12th of Summer 510 AV
Erzotol awoke in the pavilion to lights blazing in from outside, temporarly blinding him as he fought his morning grogginess, and shuffled to his feet. It had been a pleasant night of dreaming, and the day before had only a few minor skirmishes with some glassbeaks, which needless to say on the Sea of Grass, it ment it had been a good day.
He stumbled to the mouth of the large tent, leaning on one of the wooden supports as he gazed out over the horizion. The sun was just now begining to come up over the edge, as dawn on this part of the world came to greet the people of this land. Erzotol smiled, and soaked in the warm sunlight, wearing nothing but a pair of his cotton pants. He like to sleep rather bare on nights, despite the fierce cold wind that plauged them.
He streched out into the warm light, welcomed the new day with gusto as he walked over to his horse and began his morning ritual of cleaning and feeding his fine steed. As he brushed the striders tan coat, and a bit of white flashed in the corner of his vision, and he smiled wide and looked down at his feet to see his fox, Laeon, by his feet. Erzotol smiled and crouched low to bend down and scratch behind the playful white fox's ears, and scratch its belly.
He scooped up the fox in his arms and then walked over to the edge of the tent, and grabbed a piece of dried meat from a bag closed up tight, and tied to a jutting pole some ways off the ground, to prevent tappering from cunning little animals like the one in his arms. Erzotol let the fox down and tossed him the chunck of meat. He went inside the tent, and grabbed a small bag of grain, mixed with some nuts and then walked outside towards his horse, tenderly named Airaiet.
Placing the bag full of feed a little ways in front of his steed, he resumed his meticulous brushing of its fur, taking special care to get out all the small pieces of grass and brush from its feet and legs. He ran his hand along the horses form, smiling enjoying the way that its muscles rippled, and enjoying being in the presence of such a powerful and majestic creature. Erzotol ran his hand along its snout, and kissed it on the top of its nose before walking back to the tent. He would try his hand at hunting today.
A little bit later he left the tent, alone save for his trusty hunting partner Laeon perched on his shoulder. He had decided to travel light this day, only carring his composite small bow, a couple dozen arrows, and of course his broadsword just in case he ran into trouble. He wore his cotton shirt and pants, and his durable boots. His full leather regalia in all of its stark whiteness would be too obvious to wear while hunting, and would hamper his already poor hunting abilities.
After a couple of hours of hunting, his small furry companion now leading the way through the grass, he had finally caught sight of a rather large male deer upahead. Making sure to stay low, as his fox had signaled to him with its behavior, he crawled slowly along the grass as silently, and carefully as he could manage, making sure not to disturb the grass any more than the constant wind already was. Slowly, on cue from his fox, he sat up into a crouch, still well hidden by the tall grass.
Slowly and deliberatly taking his bow off of his shoulder, and stringing it he peaked over the edge of the grass to see the buck grazing on a portion not too far away, and seemingly unaware of his presence. He silently drew a arrow, and drew the string back taut as he slowly lifted himself from his crouch, his sights set on the deer as he prepaired to loose the arrow.