Walking along with Denen was enjoyable to say the least. Leto was truly starting to enjoy the company of the young man, but then again, he enjoyed the company of most men, and few women. He had known all of his life who's company he enjoyed more, but rarely spoke of it til he was about twenty two or so, when Arias, a male strider chose him to be his rider, chose him even before he could be ridden, and when the strider was old enough, allowed Leto his first ride upon him. Walking alongside Denen, they finally made it to his pavilion. It was a small one, definitely much smaller than some of the other pavilions, and when Leto saw it, he thought it to be nice as a beginning pavilion. Perhaps they had just started out on their own, but Leto wouldn't know. He took a seat by the fire as Denen had motioned for him to, and removed his cloak as he did.
His body was covered in glyphic tattoos and scars, but he didn't mention anything abou them as he sat down. His eyes trailed into the fire, his dark gaze illuminated somewhat, as was his face, the blonde of his hair contrasting even more against the black of it underneath. As he watched the fire, he almost became entranced by it, until Denen spoke once more, asking if he enjoyed stories. His head turned from the fire, and he looked towards Denen, smiling as he did, and said, "I do enjoy stories... my uncle used to tell them to me to try and quell my fear of sleep when I was younger... He had the most wildest imagination one might think of, at least that's what I thought. But... if you have any stories, or enjoy telling them, I wouldn't mind hearing one or two..." Perhaps it would be a good way to get to know each other, as he looked towards Denen, admiring his hair, as well as the stone he had within it.
Leto would then listen to anything Denen had to say, giving him the uptmost attention, and hoping the scars upon him didn't draw that much attention. His leather vest hung open, unbuttoned as his triangle tattoo with a line across it was showing in the very center of his chest. He had a few glyphic words written in a semi circle above his belly button, and other glyphs up and down his arms as well as chest. About the only part of him that wasn't really tattooed with some form of glyphs happened to be his backside and his back. Other than that, he had various forms of glyphs tattooed upon him, and his windmark, the large triangle in the center of his chest, which he always said represented 'Split Power', as the triangle could be a symbol for power, but it was split in half via the line across it.
Leto would allow his eyes to trail away from Denen then, and look back towards the firepit, remembering times when his uncle would build elaborate fires. He didn't remember much of his childhood, but then again, after the trauma that happened to him, he likely would never remember the time before he lost his parents and younger brother. As soon as Denen began to speak again though, Leto's attention would be drawn back towards him, in an effort to maintain a constant watch on him, as new as an aquaintance as he was, Leto was quick to make friends, and form relationships, that is, when he wanted to...