Seeing how this came to be (Flashback, Solo thread)

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

Seeing how this came to be (Flashback, Solo thread)

Postby Darren on March 29th, 2011, 11:12 pm

The two had a hearty meal near the stream, taking a quick shower right before. "Ahhh this is the life" he said lying back,they have already ate their meal and were now spending the rest of the day relaxing. They had a hearty meal, filled with breads, fruits, red meats and the occasional sweets in the picnic. "Hehe, you do this every season, huh? Sign me up for the next one!" He smiled as he looked at his dad, He was happy that he was able to keep up to his father's standards. At this he was given nod sending him into the happiest he's ever been, it doesn't happen much but when his father gave him one of those it was like he was snatched up and hugged jumping around.

"Hah I tell you what though. That was one heck of a workout."
he said yawning loudly, he was exhausted the day really was something a normal citizen of Avanthal couldn't do. Seeing this his father performed a quick physical on him. Darren tried his best to keep still as his father eased his body up, starting to feel the fatigue in his body he asked him what the practice did, if only to pass the time. "Basically, today we just focused on conditioning your body. "The run was a nice enough warm up, working to wake up your body. Since I know you are actually a slow stater and all." Darren grimaced when he heard the run was just a warm up. Tck warm up? That I nearly collapsed at the end of that, he thought as he felt a bit disheartened, this might be more then I can handle. His father checked his upper body as he continued "And the other practice was to give you two basic martial arts moves, while building up your strength. Hence the repetitive exercise of picking up those rocks while training, there are many ways to lift things so a good amount of the body gets worked. Also, you can talk to the Isur we were with to train you on the rest of the moves while they are staying here." He touched his side applying pressure to his side, eventually reaching his lower torso which caused to Darren cringe. "Hmm..."

The sun was setting as they finally resumed t
heir training, moving farther into the wilderness. They found themselves in the forest greeted by the usual shuffling and sounds of the creatures in the forest. "Alright then, after today all we need to do is initiate you" he said facing forward waiting for Darren's answer. It this Darren nodded slowly still not grasping the possible dangers of Flux "We stopping here for the night?" he asked slowly placing his equipment down. "Hmm yes! Right! Okay! Yep, let's finish with some deep meditation practices to bring out your latent abilities. Hopefully with enough meditation and concentration you will be able to harness the flux in your body and use it freely. Yes keep your breathing steady and your eyes closed"

Darren looked confused hearing that they were to meditate. He's never actually done anything like it, but if it was what was required to learn his newest form of power. He shrugged and sat down the sitting position awkward since it was his first time trying this. He has never of having this done before but if it was necessary to learn flux himself so be it. "Alright just concentrate on keeping the body in balance and clear your mind," his father instructed.He spent a time just breathing in and out, his chin itched, the movement in the nearby bushes bothered him and most of all the urge to open his eyes was killing him. He shifted around uncomfortably wanting the process to start already. His father alongside of him cast a suspicious gaze at him. "Yes...that's it. Stay still like that for a bit."
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Seeing how this came to be (Flashback, Solo thread)

Postby Darren on March 30th, 2011, 1:21 am

The whole process of keeping still was a novel idea to him. As he sat with a somewhat annoyed expression on his face, sweat beading on his forehead. Must not itch! Must ignore compulsion to shake! Come on Darren...just take in the natural essence of forest, breathe in, breathe out he thought as he sat in self meditation. Listening for reason for once he found himself engrossed with the smells of the forest around them. I smell...acorns, chestnuts... the wood from the trees... and hmm? he thought trying to concentrate on that new smell. He scrunched up his nose doing what his best to decipher the unknown smell. There was something bothering his ability to pinpoint the smell, was that buzzing? He opened his eyes a bit and looked to his left, oh honey! he thought as he saw the hive. Smirking a bit he resumed his meditation, losing track of where his father was but gaining a relative calm in his demeanor. He felt the same feeling before when he was halfway with the boulder exercises, this time he was able track where his the flow of his djed was going, always moving and never resting his face had a serene expression on his face finally able to feel the results of the training. Is this also flux? he thought. I'm not too sure what this is but this feeling of relative peace is rather soothing was pleasing he thought.

However, as the fates would have it this training was interrupted. A sudden spasm of pain entered his system, he momentarily saw the networks in his body react before he lost sight of them. He shot his eyes open to see what just happened. His eyes fell upon a arm, arm that has a hand lodged in him. He coughed uncontrollably, losing his breathe when he realized that whoever it was that attacked them had struck deep in his midsection, hitting the very core of his body. "Guhh... who the-" he groaned as he looked to see who it was, a familiar face? It was in fact one of his own, and his father to be exact. His face was that of surprise and confusion as the man retracted his arm and struck him square in the chest, knocking him flat on his back.

He curled up into the ball as the two body blows winded him, his body's systems reacting violently erratically trying to get him to recover. The djed in his body was so vivid to him as he tried to somehow manage to try and get up. His body unwilling, his mind basically in shock, he flailed around pathetically trying to get up. Somehow thinking there was a way out of it. But in the end it wasn't. He managed to look to see his father standing over him eyes bloodshot red before he applied the last blow to his head. His mind went blank, he lost control of all feeling in this body, he had one last thought before the darkness took over him.

I'm so dying right now...

...aren't I?
The original PC of Miria and Bolivar

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Seeing how this came to be (Flashback, Solo thread)

Postby Cheshire on April 9th, 2011, 3:36 pm


Character: Darren
Experience: Running +1, Flux +2, Meditation +1
Lore: Side Effects of Flux (Basic), The Martial Form (Basic)

Additional Note: Great thread! PM me with concerns.
Avanthal Lore | Vantha | Avanthal | Morwen
When I was just a kitten,
They said I'd be a gem.
But now that I'm a Cheshire Cat,
It's odd how odd I am...
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