by Soulemn on June 11th, 2011, 1:04 am
She blinked twice, what day was it? Ignoring her own thought, she pushed her tired feet forward. For nearly 3 weeks she has been tredging through the dense snow, both forms completely worn out. In human form, her thick hide boots slipped right into a soft patch of snow, sending her knee deep in bone-chilling powder. Angered, she pulled herself up and stood there, angered to the point where she needed to focus on her breathing. Controlling her anger was getting easier with each passing month, but as the anger recessed sorrow began to gather at the edges of her eyes. Was she making a mistake by going to the unknown? Why was it so difficult, no matter the way you lived your life? Diverting her eyes from her pathetic rant, she saw what she had sought.
Glowing as pure as the fur of her mother, she saw the grand Icewall Gates. This wasn't the first time she saw these walls, but it was the first time she approached it on purpose. Travelling from small settlement to small settlement, she has learned enough from them to gain enough confidence to go to the big city. The first time she saw the glow, she believed she had reached the Gods, that on her journey it was finally her time to receive full happiness. Of course, shortly after trying to approach the glow, her right hind leg was swept from underneath her and... well, that's a memory better forgotten. She was here now, and without the threats of being skinned.
Making her way to the entrance, her right boot squished with every step. Rolling her eyes, she might as well stop and allow her boot to dry along with her foot before entering the city....