Spring 91, 510 AV
Dimitri just made it back to his dormitory to collect his fishing pole and kit. It was still early morning and raining hard, which makes for great fishing weather. He opened his kit to check it, when his eyes grew big and he sighed audibly. In the kit sat one of Master Adamal's famous letters. Dimitri snatched it up and ripped it open.
To Squire Dimitri,
Dimitri, this is a riddle for your training.
All you need to do is figure it out.
No matter what you must figure it out alone.
Carry just your shield to Sacred Arch.
Ease yourself into this training.
PS if you have trouble dear squire, listen to the sound of the rain and do what comes naturally.
Ser Adamal Brinkaas
Dimitri had no idea what the riddle was telling him aside from the obvious. He grabbed his shield and reluctantly left his sword behind. He left and made his way to the main gates. He strode out feeling a bit foolish, carrying his tower shield and no weapon. After fifteen chimes of walking he made it to the Sacred Arch Hotsprings and saw no others there. He climbed up and got atop the arch path taking care not to slip. He was soaked from the rain as he pulled out the riddle once more. The rain smeared a lot of the letters but down the left hand side he could make out five letters that made out a word spelled downwards. D-A-N-C-E. His eyes grew wide. He wants me to dance out here of all places! In the rain! With my shield! What was he thinking?!? He held up his shield and watched the rain droplets slide down it. He hadn't the slightest idea how to begin.