15th of Spring, 511 AV Fois pushed away his bowl across the table. It was a nice breakfast, or at least good enough to start the day. He grabbed an apple from the table and stood up. Endal was tossing the fruit up and down in his right hand on his way from the Communal Kitchens back to his aerie. As he threw the apple up Seleer’s voice echoed in his head: ”Are you done yet? You are taking forever. You are required to hunt, not to eat in here.” Fois caught the apple on its way down. ”True. But I need to eat to hunt.” He flung his food up again. ”I would agree with that only if I saw the significant improvement in your skills after you take your precious time to have a meal.” The apple once again found its way back to the Endal’s hand. ”You never saw me hunt hungry,” Fois took a bite of the red fruit while talking to Seleer. Sweet juice seeped through his teeth as they were sinking deeper into the apple. ”I’m on my way back now anyway. No need to panic.” Fois made his way to his residence that he shared with his Wind Eagle. ”I’m back,” he announced. ”I’m not, Seleer responded. Indeed he wasn’t. Fois walked around the aerie that was empty. Endal put the apple into his mouth and held it with his teeth while putting on his Katinu. He grabbed the quiver full of hunting arrows that he collected yesterday and slung it over his shoulder. Then he took his longbow that was resting against the wall and strolled to the edge of the aerie. Fois finished eating the apple just when the chilly air of the outside reached his face. He stopped walking once he couldn’t go any further without falling to his death and looked around. ”So where are you?” Fois asked the eagle while throwing the core of the apple into the distance. He was following it fly with his eyes, but suddenly the view was obstructed by a giant eagle emerging right in front of him. Taken by surprise Fois quickly stepped back, but then mind recognized that situation was not dangerous at all and he slowly moved to the side making Seleer some room to land. But the eagle rose higher still, making a circle in the air, and only then turned around and came back to the aerie. ”You really need to work on your aim. There was no way you could’ve hit me like that.” Seleer perched on the edge. ”True,” Fois nodded. ”That’s a shame.” The Wind Eagle shook his feathers on the neck. ”Well, are you ready? I don’t wear this saddle for fashion, you know.” Fois smiled and walked towards Seleer. ”I think it looks great on you. Really brings out your eyes.” Seleer shook his head again. ”Amusing, Fois. Only the sight on Endal falling down from high above could top that joke.” |