by Jaelyn Baroth on April 15th, 2011, 3:40 pm
Jaelyn gave a soft sigh at Jokor's ranting against the laws once more. She supposed she could understand considering his history, but it was not easy to deal with. The name that he invoked however caused her breath to catch. She knew of Yshul, and what she was Goddess over. She supposed that he might just be saying it, and not actually worship the Goddess of thieves, but what if he did?
She would have to keep a closer eye on him, but for now there was little point in worrying about it. Worshiping Yshul was certainly not against the law. So she did her best to give a patient smile to Jokor, "Like I said before Jokor, it is not hard to obey the law as long as you are nice to everyone. It is not like the laws ask odd and confusing things."
When Jokor stopped Jaelyn almost laughed at the look he gave her. It was amusing, but at the same time it was sad that he would be suspicious of such a simple offer. He definitely needed help in overcoming his past. At his acceptance she gave a smile and a nod, "It is still some time until dinner, so we can look at a few more of the places on your list," she gave him a look over, "And perhaps go get you a bath. You could use a little cleaning up."