thoughts of his time amongst the gods was a fog at best. He did feel comfort about her though, her hands softly touching him, caressing his flesh, it was much like a mother would do to her child. She truly cared in her soul about his, that much was obvious.
Giving her a soft smile and nod he retorted to her own words. “I do not disregard the value of my time on this world, more over I do cherish it. What you say runs parallel to my hopes, and that is why I now seek out the gods, so that I may speak to Leth and for certain know what it is he wishes for me to accomplish here. He is the god thought but also of change, and so I choose not to call for him directly but rather run a course that will lead me to him. In time I will find out what it is that he has tasked me with and then I shall carry out my given chores. The journey itself could be that which has given but I will never know until I stand face to face with my lord. To simply turn my back on him is not an option however, as that would be like turning my back on the very life that you speak so dearly of.”
Tan hands gripped the railing of the tub and pulled the man up from the water below. It streamed off his body as Aku retch for his towel to dry himself. Looking down and the Konti woman who was with him and then to the window to judge just how long he had till Leth rose, the Ethaefal in Myrian flesh quickly went to work removing the water from his flesh and stepping from his bath. “Nilanv I intend to walk my course whatever it shall be, do not think that I have simply given up on life. Whoever fate deems necessary to put in my path I shall do as I can for, but my goals will remain the same until they come to their end. After all there are only two things I know in life, battle and Leth, I hope to seek out the latter and avoid the prior if I can, I know that the time will come when I must raise up my weapon but I do not take on that role lightly. Once that first task is complete, if the gods still deem it necessary to walk amongst the people of this plane, then I shall look to making a better life for myself.”