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Postby Sahiri on April 8th, 2011, 3:30 am



Basic Information:
Name: Sahiri
Race: Kelvic (Caracal)
Birthdate & Age Summer 10, 508 AV (2 years old)
Gender: Female

Physical Description: Human
Lithe and slender, Sahiri stands 5’7” and weighs around 136 pounds. She has reddish-brown auburn hair that reaches her waist, thick and straight. Her soft, freckled skin is a café au lait tone, and while she lacks a true classic beauty, her striking features tend to attract a second glance. Being a Kelvic, Sahiri looks quite young, and with her big, dark green eyes, she channels shy innocence quite well. She bears the crimson link of Nikali on her left breast.

Physical Description: Caracal
Sahiri’s animal side is that of a caracal. She has short, sand coloured fur, black-tipped ears, and weighs only about 25 pounds. For a muscular cat, she is deceptively streamlined, and likes to puff up her fur to make herself look bigger when necessary. Still, she isn't so large that she can't pass as a fat house cat in the shadows.

Character Concept:
Sahiri had a very sheltered upbringing, always knowing she was being raised to belong to someone. She was able to grow and blossom without being allowed to bond as a kitten, saving her from She has a quick intelligence and fancies herself a fast learner. In unfamiliar situations, Sahiri likes to watch and listen, preferably at a distance. She is not the friendliest sort, but can often convince some that she is with a shy little smile. She can be quite quiet, though she has her bouts of playfulness with those she trusts, if they will tolerate it. She is at the moment unbonded, but has been craving, yearning, for a bondmate to share her life with.

Fluent: Common
Basic: Vani
Broken: Pavi
Last edited by Sahiri on November 1st, 2011, 12:25 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby Sahiri on April 8th, 2011, 3:43 am


Character History:
Sahiri was born to a pair of Kelvics that lived with Giles Chernock, a human in Syliras. He called her Chisa, and while he was bonded to both of her parents, Fortuna and Sinjin, he refused to bond to their cub. He knew that she would be far more useful and valuable a bondmate if he let her develop properly, just as he had with Fortuna and Sinjin’s previous four offspring, all of whom were out of the house before Chisa was born. Chisa never knew her siblings, any of them – she knew that they existed, two brothers and two sisters, but they were never spoken of, even when she asked about them. The curious kitten was always told that they had left to search for their bondmate. Living with her parents and Giles, Chisa received the rudiments of education, and learned a bit from her fox Kelvic mother about the arts of seduction.

As often as Chisa tried to bond to Giles, he steadfastly refused. When her mother became pregnant again, her instincts told her that her time was coming to a close… just as it had with her brothers and sisters. She soon found in the coming seasons that she was being pushed away more and more by her parents. Before her mother was due to give birth in the Winter of 511 AV, Chisa accompanied Giles to the Mithryn Outpost to go see some friends of his, having felt a distinctly unappreciative air radiating from her mother that she was still hanging around the house. But despite that, the young Kelvic found that she enjoyed the Outpost – particularly the children there, so much so that she was hardly worried when Giles told her he would come back to see her later.

Life outside the city was strange, new, and rather appealing. The children liked her and her willingness to play with all of them, and Chisa found herself getting close to a boy named Lucas, following him around more and more when he was out of schooling and helping his father in the fields. It was the beginning steps of a slow, gradual bond between the two of them, but it wasn’t meant to last. One afternoon, when Chisa was out hunting, she pursued her prey far further than she should have, and soon found herself snatched up in the Bronze Woods… en route to Ravok with a slave caravan.
Last edited by Sahiri on April 19th, 2011, 5:17 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Sahiri on April 8th, 2011, 4:13 am


Training (Skills, Arcana, Lores, Gnoses):
Seduction: 35
Hypnotism: 20
Hunting: 10
Observation: 1
Dancing (Erotic): 1
Lovemaking: 1

Lore: Human Body Language
Lore: Human Anatomy
Lore: Going Shopping
Lore: Using Body Language to Seduce (Basic)
Lore: Looking past the Monster, Striptease (Basic)
Lore: Pain can be Pleasure

Ranuri: Rank 1 Mark
Last edited by Sahiri on November 1st, 2011, 12:22 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Sahiri on April 9th, 2011, 12:57 am


Equipment and Belongings
  • Cotton Cloak (SP)
  • Lace-up sandals (SP)
  • Peasant's toga (SP)
  • Backpack (SP)
  • Waterskin (SP)
  • Toiletries (comb, brush, soap) (SP)
  • Eating knife (SP)
  • Flint and steel (SP)
  • Stiletto Knife (heirloom)
  • Cotton Skirt, Black and Crimson (4 sm)
  • Crimson Silk Sash (4 gm)
  • Cotton Shirt, White with Crimson Ribbon (1 sm)
  • Hair Ribbons (1 gm)

Starting Funds: 500 Gold Mizas
Less: Clothing Purchases: (5 GM, 5 SM)
Present Funds: 494 GM, 5 SM
Last edited by Sahiri on June 21st, 2011, 1:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Cute but psycho... things even out.
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Postby Sahiri on April 9th, 2011, 1:48 am


Thread List:

Spring 511 AV

Summer 511 AV
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Cute but psycho... things even out.
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