Location [Syliras Location] The Great Bazaar

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] The Great Bazaar

Postby Gossamer on June 15th, 2009, 4:37 pm



Interestingly enough, the Great Bazaar is confined to the fourth tier or basement of Stormhold Citadel, though it does sometimes spill out onto the streets surrounding the great fortress.

Vendors from all over the world set up stalls and hawk their wares. Stalls cost 10 silver miza a day and consist of a simple table. Better locations include corner lots near the entrances and exits and might run double the price. Regardless those visiting Syliras can run across just about anything in the Great Bazaar. Rare and costly magical items, furniture, calligraphy services, even exotic pets, furs, and ceramics can be found here. Books, talismans, herbs... just about anything someone might need can be located in the depths of this massive underground market.

If one wants to set up a booth or gain some sort of information where something might be located, stop by Jerom Sendrick's Information Booth at the entrance of the Bazaar. He has a complete map of the Bazaar itself and can lease empty booth space (when available) to new vendors.

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Re: [Syliras Location] The Great Bazaar

Postby Nya Winters on November 7th, 2009, 8:09 pm

Timestamp: 40th of Fall, midmorning

Nya was prowling the bazaar. It was somewhat therapeutic because she needed to get used to the people there, so sometimes she wandered in, keeping her distance and remaining quiet. There were favorite shops she liked - places with fabrics and feathers and furs. There were favorite foods as well. Nya had decided that for all of Abashai's tea drinking, she had a passion for wine that she didn't usually indulge in when her bondmate was around - although he knew she liked wine well enough. It wasn't that Nya was a drunkard. No, she'd never been drunk before ever. But growing up with her mother, Zilvia Winters had a discerning palate and it was one she'd passed along to Nya when it came to rare flavors and exotic tastes. And subsequently, though Nya loved her meat rare, she truly enjoyed a good bottle of wine.

So it was too the wine seller she went, lurking just outside the booth until he noticed her. When he did, his eyes lit up and he smiled brightly. "Lady... come come. I've got something new in today... something you'd love." He said, beckoning the forest cat forward. She moved forward, slipping through the existing customers, and hovering on the other side of the counter as the Vintner slipped under the table and drew forth an old looking bottle. "Riverfall Chardonnay." He said, holding it up and then handing the bottle to her. "It's rich, nutty, and wonderful on its own or with some fresh cheese. I recommend going and getting some Mizalava Cheese as well as some unsalted almonds... toasted if Matty has them, to go with it kitten." He said, grinning as Nya already dug out the extraordinary 15 mizas she'd need for the bottle. "Thank you Kalcus... the last bottle of cherry wine you found for me was outstanding." Nya said softly, slipping the bottle into her bag that already contained two wooden wine mugs. She thanked him, and headed to the cheese vendor, got a small wheel of the recommended cheese, a loaf of sourdough, and then finally the roasted almonds. Her total cost was 18 gold mizas, but it was well worth it for the snack.
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Great Bazaar

Postby Nya Winters on December 28th, 2009, 1:15 am

Timestamp: 47th of Winter, Morning

Nya knew just where she was going. There was a woman in the bazaar that sold beautiful and warm blankets. Well, they weren't blankets so much as they were bits of art. She had a special name for them... Quilts. Nya loved that the woman would sit at her booth for hours hand stitching unusual pieces of fabric together, fabric made of all textures and colors, creating landscapes, scenes of trees and mountains, funny stylized animals in blocky patterns that endlessly fascinated the forest cat. The last time Nya had visited with her, the woman had showed her a blanket that was designed for a small pet house cat that absolutely fascinated Nya. It had scratchy fabric, smooth fabric, rough stuff, silk stuff, and even pockets within the fabric sewn with herbs like catnip that made Nya want to drool. If it hadn't been such a small square, Nya would have bought it for herself because she could feel the urge right then and there to stretch out on the little piece and rub herself all over the cat nip hidden within the seams. The silk and the rough wool, the fabric that made a crinkly noise, would have endlessly soothed her, and it would have been warm against her bare human skin. She wanted one badly, but she'd never got up the nerve to ask the woman to make a very large one, one big enough to fit over the pile of furs in the cave or the rented bed in Traveler's Row. Besides, she wanted to have a place, a home first, to put such a thing before she asked the woman to make one for her.

But that didn't mean she couldn't share her love of quilts with someone else. It was true the person she was thinking of could not see, but that didn't matter to Nya. The woman's quilts had textures and seamings, and herbs of lavender, vanilla, and even rosemary tucked into them. They were a riot of senses for even the blindest of people. And though they cost dearly, Nya wouldn't mind getting a gift for the Welcome Home headmaster, for she thought he deserved a small thanks for introducing her to Damien and the other children whom she was going to see the very next day.

She found the booth quickly, and immediately picked out the quilt she wanted. It was one made of blocks that were cut into the shape of children... some wearing dresses, some wearing hats and little trousers. They were in all directions - a crazy quilt - the woman called it, and after a brief discussion, Nya purchased it for 70 gold Mizas and headed on her way, the object wrapped carefully in cheap muslin to keep it clean until she could deliver it.
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Great Bazaar

Postby Trekvis on January 18th, 2010, 2:19 am

Trekvis walks into the Bazaar of Stormhold Castle looks around and finds a man at a stand selling all types of weapons. "Hello, sir may I interest you into some of my finest weapons?" he said looking at how weak and feeble my sword was. "Yeah, sure what type medium or large sized weapons do you have?" I replied, with very great interest as I noticed that some of these weapons can be foreign in some way.

He opened a little money box which he had money stored in. It look very little gm in there maybe about 12 gm. He gave me a list of all the weapons he had in store. I looked very carefully and thought in my mind which one would be perfect for me. "Hmmm... I'll take a Broad Sword" I said rubbing my chin. He grabbed the Broadsword and gave it to me "That'll be 35 Gold Mizas please" he replied, putting his hand in front of me flat. I reached into my bag and grabbed 35 gms and gave it to him. "Thank You, enjoy your new weapon". he said turning to other customers waiting in line.

I walk out of the great bazaar and see a man at a corner outside the Stormhold Castle. He looked poor to me I walked up to him and kneeled down towards him and I reach into my bag and grabbed 5 gm. "Here, I think you need these 5 Gold Mizas better than I do". Trekvis said to the poor old man. "Bless you, young man" he replied waving good bye at me as I left Stormhold Castle.
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Great Bazaar

Postby Alistair deGrey on February 1st, 2010, 12:48 am

43rd of Winter, 509.

The bazaar was a cacophonous entity that resided within the fortress of Syliras. The entirety of the market was housed on the basement floor of the castle, and the sounds of trade echoed off the stone walls. deGrey stepped down off the stairs and into the Great Bazaar. The immediate area was just a decorated entrance, and many people shuffled about in this area. Most leaving or entering the complex. Alistair continued forth, quickly moving out of the way as a group of men carrying a very large table rounded a corner.

Jerom Sendrick's information booth stood before Alistair, the man before him smiling warmly. deGrey bent and peered at the map that lay on the table, looking for a particular type of booth. Ahh, there it is.. Alistair stood up and walked off, memorizing the directions to the vendor.

The bazaar was crowded on this particular day. Well, it may be crowded every day but this was deGrey's first foray into the complex so it was beyond him. Alistair found himself in a place littered with stalls that housed woodworkers and metalsmiths. Many of these men and women probably could not afford a real store, and brought their goods from wherever they lived. An old man sitting in a faded rocking chair caught deGrey's eye. Before him sat a huge array of canes and staffs of varying qualities. I believe this is the man I am looking for. Alistair calmly walked up to the cane carver, who met his gaze with raised eyebrows. "'ello there. Wha' migh' ye be wantin' with a cane, a bi' youn' aren' ye?" Then the elderly man snorted, "Ne'ermind me, where are me manners! I be Reitan, wha' are ye needin' teday?"

deGrey looked at the various canes, "I require a cane, a sturdy one. I am not sure what sort of wood it would need to be, but it should not split easily." The woods and designs before him were so varied, Alistair did not know where to start. The nuances of canes...

"I 'ave jus' the one for ye! Go' meself abou' se'en o' them" He indicted a dark wood cane laying on the table, then turned and pointed to a half dozen others laying in the back. Each had a slightly different design, but all were the same color. "I gi' them teh ye' for fi' gold Miza each." deGrey cringed at the price tag for these particular canes, but reluctantly he pulled out fifteen gold mizas and lay them on the table, "I will have three of them." The decrepit proprietor turned and snatched two of the canes from his stockpile, and within a minute Alistair was walking off with his three canes.
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Great Bazaar

Postby Alistair deGrey on February 1st, 2010, 5:37 am

54th of Winter, 509

It was frustrating in the extreme. Bleeding philterers and their secrets! Alistair had been racing about Syliras looking for the recipe to create Alchemist's Fire, and it was nowhere to be found. Pretentious old men. This customer's order was becoming more and more difficult to fulfill. The launcher itself was complete, and deGrey had tackled the design of the hookshot mechanism. All he required was this forsaken recipe.

He remembered the stone steps from his last visit well. The same crowded scene was presented before him, except most of the people were crowding out of the entrance hall. Dusk was approaching and many citizens were leaving with their purchases. Alistair hurried to the end of the entrance hall, glancing briefly at a pair of young men arguing over the division of small sum of Mizas. The information table bore the same old map, and the same old man. He smiled at Alistair, clearly not remembering him. This time deGrey's finger traced the map for nearly three minutes. Where are they? There must be at least one here. Ah, there it is His finger stopped on a table with the title "Purdue's Books". Not exactly the most creative name.

As Alistair wound his way deeper into the Bazaar, the streets became less crowded. Many of the shops in this area had closed for the night, and the customers were fewer and further between than in many other areas of the bazaar. His footfalls were one of few sounds that echoed off the cut stone ceilings of the various areas. It was a while before deGrey found Purdue's Books, the shop was nearly across the bazaar from where Alistair had entered.

The stall was sparsely decorated, but it had tan canvas walls similar to a tent to protect the privacy of the proprietor. Purdue sat in a ramshackle wooden chair, peering at the few people in the area through tall stacks of books. Behind him were a few chests of even more books. I believe I may have come to the correct person. Alistair pondered his words for a few seconds, and then approached the stall.

"I require books. Books on architecture, on engineering, on inventing. Anything on Mathematics, Philtering, Metalsmithing. As well, anything remotely to those fields would be appreciated as well. Pre-Valterrian books would be appreciated."
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Great Bazaar

Postby Nickorius on February 4th, 2010, 3:00 am

Purdue rocked back and forth in his poorly build wooden chair. A product of his own construction, the chair was an attempt at being more manly. After all, the scholars didn't get too many ladies. Not that ladies were much of a concern for him anymore. With a beard that is more grey than brown, his time for chasing ladies was far over. Now he had resigned himself to the life of a librarian. Or, more accurately, a merchant with a fetish for books. He fancied himself a scholar, though he couldn't make it a career. Purdue knew just a bit about almost any subject, but wasn't an expert on any.

Purdue greeted the young buyer with a smile, his merchant instincts taking over. "What can I help you with, kind sir?"

"I require books. Books on architecture, on engineering, on inventing. Anything on Mathematics, Philtering, Metalsmithing. As well, anything remotely to those fields would be appreciated as well. Pre-Valterrian books would be appreciated." The man replied.

Blunt, Purdue thought. But that wasn't a problem. Purdue was tired of all the pleasantries he had to exchange with upscale client. He was happy to just get down to business. "I might have a couple books for you," He said with a smile.

"Here's a couple on Mathematics," He said setting down two books on the table, titled 'Basic Geometry,' and 'A Treatise on Eyris' Axioms' "I bought them off of a University student, when I was in Zeltiva. He also gave me this. Purdue pulled out a folder of papers, all in a less than appealing handwriting. "I looked 'em over and they're just a bunch of examples relating to stuff in these two books. Products of a basic math course or two."

He paused for a moment, "Hrrrmmm..." then began rummaging through a stack of books. "Here we go." He set another book on the table. "I don't know if this counts as architecture errr.. engineering maybe..." The cover read 'The Basics of Shipbuilding'

He scratched his chin for a minute, running over the list again out loud in a half-mumble, "Ya got Math, architecture.. engineering.. don't got any inventing or philtering... just sold my last metal smithing book.." Then he remember the last request and smiled, "Just to give ya little advice about Pre-Valterrian books: Ya probably won't find anybody in the Great Bazaar with 'em. And most people who do have 'em, won't want to give 'em up. Or even tell you about 'em." He paused for a few moments, lost in thought.

"Welp.. That's all I think I have. I'll give ya the math books for 25 each, and I'll throw in the notes if ya buy both. The ship-building book is 25 too. If ya decided to get all of 'em, I'll make ya a deal. let's say 70 Mizas." Purdue knew how to get people do buy things, and he knew how hard it was turn down a deal.
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Great Bazaar

Postby Alistair deGrey on February 4th, 2010, 3:21 am

Eyes ignited with interest upon mention of the Basics of Shipbuilding. Alistair pulled out a leather sack that carried one hundred Mizas, his spending limit for the day. He quickly counted out seven piles of ten Mizas, and pushed them forward for Purdue to count. "I will purchase all three of the texts." While Purdue counted the gold rimmed Mizas, deGrey picked up the ship building book and flipped through it. Sails, rudders, port, midshipmen, galleys, bombards... His eyes flickered over the pages, taking in random words here and there.

A hyperbolic nod from Purdue, everything was in order. Alistair flipped the ship building book back to the front, mumbled a farewell to the bookseller, and lost himself in the art of shipbuilding. Inspiration comes in the strangest places. Alistair continued through the Bazarr, dreams of gear ratios, windmills, and boats racing through his head.
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Great Bazaar

Postby Cosette Merryweather on February 28th, 2010, 3:55 pm

Timestamp: 70th Day, winter of 509 A.V.

A girl of slight stature who wore a crimson hood and a simple but flattering white dress silently navigated her way through the labyrinth of booths. She walked with a hasty gait that suggested to anyone who might be keen enough to observe that the girl was by no means window shopping, though on any other occasion she might have taken her time here today was an exception. Cosette didn't want to linger long enough for anyone to suspect the odd nature of her purchase.

Her goal was singular, to find embalming equipment. While her body could have probably still survived a year, maybe even two more if she were careful Cosette didn't want to take her chances and besides she was still a girl, she still had her vanity to consider.

She didn't need anything fancy. A basic set of surgical instruments, needles, quality thread that was durable enough to endure the stress it would have to deal with in a daily basis. An embalming solution if it were available on the market - at least five liters of it. Pails, a rudimentary aspirator, a hand powered pump, a needle that stemmed out into a funnel.

Hopefully there was a embalmer that had only recently gone bankrupt here. She had only so much miza and she knew that the purchase she was planning to make would be the equivalent of the purchase of an amateur alchemist's brewing kit. How much that cost, Cosette had no idea but she had brought over a hundred golden miza's for that purpose.

"Ma'am would you know any embalmer that might be selling second hand equipment? Or maybe a surgeon who needs to get rid of overused equipment?"
she tentatively asked, her face shadowed by her red riding hood.

The stall owner, apparently blind, pointed her in the direction where she just came from telling her to walk back ten stalls and turn right the moment she saw a statue of a wooden horse. She said Cosette would see a small man with a braided beard and that would be where she could get everything she needed.

How the blind lady knew, Cosette didn't know how to ask - at least not without being disrespectful. Murmuring soft words of appreciation the dead girl doubled back and found the man selling the items she needed.

Note to Self: 10sm = 1gm
Secret :
Price of Solution approved by Gossamer.
    ۞ Sewing Thread: 5sm
    ۞ Thread: 5sm
    ۞ Surgeon's Tookit: 30gm
    ۞ Perfume Common 34oz/1Liter: 17gm
    ۞ Embalming Solution 5 liters: 10
    ۞ Fine Funnel: 5gm
    ۞ Rope: 1gm
    ۞ Bucket x 6: 15gm
    ۞ Soap: 5sm
    ۞ Carpenter's Hammer: 5sm
    ۞ Bag of Standard Nails: 5sm
Total Price: 80.5gm
The answer is more Body Building. -X.
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Re: [Syliras Location] The Great Bazaar

Postby Jaquise Emittere on March 2nd, 2010, 2:23 am

1st day of Spring

Spring, a season Jaq both looked forward to and loathed. It was around this time merchants would start traveling, which means about now he would start getting a great deal of work. It was a mixed blessing to be sure. On the one hand more work meant more cash, on the other more work meant less relaxing. Still being in a hub of commerce like Syliras had its advantages at times like these. Merchants galore hawked there wares at the Great Bazaar, and today Jaq might even find the book he was looking for. Of course it meant ignoring the slaves being sold, something about selling people like property had always irked Jaq, but it seems there were few in attendance today.

That he didn't have a name or author of the volume he searched for made things difficult. That he needed to find one written in the only language he knew made things nigh impossible. Still he searched, hoping he might find such a volume with a merchant who didn't know its worth. And so it was that while Jaq's eyes skimmed over another book that was in fact not the one he was looking for he spotted something out of the corner of his left eye. Now this might not seem odd to some, but it would if you knew that Jaq's left eye was in fact a gold ball. He could no more see out of it then he could out of his....nose.

However, since he had his fake eye Jaq has learned to see Aura's, though unlike real practitioners who gained it through practice, Jaq can control it as much as he could the time the sun rose or set. He is also limited to seeing these Aura's through the fake eye.

Because everything had an Aura Jaq was at the moment seeing everything with a glow surrounding it. The people glowed, the stalls glowed, the items glowed up for sale glowed. None of them however glowed as brightly as this one item. Jaq put the book down back on the stall and walked over to the source of the light. It was a small item sitting on top of a shelf, very similar to the one he had just been leaning on. The item was a small lock. Quite ordinary in fact, aside from the light emanating from it. Such a light normally heralded the use of magic, which meant this wasn't the ordinary lock it seemed. Jaq looked around to see if there was anyone managing the stall. It seems what he was searching for was not a book at all.

Secret :
If there are any problems or inconsistencies please tell me. If the writing is a little off, I'm feeling a little sick today. It should be better then next time I get around to posting Nick.
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