[Ravok Quest] Havoc in Ravok (Quest Participants Only)

A secret organization rises up against the Black Sun and havoc spills into the streets of Ravok.

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

[Ravok Quest] Havoc in Ravok (Quest Participants Only)

Postby Verilian on April 9th, 2011, 8:57 pm



And though the sun may shine black,
a new dawn will soon rise...

Havoc in Ravok
Act 1: The Rising Dawn - Intro to the Quest

For several seasons the Rising Dawn has plotted in secret. It's mission, to take down the Black Sun and ultimately end the tyranny of Rhysol, The Defiler. Now their actions have become known, and the Black Sun has issued a call to all loyal citizens of Ravok to stand up and help crush the rebellion. The Black Sun needs you, Rhysol needs you. This thread is just an introduction, but the events that happen here will lead to a greater adventure and ultimately the final conflict between Rhysol's followers and the conspirators of the Rising Dawn.

I've combined several threads into this one for organizational purposes. Each section will have the names of who is supposed to respond to them. Some occur on different days than others. Post responses to your section only, and I will respond after everyone has posted. Also, be sure to check your PMs for any extra details I might have sent you that only your character knows.

OOCI know some of these are a little short, but I promise the epicness will soon unfold. I've got big plans for each and every one of you! ...especially you. >.<

Timestamp: Spring 20, 511 AV

After a long day of work it was always nice to kick back and relax. At least, that's what most people would do if they were given the opportunity to do so. Unfortunately for many people that opportunity rarely did arise, and for Roman there would be no relaxation that night. Whatever plans he might have made to spend the evening were suddenly dashed as he a heard frantic knocking at the front door. Opening the door to see what was going on he found himself face to face with a blood soaked man clutching his stomach.

"Please," the man begged, "You are a doctor... Help me.."

The wounded man sunk to his knees, fumbling for something in the folds of his clothes. "I.. I have coin." He managed to produce a small sack of coins before finally giving in and collapsing in front of Roman. There were around fifty gold mizas in the bag. The man’s wounds were quite severe, but were treatable if dealt with immediately. The man had taken a sword to the stomach, and the wounds appeared several hours old, but it seemed the blade had missed the vital organs. So long as he didn't get an infection the man would live with some care.


Cassandra Coven & Crismento Miren
Timestamp: Spring 22, 511 AV

It was just another day in the Silver Sliver as far as Cassandra was concerned. Patrons were coming and going and so far no major disturbances had broken out. Perhaps the only thing interesting to happen all day was the arrival of the Acolyte and his two lackeys, likely members of the Ebonstryfe. Most of the waitresses avoided the three men who as of yet had not requested anything more than three glasses of water. Cassandra, as usual, had been stuck dealing with them but thus far she had been left alone.

Crismento was on the same side of the tavern as the three men, but not within earshot of their whispered conversation. Not that he had any reason to listen in, but there were many who glanced curiously toward the three though none dared sit close enough to see what they were talking about. Cris had only just arrived, and after a long day his stomach was growling and he had a thirst for a good drink. He was sitting in Cassandra's area, and it wasn't long before she walked up to see what he would order.


oocFor the purpose of proper flow for what is going to happen, posting order is me, then Cassandra, then Cris, then me. Thankyou for your cooperation.

Timestamp: Spring 25, 511 AV

It had been an exciting twenty four hours for the city of Ravok. Beginning with the public execution of prisoners followed by fighting in the very streets, many died throughout the day before things finally calmed down. With all the death taking place, there were a lot of bodies beginning to pile up, and Reaver was able to take advantage of that. While normally he would have had difficulty acquiring corpses for his "research", the city guard had no problem letting him have his pick of the litter when cleanup time came. Reaver was now back at his home with three fresh bodies to examine, all in fairly good condition. Among those bodies was one of the actual prisoners who had been hung the day before.

As Reaver examined the bodies he came across something unusual on the thigh of the prisoner who had been hung, a strange lump as if something had been imbedded there. Closer examination reveals that there is indeed something small and solid just under the skin. The area of skin immediately surrounding he object was much darker than the rest of the man's body, and looked rotten or perhaps diseased. Of course it didn't matter much to Reaver if the body were diseased, there was little illness that could harm the Nuit.

Info :
Assuming Reaver removes the object, he will find a small glass vial filled with a clear liquid that looks like water. Floating in that water is a single drop of black-red liquid that is thicker than the water around it. The vial is virtually indestructible as far as Reaver can tell, if he tries to break it, and is most likely magical in nature. Aside from that, Reaver can literally feel power radiating from the vial when he touches it. The power has no affect on Reaver at the moment, other than that he can sense it.


Aello & Alenias
Spring 25, 511 AV

After a long and tiring day of dealing with ghosts and whatever else life decided to throw at her, Aello found herself once again surrounded by the familiar sights, smells and sounds of the Silver Sliver. This time she was not alone at her table, and was in the company of the kelvic named Alenias who had recently taken a shining to her. It was a normal enough night, though a bit busier than usual, and it was taking a while for someone to serve them. Eventually someone did come though, taking their orders before disappearing once again into the crowd.

One table of men was being particularly rowdy that night and the pair couldn't help but notice them. All of them were big, some handsome and some not so much, and when Aello looked their way she caught the eye of one rather ugly man who gave her a wink and a smile that he probably thought was charming, but looked more disgusting than anything else considering the food particles clinging to his beard and the terrible state if his teeth. The man must have thought Aello gave him an inviting look because after he broke eye contact he nudged his equally unappealing friend and pointed their way. They said something in whispered tones which drew a laugh from the second man, then both stood and walked over.

The stench of food, sweat, and drink surrounded Aello and Alenias as the two men walked up, one of them moving behind the Kelvic and the other leaning over the table, looking to both women. "Hello ladies, we couldn't help but notice you were all alone over here. Thought you could use some gentlemanly company, if ya know what I mean." The man gave Aello a toothy, or more accurately a three quarters toothy, grin and the one behind Alenias laughed dumbly.
Last edited by Verilian on April 9th, 2011, 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Ravok Quest] Havoc in Ravok (Quest Participants Only)

Postby Reaver on April 9th, 2011, 10:18 pm

Reaver was the happiest he's been in weeks, almost dancing as he examined the bodies before him. Wonders never cease to amaze me, three in one day? I might actually keep one for personal use. I wonder, would that 'Ren' I met have anything to do with these attacks? I rather hope they aren't, as his mix added in would only make getting bodies for my work easier. Shame I couldn't help those alive, though. Any injury I can cure is proof of my research.

As Reaver examined the bodies he came across something unusual on the thigh of the prisoner who had been hung, a strange lump as if something had been embedded there. Closer examination reveals that there is indeed something small and solid just under the skin. The area of skin immediately surrounding he object was much darker than the rest of the man's body, and looked rotten or perhaps diseased.

I wonder, what sort disease does that? It didn't kill him, let's see... Pulling out his knife, he was quick to cut around the 'diseased' area. Upon pulling at the flesh, found a small glass vial. How did he get this in here? What is that in it? Picking it up, he swiftly noted the power radiating from it. He was caught off guard, he dropped it right onto his floor. Reaver sighed as he saw it didn't break. I suppose my luck is simply more then I anticipated. Let's try again, carefully. Picking it back up, slowly, he looked at the clear liquid filled within. He noticed a single drop of black-red liquid suspended within it. Shaking the vial lightly, he noted that this drop seamed thicker then the water. What secrets do you hold, vial? Reaver made some attempts to open the vial, to test the contents. After a couple frustrating minutes, he reached for his hammer, then decided against it. It's secrets will be mine eventually, I have all the time in the world. He contemplated what to do with it for a while, then decided it would be best set away in his chest, as he had work to do.

Reaver went back to his work, carefully examining how the body adapted to the wound, and once again continued his precious research for as long as he remained uninterrupted, or until his first body had no secrets left to reveal him. I love working in Ravok, the mess washes away through the floor, and any that remains can be thrown to the fish or used myself. I wonder if someone could find a better use for all these bones and meaty-bits.
((For sake of readability, Reaver's thoughts will be colored today.))
Reaver's CS (Voice: #3355FF Thoughts: #000AAA Hidden: #3D2828)
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[Ravok Quest] Havoc in Ravok (Quest Participants Only)

Postby Aello on April 9th, 2011, 10:22 pm

Aello's nose scrunched unpleasantly as the scent of sweat and alcohol tickled her nostrils. Yune seemed to inch closer and closer to the girl's face. Well it doesn't look as though the sparrow approves of them either. Her eyes seemed to sparkle as she gazed intently at the Kelvic, and the fool who stood behind her. Well, they sure make it difficult to determine which is more unfortunate looking... and smelling, Aello thought, as she pressed her feet firmly into the ground. Her toes clenched and then unclenched in her boots, as each of the girl's muscles tensed. She didn't like the idea of the man's breath on the back of Alenias' neck. She was sure Alenias didn't like it either.

The young spiritist smiled weakly as her eyes passed back and forth over the two drunken men. Hopefully they won't try anything too stupid, Aello thought, as she dug her feet into the ground, and scooted her chair back. She heard it click against the seat behind her. A little too far back love. Thankfully, there was no one sitting there, or else she may have yet another fool to deal with. Aello placed her hands on the table, palms facing down. She pressed into them lightly, and got to her feet. "We do know what you mean, and no, we have no need for your... services," the girl said plainly. The girl's lips were stuck together, slightly frustrated by the bold nature of the man.

Slowly, Aello's left hand crept across the table, until it met the wooden frame of her father's old bow. Hopefully, they'll be smart enough to leave before we're forced to use this. When her fingers met the middle of the bow, the girl wrapped her fingers around it. She pulled the bow into her palm. It felt rough against her skin. Every one of Aello's fingers seemed to tense as she pulled the bow off the table, and stepped to the side, away from her chair. She kicked it into place behind the table with her right foot. Her eyes were darting between the men, and Alenias. The edge of her bow seemed to lightly brush the closest man's pant legs. "Now, if you'll excuse us, we have much to attend to."

It is best to retreat in a situation such as this, right? Aello thought, as she stared at the man who was hovering over the center of the table. Unless of course they decide to start trouble... in which case, you should crush them. Yune chirped once, as if beckoning to Alenias, or perhaps, it was a startled cry. Aello couldn't be sure, nor could she ask Alenias to translate with all the other people in the bar. Needless to say, her heart was beginning to pick up the pace as she stood, and waited, hopefully Alenias would take the hint. But if she didn't get it, Aello added, "come along love, we have to go to the store before it closes." Aello's palms began to sweat, making it more and more difficult for her to maintain such a tight grip on her bow. Her fingers felt cold, were they trembling?

This is so not what we needed right now. What is it with bars and dark alleyways constantly going hand in hand with both ugly and creepy people? Aello wondered, as she swallowed the clump of saliva that had gathered at the back of her throat.
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[Ravok Quest] Havoc in Ravok (Quest Participants Only)

Postby Cassandra Coven on April 10th, 2011, 1:08 am

Cassandra saw the tall man enter the room and take a seat in the area she serve3d in, near the table of the three Ebonstryfers. Tall, well-dressed and handsome - here was a man deserving of the special service she liked to employ every now and then to a select few among the tavern goers. How she chose them was a matter entirely dependent on her whim, and tastes, however. At least a few flirtatious moments with him would be enough to offset having to serve the three 'Stryfes all night. Flashing a brief smile at her fellow barmaids, who had unanimously decided that she should serve in that area exactly because of the three government officials, Cassandra sidled over to her latest customer.

"Good evening to you, sir," she greeted the man with the welcoming of tones, a warm smile gracing her lips. "My name is Cassandra, I'll be your server for the night. I hope I'll be able to satisfy whatever need you may have tonight."

As she held her serving tray down by her apron, she stood a little too near the man, far closer than she would have stood had it been any run of the mill patron. The curve of her rear was within easy reach should the man decide to give it a more than friendly pat. Certainly, she would not dance away from him if he tried. After all, perhaps such gestures would net her a good bit of a tip.

Or more.

"Just tell me what you'd like to have..."

Her voice had just the right mix of suggestion and professionalism to make anyone think twice if she was just being accommodating or offering a little bit more. It was one of the most basic tricks of the trade. For her at least.
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[Ravok Quest] Havoc in Ravok (Quest Participants Only)

Postby Roman on April 10th, 2011, 1:30 am

Roman let out an irritated sigh as he heard somebody knocking on his door and set his hot drink back down on his table as he pulled himself out of his comfy chair and went to open the door. As soon as he opened the door he stared at the bloody mess of a man standing in front of it. His eyes widened in horror as he saw the gaping wound in the mans stomach, the organs of the man barely being contained in his belly by a few flimsy strands of flesh.

After he got over his few moments of shock he quickly rushed to support the man and getting him inside of his house,pulling the door close behind him.
"Dear god what the hell happened to you?" He managed to stutter out as he dragged the wounded man inside and let him sit on the sturdy table.
"No wait, don't talk and just lay down as I get my tools." He rambled on, a bit shocked at the sudden wake up call he got. Still he didn't let the sight creep him out and he quickly grabbed his tools and turned back towards his case, the sac of coins now lay completely forgotten on the floor of his home. He dropped the bag of tools besides the man and pulled out his dagger from out his belt. Before he looked at the man with what he hoped was a reassuring expression.
"Now I just need to cut away the fabric from your shirt, if I don't get it out it might cause infections and pulling it over your head might make the wound even worse." He explained as he carefully grabbed the man's tunic and cut it open from the top of his collar to the bother of it, pulling both pieces to the side and exposing the wound to him.
And to be honest, while it was a bad wound it looked worse then it really was, his guts where still all in place so if he thoroughly disinfected the wound and stitched it up he should pull through. Well he thought so...

Putting those thoughts out of his mind he opened up his doctors bag and pulled out a small rod of iron wrapped up in leather, a clean rag and a vial of alcohol. Offering the rod of iron towards the patient.
"Here bite on this while I go to work." He waited until the man took the rod and had it firmly in between his teeth before he carefully began to clean the wound.
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[Ravok Quest] Havoc in Ravok (Quest Participants Only)

Postby Alenias on April 10th, 2011, 5:08 am

Alenias was smiling happily as she sat the at the table with Aello. Not only was she with Aello, but the emptiness was gone from inside of her. The smile quickly faded as a familiar smell reached her nose, and her eyes widened with fear. The last time she had smelled that smell the bad men had come during the night to try and take her.

As the men stepped up behind Alenias and to the table she turned her head back and forth and glanced at them nervously. At least they didn't have nets or knives, and Aello was there with her. So she was sure they couldn't catch them, but it didn't do much to make her feel happy about the man's presence behind her.

It seemed that Aello wasn't happy either by what she said and did. As Aello scooted her chair back Alenias went to do the same, but found she couldn't because of the man standing behind her. Swallowing nervously she glanced back at the man, worried that he was going to grab for her hair to keep her from leaving, but he just laughed.

Turning her gaze back to Aello as the womanpicked up her bow and said they had much to do Alenias gave a faint nod of agreement. She certainly wanted to go, but she was paralyzed by her fear of the man behind her. Even Yune's encouraging chirp of, "Come along dear," couldn't get her body to move. Finally Aello's call got her to slide out of the seat with a quick reply of, "Coming!"

She hoped that the man wouldn't grab for her, or try to stop them from leaving. She didn't want to cause any problems for Aello.
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[Ravok Quest] Havoc in Ravok (Quest Participants Only)

Postby Crismento Miren on April 10th, 2011, 2:42 pm

While trying to familiarize himself with the new city, its location and the type of people that lived there, Crismento learned that The Silver Silver Tavern is quite a good place to have something to eat and drink. It was also a rather convenient place for his other activities that he engaged in. Taverns in general tended to be suitable for meeting the right sort of people, learning rumours, or even more substantial, useful information. Cris tried not to spoil this location by visiting it too often. His pretty face served him well for attracting the right kind of attention and for overcoming some personal defences that people build against strangers, but it also remained in people’s memory for longer than it was desirable.

So there he was, sitting at the table in The Silver Silver Tavern, carefully glancing around, hunting with his eyes and ears for anything that would grab his interest. However, it wasn’t the main reason why he was there and Cris was doing it more out of habit. Today he was there to relieve his hunger and if he learned a thing or two about Ravok, it would just be a pleasant bonus.

It wasn’t too long before he noticed three people not very far away that didn’t strike him as his natural allies, whatever those may be. For a brief moment his spine was chilled with cold sweat, before his rational part of mind kicked in. Nobody was out to get him, because nobody knew him in Ravok. Cris did nothing wrong in the city and had a clean slate here. In fact, he probably was pure to everyone in the world except for a small number of people in Zeltiva who hated his face and whatever name they had attached to it. And those names had never visited Ravok and never will. And besides, his little adventures probably weren’t even on the same scale these three people were interested in. Cris was far from a devoted follower of Rhysol, but he sure wasn’t an enemy of the god, and he would sing praises to The Defiler if asked. After all, words were easy for him.

After Crismento convinced himself that there was no cause for this unreasonable worry, he decided that it wasn’t a good idea to keep looking at the three men. It wasn’t a difficult task at all, because soon Cris found something, or rather someone, much more pleasant to the eye to look at. A gorgeous waitress was approaching him and soon she was wiping of any signs of the slight anxiety from his face as she greeted him with an inviting smile on her face and introduced herself. Granted, ‘introduced herself’ wasn’t a very generous term to use in this case, as it was something much more. The way she talked and stood there beside him - Cassandra obviously knew what she was doing and Cris wasn’t naïve enough to have any illusions, but he still found it hard to resist these purposely ambiguous, yet hardly disguised as such, words.

”And a very good evening to you, my dear,” Crismento’s face smoothly transformed to return her smile. ”You couldn’t have arrived at a better moment than this! My strength has abandoned me and refuses to come back before I agree to have something to eat. And that is not the end of my problems, since my throat demands some ale to wash it. Would you be so kind and aid me in this dire state, Cassandra, my love?” His hand was slowly sliding down the table towards the waitress. She just stood there nearby, yet appeared so inviting to a touch and a gentle run of one’s fingers through her side, if not more. Cris followed his hand with own eyes until he stopped it, still on the table. He didn’t want to appear so easily manipulated, even though Cassandra made it seem enjoyable to be such. Crismento looked back at her and smiled again. ”And if you would grant me your presence and this fascinating smile of yours throughout my visit, I couldn’t be any happier today.”
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[Ravok Quest] Havoc in Ravok (Quest Participants Only)

Postby Verilian on April 14th, 2011, 11:56 pm


Reaver found no strange markings anywhere else on the man's body, unless you wanted to count the red line where the rope had snapped his neck when he was hung. The neck was cleanly snapped; he had probably died instantly. Some might consider him lucky, for those who did not die from the initial drop had to hang in agony until they died of suffocation. This man probably felt little to no pain when he died, however the broken neck might be problematic if Reaver had any intention of using the body for himself. It would have to be repaired in order to be usable.

The second body was another male, this one of moderate height and the stature of a hard laborer. His cause of death was rather apparent, an arrow wound to the chest had penetrated his lungs. The man's death was probably nowhere near as quick or painless as the first. Further inspection did not reveal any hidden prizes in this corpse and as he was preparing to move on to the third Reaver heard a noise behind him, like something moving across the room. When he looked there was nothing there, though he was sure he had heard something... Maybe it was just a rat. There were more than a few of those running around the city, though how they got to the middle of a lake was somewhat of a mystery. Probably stowed away in one of the shipping crates.

The third body was a woman. She had long red hair and was in peak physical condition. Most likely she had been a warrior of some sort. Bruises covered her body, primarily her ribs, as if she had been kicked or beaten. It was hard to determine how she died, there was no one clear wound that would do the trick, and it was likely he result of being beaten so hard until her life finally gave out.

As Reaver examined the woman he heard a strange noise, not a rat, but rather a sickening bubbling sound. The sound was coming from the stomach of the first body he had examined and if Reaver had any sense about him he would back away. The man's gut rose and fell, bubbled and ultimately burst spewing pus and guts like a small geyser as the contents of the man's insides exploded out if his body. A foul smell filled the room and had Reaver been alive he might have puked then and there.


A voice spoke his name, but Reaver was alone in the room. Had he just imagined the voice? Did it matter? He knew what he'd heard.. But there was nothing it could have come from. Searching the room would reveal that he was indeed alone. Once Reaver had satisfied himself that there was nobody with him he went back to work, but he could not shake the feeling that he was being watched. As the day went by Reaver grew more and more certain that something was indeed in his house. At times he thought he could hear whispering somewhere nearby, and on more than one occasion he thought he saw a figure standing just within his peripheral vision but whenever he turned to look there was nothing there but empty air. By the time the sun set in the sky it was getting so bad Reaver could not think without hearing voices. They weren't in his head, but actual voices whispering his name and other things he could not make out.

When darkness fell things began to escalate. Reaver was certain he was not just imagining things. While the voices and seeing people who disappeared continued throughout the night, other strange things began to happen. The first thing Reaver noticed was that all his tools had been moved, not far, but just turned in he opposite direction from how Reaver remembered leaving them. The next thing he noticed was that his front door was open. A short while later he found the chest where he stored things open as well. Other things continued to happen as the night drew on and then...

It was daylight. Reaver was not in his house. He was outside, a small crowd of people were clapping for somebody. He was... in the Merchants Ring? Standing outside Jester's Corner. And... holding a fiddle? And people were clapping. Was there somebody behind him performing? No. They were clapping for him. Hu More, the owner of the shop, was standing off to the side watching. After the clapping died down he walked up and took the fiddle from Reaver's hands.

"Very good sir. Did you want to buy it?"

The fiddle is 50 gm if you actually do want to buy it. If you question Hu about how you got there he'll just say you showed up, looked around, and asked to try out the fiddle. The last thing you remember you were in your house and it wasn't even midnight yet. Oh, and the vial is in your pocket. If you go home you will find the door open, your stuff is all over the place, and you have been robbed. You can decide what all was stolen, and don't worry I will give you an opportunity to get it back so don't be afraid to have a lot taken. Oh and the voices and stuff have stopped. Oh and the corpse explody thing.. I stole that from an episode of Bones. Apparently it is something that actually happens under the right conditions.. Although these were not at all the right conditions.

Cassandra & Crismento

Crismento's eyes were not the only ones watching Cassandra's not so subtle display. Not counting just about every man in her general vicinity, one set of eyes in particular was watching with more than a little interest. As Cassandra finished with her customer and made her way back toward the kitchen a gloved hand shot out from the table with the three men and grabbed Cassandra's arm. Had he been any other man the reaction in the tavern might have been different, but this man adorned the dark robes and onyx symbol of the Black Sun. Silence fell over the tavern as all eyes turned to watch the Acolyte and the waitress whose arm he held in his vice-like grip. The man did not seem to notice or care that everybody was looking at him, and looked up at Cassandra with his two pale white eyes. "A word, if you will, my lady." His voice was soft, almost gentle, but held a touch of venom to it Cassandra could not help but notice. He did not wait for a response, but slowly began to pull on her arm with an unnatural strength a man of his stature should not possess.

The two Stryfe sitting across from him couldn't help but grin at the view they received as the Acolyte pulled her down into a leaning position on the table so he could whisper into her ear. Anyone who could see their faces could tell they were looking forward to whatever fun the Acolyte had in mind for the poor waitress, and by the look in their eyes it would probably prove to be a long night for Cassandra. The Acolyte leaned forward and almost pressed his lips to Cassandra's ear then whispered, his voice barely audible even to her. As he spoke his other hand made to slide up her thigh, but it was only a ruse as it subtly slipped something into her pocket.

"Cassandra Coven," his breath was warm and moist against her ear. "Your God requests a boon of you. Sprinkle this over that gentleman's food and into his drink." He was speaking of Crismento, and of whatever it was he had slipped into her pocket. "Do this, and you will be rewarded.. Do not. And you will die." His grip tightened slightly as he spoke the word die. "Now, stand and flirt with my men, then attend to your customer." The Acolyte let go of Cassandra's arm and put on a big smile, then spoke loudly enough for anyone nearby to hear. "Oh, and drinks are on the house tonight! For everyone!" He ended with a loud smack to Cassandra's rump, giving her a shrewd smile and drawing a laugh from his men and possibly a few others though it was hard to hear over the cheer of everyone who was about to get free ale.

ooc :
Cassandra will find a small bag of salt-like substance in her pocket. Just enough to get the job done. The stuff doesn't have much of a taste or smell, and Crismento will likely just assume it is salt if he notices at all. The effects will take a few minutes to notice, but Crismento will begin to feel drowsy within a few minutes of consumption.


The man bit down on the rod as Roman poured alcohol on the wound. It was probably very painful, judging from the way the man grinded his teeth on the rod stifling a scream. If he was lucky the alcohol would kill any infection he might get, but there were still other dangers. The man had lost a lot of blood and lost more every time he moved. He was very weak, and if he did somehow get infected his body wouldn't likely be able to fight it off. And there was still the possibility that there already was an infection and the alcohol might not be enough. Or he might just die from the overall trauma of the experience. But Roman was fairly certain if all went well the man would live.

As Roman worked he noticed an interesting tattoo on the man's chest, just over his heart. At first glance it looked like the emblem of the Black Sun, making it all that more important to ensure the man's good health. To have a member of the order die on his table would not be a good thing for Roman. Even though it wouldn't be his fault, he would likely be blamed for the accident and at he very least be permanently shut down, at worst imprisoned or even executed. But upon closer inspection he would notice that behind the black sub was another, it's golden rays shooting out in all directions sort of like an eclipse. It wasn't a symbol he had ever seen before. Perhaps it was some secret order of the Black Sun or Ebonstryfe, or maybe it was something else. Truly there was no way of knowing at that moment, and Roman had other things to worry about.

The man grunted in pain as Roman dabbed at the wound, convulsing violently and starting the bleeding all over again. It was beginning to look like Roman would have to strap the man down with something. The wound needed to be closed, the sooner the better, but stitching would be impossible if the man didn't stay still. Another series of painful convulsions ran through the man, leading Roman to wonder if perhaps the damage was worse than he thought. He hadn't even touched the man that time. Whatever internal damage me might have, the open wound was still he most pressing concern.

Aello & Alenias

The man frowned when Aello politely declined his services. He didn't like being denied what he wanted, it mad him sad. Sad and angry. Aello started to stand and the man did the same, taking his weight off the table. By now others in the tavern had noticed what was going on, and it was beginning to get quiet. It was a sound Aello knew well, the sound of silence right before somebody did something stupid. She just didn't seem to have any luck when it came to taverns... Or alleys, or abandoned buildings, or the wilds... In fact, Aello just didn't seem to have any luck at all. The man spoke.

"Now, now, there's no need to be rushing off. Stay and chat a while."

When Alenias tried to stand the man behind her put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her back down. "Uh uh." He looked down at Alenias and smiled, his expression somewhere between stupid and idiotic. ..at least he had all his teeth though. Alenias didn't have much luck either, to be honest. Her master dies and she almost gets captured all in less than a years time. The two finding each other was probably the luckiest thing that had happened to either of them in a while. But now both their bad lucks seemed to have caught up with them.

People were watching now, though not all eyes were upon them. Things had not escalated enough to garner the attention of the entire establishment, but one brave waitress did notice and tried to dissolve the situation before it turned ugly. "Please sirs, there's no need for trouble. Let the ladies be. How about a hot meal and another round of Silver Silver for you and your friend? On the house." The waitress was already carrying a tray of food and drinks. Aello and Alenias would recognize her as the one who served them when they first sat down. The stuff she carried was most likely for them.

The first man, the talker of the two, turned to the waitress and shoved her to the ground. She went down hard, followed by the crash of her tray and the shattering of glass as the mugs broke on he ground. Stunned and covered in food and drinks the waitress cried out and tried to climb back to her feet, but the dumb one had turned away from Alenias by then and shoved the poor woman back to the ground. "Nuh uh.. You stay." the tavern was silent now and all eyes were upon Aello, Alenias, the waitress, and the two big men. None dared to make a move, fearing what the two oafs might do next.
Last edited by Verilian on April 27th, 2011, 9:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Ravok Quest] Havoc in Ravok (Quest Participants Only)

Postby Aello on April 15th, 2011, 1:20 am

Again with the bar fights? Really? Can't we have one bloody peaceful day? Aello internally groaned as each of her muscles tensed. Her eyes were flashing angrily, ignited by tiny, invisible flames. "Get your filthy hands off of her," Aello growled. "Unlike some people, she was trying to be nice." Her eyes darted from the second man who had been behind Alenias before, to the one directly in front of her. After a moment, they stopped on the man who seemed to be in charge, the one who had been leaning against the table.

"Alenias, go help the bar maid up please," Aello instructed, never taking her eyes off the man. "Now, each of you is going to go back to your table, and leave us all alone, got it?" she hissed. Aello had turned to the man who had put his hands on Alenias, "unless of course, you are foolish enough to think that you can get away with laying your hands on her again?" Aello had tilted her head slightly to the side. She had put her bow back on the table, knowing that if the fight occurred inside, it would be of no use. She laced her bag back off her shoulders, and placed it on top of the table. "Should you so much as try, you'll find yourself in even more trouble. How would you like me to cut off each one of your fingers, hmm?" Aello asked. "And depending partially on their mood, and and how much we all enjoy hearing you scream, perhaps we'll move onto your toes. And then your tongue."

Aello had taken a half step forward, her eyes had darted back to the man closest to her. "You my lucky man, will have a slightly different, more painful punishment. We'll begin by gouging out your eyes, and filling the sockets with your precious crimson red blood. After that, we'll chop of each of your ears, your fingers, and then your toes. When all of that is done, we'll chop out your tongue, so you can't so much as scream out in pain and agony, as your body bleeds, and then crumbles before each of us," Aello taunted. Her voice was icy, yet playful, like she was going to enjoy destroying him.

Aello's right hand was hovering over her thigh, preparing herself for the moment the dagger came into play. She knew it was unlikely she could avoid a fight, but it'd be better if she had managed to bring it outside. That way it may be a little bit more fair. After all, the men had friends, Aello simply had Yune, Alenias, and perhaps the barmaid, who was still stuck on the floor. Poor thing. "Now how is that for our little chat?" Aello inquired, as she pulled the blade out of concealment. The blood stains seemed to glow ominously in the pale tavern light. Aello took a half step closer to the man. "We can take this outside if you'd like, just to save you the embarrassment, because trust me when I say that Alenias will enjoy every single one of your pathetic screams, and unanswered cries for help," Aello taunted.

"Now where do we begin boys?" Aello asked, as a sick smile crossed her lips. The blade flashed as Aello adjusted her grip on the hilt, and it moved ever so slowly. "Because the blade could use some fresh blood," she laughed, an evil, hearty sounding laugh. There was a slight pause, "and barmaid, you might want to get out of the way," she whispered as her muscles continued to flex, waiting for the drunken fools to make a call.

OOCGeez V, why do you always put me in these sorts of situations. Do you know how psycho my pc seems now? *giggles*
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[Ravok Quest] Havoc in Ravok (Quest Participants Only)

Postby Reaver on April 15th, 2011, 1:24 am

As Reaver started on the woman, he noticed the noise coming from what was left of his first target along the floor, and was swift to find cover. The guts, which he had removed and examined earlier, had an unfortunate accident right before him. The smell was, quite foul. Business will be dead for at least a week with that smell. Moving on, Reaver decided the third body would be best to keep. The bodies of warriors lasted much longer then the others. As he finally got the body back in the coffin, he did his best to make sure it was properly locked. Bruises wouldn't hinder the Nuit, no.


A voice spoke his name, but Reaver was alone in the room. He was swift to check outside, only to find no-one there. The air was a nice change, but he had work to do and wasn't to be hindered by hearing things. He felt he was being watched, could feel his paranoia grow. As he began to see things, he sighed and rested his eyes. I haven't cast magic today, mayhaps I needed this body after all. Resuming the embalming process of the warrior, he couldn't shake the bad omen that seamed to surround him constantly.

The dark, normally a good thing. He did his best to ignore what he assumed was a simple magic relapse of some sort, but then he noticed other things. His tools were moving around, his door was even opened at one point. This prompted him to search the outside of his house all the way around, only to re-enter. Having closed his door, he moved his hand to his mask and sighed, not sure what to make of the situation before him. Closing his eyes a moment, he attempted to regain his thoughts.

Reaver felt abandonded once he opened them again, nothing was where it was. An illusion? No, too complete. It was light, his comfortable dark was gone. He had a musical instrument on him, and a crowd around him who was amused. He put his hand to his ma~The mask! It was gone! The clapping died down and a man he presumed to be the owner walked up and took the fiddle.

"Very good sir. Did you want to buy it?"

"Ahh, my apologies. I forget I don't carry my money on me my first trip. I hope the performance was fine enough for the inconviniance. Perhaps later, if I remember where I hid it." A ghost may have taken me. I hope I didn't sell my home in the day. Reaver was swift to make his way back, with only a couple wrong turns. He was alarmed to find his door open, and through searching found he had been missing a lot more then he had hoped. His mask, his medical supplies, the chest he used, and even the books! How fiendish! He checked what he still had on him, well, he had the armor and wig. He had his cloak, that was important. He had, the vial? You, why are you here? Your magic must be to blame. "Ghost, if you're still here, the least you could do is ask. Next time maybe I'd like to watch myself do well to impress someone." He pulled out the vial and stared intently at it. "If you teach me to play well enough to earn an income, I'd buy you the fiddle with the money."

Reaver checked his gut, sure enough, hidden among his unneeded organs, was his money. He didn't bother to pull out the pouch or check the number, it would be gone if he had it taken. He stopped to think, what could he do. He then remembered the warrior's body, and was swift to check the coffin. Locked, and the book they took had my key. What a hindrance. With a heavy sigh, Reaver devoted himself to searching for clues as to who the thieves may have been. Not finding any, clues as to where they went. At the very least, he wanted back his mask.

OOCReaver has very little in his house at all, let alone of value. That was pretty much everything Reaver had any care for.
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