Kentassjinka (Jinka)
Race: Dhani (Rattler) Age: 119 Gender: Female Home Region: Sylira
Appearance- SNAKE: Long black coils, 12 1/2 feet in length, Jinka looks like any other rattle snake. The only difference being she is rather large for a normal rattle snake and an intelligent glint in her black eyes sets her apart from the common reptile.
DHANI: In this form Jinka is at her most unique and her most powerful. A figure that would strike fear and perhaps even feelings of disgust in the heart of humans. Her coils, reaching almost 15 feet, are covered in brilliant black scales that seem as deep in color as the night sky, ending with her tail which is tipped off by a thick grey rattle. Her upper half is labeled as humanoid, yes the shape is that of a taunt human female, curves and all. But her lack of hair is the first thing any passerby would notice, upon closer inspection the on looker would see that Jinka's skin is somewhat tinted and holds an odd luster that normal skin does not. Looking at her face some may be quite taken back, with no eyebrows or hair her profile already seems very alien, but adding to this are her large fangs, on the border of being too large for her mouth, the tips peek out from under her upper lip. After taking all of this in the viewer may be utterly disturbed, but then he looks into her eyes, slitted and piercing, and may be unable to focus on any of the features mentioned earlier. Neither human nor reptilian, Jinka's eyes are something to behold, the irises are a deep purple, likening to gemstones in color and coldness, accentuated by her serpentine pupils and the small black tattoos that lie beneath her bottom lid.
HUMAN: Jinka's human form is something she is very proud of, allowing her to walk through crowded areas without the disapproving glares of the other races. She is attractive by human standards with long, eloquent appendages, shapely curves, and a face that radiates mystery. Her eyes, set atop high cheek bones, remain just as strange as they are when in her dhani form, though now they are lined with voluminous black lashes and are slightly rounder in shape. Their glare stays piercing and observant through the black strands of hair that falls over her forehead and sometimes into her line of vision. Jinka keeps her hair cut short so that it would stay out of her way, but her black locks are as wild as bramble and do as they wish, normally this means whilst framing her face, there are usually a few strands that stick up and flip out, giving her an untamed look. Jinka's features and tattoos may be beautiful and exotic but she will never be said to look warm or inviting, something about her face keeps that serpentine visage. Her smile while intended to be friendly or pleasant may appear cold maybe even mocking, and her eyes rarely reflect her smile. Her voice doesn't aide her either, her accent still holds it's hissing quality, as hard as she may try to over come it, her words always come out sounding snake-like, always giving her away to all who have heard it, that she is not human, she is Dhani.
Character Concept: Hunting humans, and in turn being hunted and hated. That is the life of the Dhani, birthed from a sadistic demi god and gifted with poison in both bite and personality Dhani seem fit for such a life. However there are those, far and in between, who are concerned about their races dwindling numbers, and see the need for a change. Jinka has seen the horrors of the world, and she is not alone. Her nest, a small group of Dhani who have branched away from a larger nest, seek safety and a life less stained with their own blood. A time of rest and peace is all they are searching for, and Jinka has vowed to find it, she has witnessed too many humans tortured by her people and as a result has watched hatred flow from the races and onto her family.
Jinka sees herself as a representative of her people, her temperament is more tolerant than most Dhani, making her more capable of demonstrating the "softer side" of the Dhani race. She is an observer in most cases, though acting on instinct and without thinking is not past her, often in these incidents she will find herself in a heated moment and in alot of trouble. Talking is never her favorite activity, but she often forces herself into conversations to keep from appearing too cold, which most people at first glance tend to think she is anyway. There is one area however that Jinka is able to actively show passion in, playing the role of the guardian, protecting those she thinks are at a disadvantage, lending aid to the underdog, for Jinka can't help but think that those who seem weak are similar to hatchlings and need watching after. Keep in mind just because she seems very kind, doesn't mean she lacks the cruelty her race is known for, it's something that Jinka must struggle with daily, an internal battle between her nature and her choices, and not one she always wins. Due to this conflict, she craves an outlet, which mostly comes in the form of her carrying out her own types of justice on those she deems deserving. She is a creature of contradiction and determination, a vicious force with a heart of good intention. She will do what she must for her people's survival, even if it means changing herself and carrying the burden alone. |
Starting Equipment: ■1 Set of Clothing (cloak/coat & footwear included) ■1 Waterskin ■1 Backpack which contains: ■1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap) ■Food for a week ■1 eating knife
Ledger: 600 gm |
Herbalism- (20 pts)- When you live in the wild. you pick up a few herbal remedies here and there. Poisons- (10 pts)- She's a venomous rattle snake, she knows a little something something about poison. Hunting- (15 pts)- Having heightened senses really comes in handy when one is hunting for their next meal. Brawling- (15 pts)- Disputes within the nest are best settled with a show of dominance, and things often become bloody. One must be swift to react, and must hold back little. |