Spring 20, 508 AV
Dimitri made his way back to his dormitory after visiting his parents. He arrived and was about to remove his sword and shield when he saw a note sitting on his bed. He'd never found a note in his belongings before. He broke the seal and opened it.
To Squire Dimitri,
Yesterday as I was doing patrol among the farms outside of the walls I noticed a rundown, decrepit farm. It is both an eyesore and an unproductive waste. There's a tragic story to the family that used to farm that land and many superstitious people avoid the land, believing it either to be haunted. I have noticed no such claims. As such I have a new training for you. I would like you to go there, and get the farm and house that resides on it fixed up so that it no longer looks decrepit. Maybe then someone may finally take it over. So in any spare time go out there and get to work. A patrol guard will lead you to the farm, and I talked to the other farmers and they agreed to let you borrow their tools. So get to work young squire, and be honorable.
Sir Adamal Brinkaas
Dimitri was shocked and excited, hard work that actually benefitted someone other than himself. He put his short bow on his back, his sword on his left hip, and his quiver on his right hip, and carried his shield with his left arm. He quickly made his way out of the dormitory and exitted the main gates. He found a patrol Knight walking toward the farms. "Excuse me sir, I am looking for the cursed farm." The knight gave him the hand signal for follow so he did. When they arrived Dimitri thanked the man and he stepped on the decrepit property, seeing the massive amount of work he had to do.