[Zeltiva] Player's Guide

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Center of scholarly knowledge and shipwrighting, Zeltiva is a port city unlike any other in Mizahar. [Lore]

[Zeltiva] Player's Guide

Postby Liminal on July 18th, 2009, 6:39 pm

Welcome to Zeltiva! In this thread, you will find a short description of the city, as well as a few OOC notes about playing here.


Zeltiva is a city of about 20,000 inhabitants, making it one of the larger cities in Mizahar. 90% of its residents are human, with the other 10% being drawn from nearly all the other races in Mizahar, without any one predominating. It exists within a curious combination of seafaring and study. Walking through Zeltiva's streets, you would be just as likely to see a sailor, as you would a professor.

On paper, the city is governed by a Lord of Council (the title is the same whether the Lord is male or female), who is elected by all adult citizens and serves a three-year term. In practice, however, this role is almost ceremonial, as nearly all power in Zeltiva is exercised by two groups that exist in an uneasy alliance: the three-member Administrative Committee of the Sailors' Guild, and the seven-member Board of Regents of the University of Zeltiva. The city's population is largely divided into mariners and academics.

Zeltiva is a wealthy, but precariously balanced city. Although Zeltiva's marine power is unmatched, their army is small, no more than a few hundred, and they rely almost entirely on the city's protected location for defense. Despite the city's prominence, Zeltiva is essentially incapable of projecting any real power inland, and what territory beyond the mountains it once had has long since been appropriated by Lisnar and Sunberth.

Because the city contains almost no arable land, food shortages are common. Nearly all staples except fish and kelp must be imported, generally from Syliras, with whom Zeltiva has a cold, but generally stable relationship. The markets, which are often rationed, are essentially the only way to obtain food; Zeltiva has no public restaurants. It does have a smattering of taverns, but the only drinks available in them are water and a local concoction called kelp beer, the most generous description of which by a non-Zeltivan is that it is "an acquired taste."

For more information, check out Zeltiva's entry in the Lore


It's my goal to make Zeltiva as interesting a place to play as possible. It's full of mysteries, oddities, and conspiracy theories, so be prepared! It's also one of the easier places for a non-human PC to live in, although certain of the more "dangerous" races may not be tolerated well.

There's no official "entry" point to Zeltiva, but arriving players should post in the Rolling Waves thread regardless, so that Storytellers can keep track of the players within the City. New players can also post an introduction in the [Common Room] thread where everyone will be more than happy to give you a warm welcome.

Players interested in playing a University Student, or taking a course at the University, should read the Student's Guide before going any further. It contains lots of useful information on how to apply for courses, where you can live, how much they cost, and more.

Players looking for jobs in the City should PM Paragon first to decide on something suitable. After that, the general expectation is two "job" threads to qualify for seasonal wages.

Ideas for new locations, NPC's, or just anything to do with Zeltiva in general are also welcome. Feel free to post them in the Domain Development thread.

Enjoy your stay!
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