Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit For those of you who were in chat last night, you know that I pulled an all-nighter to prepare for my Psych test today. I'm not even sure why I bothered. I was done with the test in about 15 minutes. Which I'm grateful for, because if I'd been confused about it I probably would have just tried to fill in the scantron bubbles with the blood of my enemies. I was pretty cracked out. Plus all the Spanish homework I did? She didn't even collect it. Boooo. Had a pretty great day actually until I started home. See, when I left my house it was 65 and a little gray but nothing untoward. When I got out of class, it had dropped down to 45 and the sky had opened up to pour freezing god-damned rain down upon the city. And there I was in a long-sleeved t-shirt and wearing my grumpypants. Finally got home around 10pm, started to make some pasta for dinner, and halfway through I clumsily dumped half the jar of sauce on the floor. Have you ever dumped vodka sauce on the floor? It looks like the morning-after at a frat party. It hit the floor and splattered everywhere and basically looked like someone had vommed all over my kitchen. Not cool. I managed to clean everything up, but by that time i wasn't even hungry anymore. Blech. I ate anyway because I've apparently lost five pounds this week and that's a bit more than is healthy. I also swallowed the last ounce of my dignity and ended up getting a part-time job. See, I used to work for this detective agency (not nearly as fun as you'd think) doing dictation for them. It was a horrible job because you're not allowed to us the internet or have music or take more than a five minute break. They're like Nazis with shittier fashion sense. And they pay crap and they argue with you all the time, and it's basically just a swirling vortex of suck. I would've kept working their anyway, except I took a week off to go take care of my grandfather when he got sick, and brought in a friend of mine to fill in for me. And they decided they liked her better, so they kept her. She was mortified, but honestly she needed the money more than me so I didn't hold it against her at all. I was glad to not be there anymore. Well, they asked her last week if she knew whether I'd be willing to come in and help them deal with a bunch of backlogged paperwork. I vehemently said no. Now, though, with a few days to think about it and stare blankly at my dwindling bank account, I have reconsidered. So I emailed her today and basically put aside the last remnants of my pride and asked if they still needed help. They do, so I get to go in tomorrow and have them pretend like they missed me, and I'll pretend like I missed them, and just hope they hand me at least fifty bucks when I walk out the door. I feel like I'd probably be better off sucking dick in a truckstop, but you do what you have to in this shitty economy I guess. It is a good thing, I'm just not happy about having to do it. So I'm trying not to be ungrateful, and be an adult. So tomorrow I have to get up early and do some Spanish homework, then go work 11-5 for those douchebags, and then come home and study for my other Psych test that's happening Thursday. And if I get enough studying done, I may end up working for them again Thursday afternoon but I don't want to make any promises until I know that I can pass the test. Then Friday I'll be at the lab at 8am to finish the rest of my Spanish homework and write my other paper for Blacks, then take the test and turn in the paper. And then I have Spring Breeeeeeeak. I can't wait. I may end up working through most of the first week, but I will also be going to the beach if it's warm enough and doing a bunch of work on Miz. My vacations from school always end up being a big development time for me, so here's hoping I can get some stuff done with that. I have so many squires now, I need to finish getting the Wikis up for all the different companies. And I need to reply to all the threads. And and and. ![]() Oh! Another good thing: I followed your advice and went back to black for my hair. Unfortunately the severe bleaching I've been doing to it made it a bit color resistant, so there's still some lights spots. I'm gonna wait two weeks and dye it again once it's in better shape. Luckily my hair is made of silk and sunshine, so chemicals don't really damage it. Thank god. Anyway, here is a photo for those of you who've been begging: ![]() I know I look grumpy and I've got bags under my eyes, but I'd been up for two days. Gimmie a break. ![]() Also, because it entertains me, I present to you the Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger. Honey Badger don't give a shit, it just takes what it wants. Love you guys. ![]() |