Awkward Waters (Kendall)

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

Awkward Waters (Kendall)

Postby Dimitri on March 24th, 2011, 9:04 pm

Spring 1, 511 AV

After having saved the girl's kitten, Dimitri felt he needed to reward himself. And it was his birthday no less. He decided he would finally get the courage to try something new. He would go to Soothing Waters for the first time. He walked toward it and stood outside of it, his courage fleeting. He mustered up, and went through the doors, and down the stairs to reception. A young man greeted him, "Hello there, what can I help you with?" Dimitri had been told by various Knights that the massages were wonderful, the baths warm and full of women, and they even do your laundry. "Um I would like a half bell massage... To use the pool... And um... To have my laundry and boots cleaned." The man looked him up and down, "1 copper for each clothing coming to 4 copper miza's, 15 silvers for the massage, 2 silvers for the pool, would you like a towel for the pool?" Dimitri nodded. "And another silver for the towel bring your total to 18 silver mizas and 4 copper mizas. The masseuse has a halfbell appointment open now, if you would like to put your items in your locker in the room to your right. An attendant shall take your clothes and have them ready in your locker when you are done. Massage parlor is behind the counter here,  and the pool is through the locker rooms, thank you and enjoy your stay." 

Dimitri paid the young man and wandered into the locker room, the attendant, a pretty young brunette woman, directed him to a locker. "I will take your clothes when you are ready sir." He had never been naked in front of a woman before and suddenly felt very sheepish. Under her watchful eyes he removed his shirt revealing his tightly muscled chest and abs. He removed his boots, and began undoing the laces on his breeches. His fingers fumbled nervously but he managed to get the job down and slid them off. He was standing in his undergarments, essentially gray cloth shorts. He turned away from her and could feel her eyes gazing him up and down. He removed his undergarments, now in his birthday suit on his birthday. He gathered up his clothes in a bundle, turned and handed them to her. Her eyes darted down and up his body, and she smiled like wolf seeing it's cornered prey, "Your towel is in your locker, would you like my assistance in the pool after your massage?" he fumbled with the words, "Um... Sure, that would... Uh... Be very nice." 

She left him, and he quickly wrapped his towel around himself and made sure his shield and sword, his pack, and coin purse were in his locker. He then walked out into reception and back into the massage parlor, where Calyna Zia was waiting for him. She gestured to the massage bed and he laid down on it and she briskly removed his towel. She bent down to his ear and said, "Relax."
He did as instructed and her hands began to work wonders on his back and shoulders. He felt the tension melt away, and his spirits begin to rise. She then began to massage his legs and buttocks, which at first felt very uncomfortable then he grew to enjoy it. As his halfbell time was up she let him up, and he stood up completely relaxed, wrapped up his towel and began his way to the pool area. As he entered his eyes were open at the sight of many naked women and men of varying ages and body shapes. His attendant approached him, naked as the day she was born, "Are you ready Squire Dimitri? I will take good care of you." She removed his towel exposing him to the pool area, his nervousness skyrocketing.
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Awkward Waters (Kendall)

Postby Kendall Saarinen on March 28th, 2011, 1:19 am

As much as it pained him, Kendall began to walk toward the Soothing Waters. He did not want to fork over a handful of Miza's to take a bath but he was starting to feel bad about always bathing himself at Sondra's. She was in no doubt his friend but he did not want to over stay his welcome in her home. Besides, Kendall had someone to impress. He needed to look his best.

Although Kendall did not want to go into the Bath he forced himself to walk into the building. He walked up to the man who seemed to be the receptionist and nodded a greeting. "Just a bath and a towel for me." Kendall wanted to have a private bath but he simply could not afford it. He had enough money to have a private pool but he did not have an income. He reluctantly handed over the money he owed and walked into the lockers. He refused help when it was offered with a simple "Thank you but I would prefer to serve myself". He knew it might be seen as rude but he hoped that by refusing help the people would not watch him undress. Since he had found himself as a male he never wanted anyone to see him naked. He was unsure about himself and he did not want to be judged. He was well aware that the baths were communal and everyone was naked but in his mind the longer he could keep people's eyes from his body the better.

After putting his things in a locker Kendall headed to the baths with a towel wrapped around his waist. While most men would have loved to show off a body like Kendall's he prefered to keep it hidden as often as possible. Especially his wrist which marked him as an Azenth. He knew how some people disliked the Azenth but he hoped that the knights who were bathing would halt anyone would would try to harass him for the red flames that wrapped around his wrist.

Leaving the towel behind, Kendall took a bar of soap from an attendent and got into the pools. It was a comfortable temperature although Kendall did not feel the warmth of the waters like the other visitors did. His work with fire in conjunction with his mark had made his body temperature higher than other humans would be. Still he enjoyed the water for what is was, a place to clean himself. He began to scrub, hoping that no eyes were lingering on him. He wished he was home. All the way back in Zeltiva. Bathing had not been so hard back then. Back when he had a home and family.

OOCSorry that I didn't have Kendall buy a massage. He doesn't have an income and he usually does not pay for things unless he absolutely needs them.
"I'm burning and I'm blacking my lungs.
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Awkward Waters (Kendall)

Postby Dimitri on March 29th, 2011, 1:18 am

Dimitri attempted to walk casually and proudly into the pool, though he was a walking skin of nerves, embarrassment, and shyness. His assistant, in her youthful, stunning beauty, followed him in and grabbed a bar of honeysoap, made from beeswax and honey. Her very touch set him on edge, yet he was loving every moment. She rubbed the soap over his tight, muscle bound shoulders. The warm water was easing the tenseness of his muscles from his long days of training, the tenseness that came from his nervousness. The massage helped, the pool completed the process. "We have a new face I see."

He saw where she gestured to a... strange looking man. Not deformed, injured strange but rather a pretty looking man. Not rough and manly, but boyish with a hint of girly. He had long blonde hair, smooth skin, and just seemed to not be your standard rough type of man. He looked as uncomfortable as Dimitri himself was. Dimitri jumped out of his observations as the hand with soap in it found his manliness. "Relax, it's nothing new for me." She continued to wash him when he felt her chest press against his back. He began to feel... a lot happier. He struggled to control the urge that occassional sprang forth randomly in mornings. "You are one of the biggest men to wade these waters. And I don't tell that to every man." Dimitri knew he was tall but a lot of men were tall. He shrugged unsure of what she meant. 

"We should say hi to the new person." Dimitri told her. He wandered over, assistant in tow. He approached the man from the side. "Hello there, I understand you are new here, I am Squire Dimitri Chenkov, White Company, 1st Regiment, Silver Quadron. It is a pleasure to meet you. May I be of any assistance?"     
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Awkward Waters (Kendall)

Postby Kendall Saarinen on March 29th, 2011, 2:10 am

Kendall focused on his breathing, or at least he tried to. Anything to get his mind off of all the eyes in the pool. ”They aren’t looking. Just finish bathing and get out of the pool.” Kendall tried to keep the water around him moving. He did not want it to halt and give a clear view of the lower half of his boy. If he had been a born a man maybe he would have been more open with his naked body. This was all new to him though. He was not used to looking down and seeing this body. If anything, he only saw a similar body in his past lover, Kay’lan Snowsong. It was obviously not the same though.

As Kendall bathed a voice chimed in front of him making his heart race. Like a force of habit his right wrist plummeted under the water sending little flecks of water toward the owner of the voice. Kendall looked up at him sheepishly. ”Sorry, I didn’t mean to splash you.” He felt a bit embarrassed in front of the man. He had what seemed to be a fantastic body. It was muscular, tanned, and most of all tall. Lately Kendall had been keeping the company of more than his fair share of tall companions. When he first found himself in this body he had thought he had been tall, standing at a height of 5’10 but lately he was still feeling as short as when he was a girl. Hadrian and Cathan both seemed to tower over him, Hadrian especially. It was quite daunting on his ego but then of course, what wasn’t?

”I am fine. I’m just taking a quick bath and then going on with my day.” Kendall did not want any assistance from this man. The Gods only knew how much he would judge him. At least that was what Kendall expected. He was grateful for the warm welcome though. He did not want to leave the man without a proper response so he put on his best forced smile and tried to find his voice. ”Thank you for the welcome though. I am Ken, from Zeltiva.” He had begun to tack from Zeltiva to the end of his name like a title in hopes it would offset some of his strangeness. Then people could think he as merely an over worked scholar or maybe malnourished when he was younger due the food shortages in the sea faring city. Although why in all of Mizahar he wanted people to think such strange things about him, not even he knew.
"I'm burning and I'm blacking my lungs.
Boy you know it feels good with fire back on your tongue."
-Ryan Ross

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Awkward Waters (Kendall)

Postby Dimitri on March 29th, 2011, 8:42 am

Dimitri noticed the man seemed a bit uncomfortable in his presence. He dismissed his assistant, who seemed disappointed, but Dimitri didn't notice. "Ah Zeltiva? Are you a student? What brings you to Syliras? Do you need help getting around town?" Dimitri relaxed, now that he was interested in this unusual man. He didn't mean to bombard him with questions, but alas that was his way when curious. His master told him to try to be helpful to all, never know when you may gain a valuable ally or information.

He hadn't had much experience with outsiders, but always leapt at the oppurtunity. He wouldn't let this one pass him by. He continued to relax as the water's warmth continued it's effects. He began to tread water observing the other patrons of the baths. He saw many other knights, squires, shop keepers, and visitors, all comfortable with one another. Why should he be self concious? He was good looking he guessed from the looks he often got from women. He stood tall as his confidence began to swell. He wasn't shy, he was a Syliran Knight and he would be ashamed of nothing.
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Awkward Waters (Kendall)

Postby Kendall Saarinen on April 2nd, 2011, 6:41 pm

Kendall looked down into the water as the questioning started. He did not like sharing information about himself. Cathan and Hadrian knew a bit about him but he knew them and he trusted them. It was not that this knight was a bad person. Kendall just didn't feel as though the man needed to know much about him. He liked to keep conversations on a need to know basis.

"I was a student. I'm not anymore." That comment stung a bit. A day did not go by when he did not miss the university. He missed the lectures, even if they were a bit boring at times. "I am just looking to see the world now that I am not studying anymore." He spoke frankly and simply. There was not much about him that he wanted to share with a complete stranger. "I am not in much need of assistance in the city. It seems simple enough to navigate. Thank you for the offer though." He was happy the man was so friendly but it was a little odd having a man offer help to him in the nude. Such never happened in Zeltiva. Although, there were not bathhouses in Zeltiva either.

Kendall wanted to end the conversation right there. He did not want to engage himself with the man any farther. He had to use his manners though. The man had been kind and so he had to return the favor. "What about you? What is your name? I take it you are from Syliras since you are offering me help." The fact he was asking these questions was a bit hypocritical but Kendall had a feeling the man would not really care about that. He was a friendly guy and so he would be glad to have an excuse to keep talking. It was not that Kendall disliked him, he just was not in the mood to make friends.
"I'm burning and I'm blacking my lungs.
Boy you know it feels good with fire back on your tongue."
-Ryan Ross

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Awkward Waters (Kendall)

Postby Dimitri on April 3rd, 2011, 2:31 pm

Dimitri may not have the greatest grasp on social nuances, however he could tell Ken was clearly speaking as a formality, and not holding interest as Dimitri did. Dimitri was a bit miffed at this but wouldn't show it, for as a knight in training he must treat others with respect. "I am Dimitri Chenkov, squire to Ser Adamal Brinkaas of the Syliran Knights, White Company, First Regiment, Silver Quadron. It is my pleasure to welcome you to Syliras."

He was about to excuse himself when two towel clad girls, probably his age, wandered over to them in the warm waters. One was auburn maned, clearly well developed, bulging out of her towel, and had a comforting appearance. Not toned or muscular, but more of a curvy, ripe look. The other had a thinner body of an athelete, maybe a dancer or runner, but still had a pretty look to her and carried herself confidently. And looking at Dimitri as if he were a steak, and she hadn't eaten in a month.

"We heard you were a squire," the auburn one began, "We needed some help finding the harbor after we leave here, and wondered if you would take us? She looked at Kendall with a gleaming look in her eye, "And bring your friend." Dimitri looked at Kendall and cocked an eyebrow as if to say 'Why not?'
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Awkward Waters (Kendall)

Postby Kendall Saarinen on April 5th, 2011, 6:47 am

The formal way in which the knight spoke was all good and fine but Kendall truely did not comprehend anything past him saying he was a squire. He was used to the talk of scholars and sailors not of knights. It was not that he was dim or ill-informed. He was just not used to the talk of the Syliran Knights. "That sounds... prestigious." He imagined something in what Dimitri had said was important or at least something to brag about. "I'm simply a poet... I suppose. I write when I can." He was not looking for a free audience for his writing. He simply wanted to make the man feel as though he was making some sort of effort in the conversation.

When the girls walked up Kendall could feel his hair stand on end. He prayed for them to walk away but of course, there was a naked knight right in front of him. "Petch, just my luck. I get a total chick magnet to come up and talk to me with all of these naked girls walking around." He looked at them with dull eyes although he could feel his body reacting to the fact there were two nude girls in front of him. They were beckoning Dimitri to help them and Kendall knew the moment the words left the girl's mouths Dimitri would be chomping at the bit to help them, like any loyal knight would. What he had not expected was for the girls to turn their attention to him as well. He did not see what would be so appealing to them. He was quite feminine looking and although he did have a slightly better than adverage body it was nothing compared to Dimitri's.

Kendall did not want to go. It was as simple as that. Why would be want to go running around with girls? He really had no emotional interest in them. It was his body that craved their touch. Besides, his mind was elsewhere, with someone else. He was not sure how to answer the invitation. Instead he simply tried to avert his eyes away from the girl's chests, a place where his body was beconing him to gaze.
Last edited by Kendall Saarinen on April 9th, 2011, 4:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
"I'm burning and I'm blacking my lungs.
Boy you know it feels good with fire back on your tongue."
-Ryan Ross

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Awkward Waters (Kendall)

Postby Dimitri on April 6th, 2011, 3:13 am

Dimitri failed to notice Ken's discomfort. He was glued to the girls, specifically the more athletic one, just now noticing her golden hair pulled back in a pony tail. He heard the other girls request. "Well of course I will help, the city could be dangerous for young women. And Ken here would love to join us. My name is Dimitri by the way." He knew he hadn't asked Ken but seriously, what kind of guy would turn down the offer. And Ken didn't appear to be the type that readily had a relationship. Dimitri looked over to his new companion and noticed that he looked incredibly uncomfortable. His shyness surprised Dimitri, but he shrugged it off. He noticed he was trying not to stare at the auburn haired girl's ripe young chest. "And who might you ladies be?"

The auburn bounced lightly, much to Dimitri's delight. "Well my name is Aerica, and this is my friend Sasheya. We are both visitors, students from Zeltiva. I'm studying cartography and weather, and Sasheya is studying ship building and carpentry." She noticed Ken avoiding looking at her, so she walked over into his line of vision. She lightly touched his cheek with her arm, and in doing so her towel fell away into the water, revealing that which Ken tried to avoid. "Why don't we get dressed and go to the harbor together. She turned to Sasheya and Dimitri "We will meet you two there?"

Dimitri nodded and smiled at Sasheya as he started toward the poolside, walking a bit more confidently. "Shall we go and get ready milady?" He stepped out of the pool, and gave her a hand getting out, she still keeping her towel tightly wrapped around her body. Dimitri walked into the men's locker room and didn't realize Sasheya had followed him in. He went to his locker and started to open it. She grabbed him by the shoulder, spun him around, and pressed him against the lockers. Both towels fell away as she pressed her slender body to him and assaulted his mouth with her own. After a minute of this she pulled away and rewrapped herself in her towel. "You're a good kisser, get dressed I'll see you out front." With that she walked out leaving Dimitri stunned in silence.

He quickly got dressed and grabbed his gear. Sasheya was waiting outside, garbed in a bikini style top and bottom and a sheer wrap around her waist and legs. "Lead the way." As Dimitri started to walk she hooked onto his arm, and walked with him. They arrived at the docks "I'm not used to such small docks. Have you ever been aboard a ship?" Dimitri shook his head wondering if Ken would be the gentleman and bring Aerica here.
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Awkward Waters (Kendall)

Postby Kendall Saarinen on April 9th, 2011, 5:13 am

Kendall glared darkly at the man. He hated it when people just assumed he wanted a girl because she was naked or beautiful. Never did they take into account that he might be attracted to men. "Petching knight. Why would he speak for me? I barely even know him." Kendall scowled at man and the two girls. Why did they have to interupt his bathing time? He had not even wanted to visit the petching bath house to begin with.

When the girl brushed up against him he moved away almost as if the woman had sent a shock through his body. He had not problem seeing her chest. He had seen his own for twenty-one years. He just was a bit uneasy around being around them when both of them were naked. "Please, I like my personal space." He kept his arms close, almost as if he was trying to defend himself from the girls.

Normally the talk of Zeltiva would have made a smile come to Kendall's lips. This time his face stayed blank in place of him being outlandishly angry. He was horrfied that girls who had studied in the same place as he once did were fawning over the knight like enchanted children. Even if he had been interested in women he would not have found these girls appealing at all. They were too forceful and showy. Besides, his mind was elsewhere in the terms of affection.

As the group moved onto the locker rooms Kendall held a towel around him tightly. When the girl tried to follow him into the lockers Kendall gave her a flat stare. "I would prefer not to have you follow me in here. I'm sure you and your friend have your own locker room you can change in." He was not going to give the girl's the satisfaction of his more kind emotions. In a way he was trying to teach them a lesson although it was a strange way of doing it.

As he got dressed he tried to keep his eyes away from Dimitri and his new female friend. The display sickened him. Didn't people have respect for themselves? He sped through getting dressed. The quicker he was clothed the quicker he could get out of the bath house. When he arrived outside he frowned a bit seeing that the knight and his female friend were waiting outside for him. He had not encouraged the other girl to join although he was not surprised when she appeared outside to join her friend.

He wanted to leave the man with the two girls. He seemed to get along quite well with the skantily dressed females and Kendall clearly wanted no part of it. He felt as though he could not turn down a knight's offer. They were honored greatly in the city and he feared that turning him down would be offensive toward the city. He might not have liked the squire too much but he did like the great city of Syliras. He would accompany the man and his friends out of politeness but if the girls kept pushing he would leave. He would not make himself uncomfortable out of respect. Respect had to be given to be recieved.
"I'm burning and I'm blacking my lungs.
Boy you know it feels good with fire back on your tongue."
-Ryan Ross

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