Ice Cold Fight (Darren)

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

Ice Cold Fight (Darren)

Postby Stitch on March 14th, 2011, 5:55 am

Hopping in place a bit, Stitch started to flow a bit of the Flux through his veins, forcibly speeding up the current flow of Djed in his left leg. It was a technique he had randomly decided to start trying while in Avanthal, and it was proving to be a lifesaver. Slowly increasing the speed of the Djed flowing within his body eventually managed to increase the flow of his bloodstream, and in turn, increased his body heat. It was pretty vital to actually staying un-frozen within this icy wonderland.

Stitch set himself up as the man approached, putting both of his hands up at chest level, letting the palms face the approaching opponent. All around the two men, other people were slowly selecting and squaring off with their opponents as well. While they were stretching and jumping, limbering themselves up for a rather impressive bout with each other... Stitch was simply standing there, knees lightly bent, palms held as if he was warding off Damen. He cocked his head slightly as he heard the man comment on his handicap, a light smile spreading across his face.

Oh yeah. He often forgot he was blind. He could just see so well.

The kick of snow was like a starting signal, and Stitch bolted forward. A cloud of snow kicked up as he shot off, lunging forward. A foot planted in the snow, right in front of Darren, and Stitch used it as a pivot point to bring his other foot around. Stepping forward in one giant motion, Stitch threw a left palm forward, smashing the strike in a straight line toward the man's sternum. It would be sudden, fast, and extremely accurate. The blind man could apparently see somehow, and his strikes held a definite danger do him.

He wasn't all that built though. Perhaps Darren would be able to just take the blow? He couldn't be for sure. Even if the man wasn't that strong-looking, he was skilled enough to know how to put his weight behind a blow. The massive lunge, the giant pivot with the step, a step that had given him a solid base to keep his balance with... Even as his palm shot forward, he continued to add momentum to it, twisting a bit at the shoulder to add some rotation to the palm strike.

All the while, his other palm was held back, calmly ready for the defense.
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Ice Cold Fight (Darren)

Postby Darren on March 14th, 2011, 5:40 pm

As Darren kicked the snow he saw the visage of Stitch in front of him advancing. Darren barely had anytime to react to Stitch's thrust as he turned his body to try to avoid the strike. He figured based on the man's disability he'd be an assassin type-fighter, moving quickly with deadly moves at the first sign of where their position could possibly be.

"Tck" He said as he felt Stitch's attack starting to touch his skin. After seeing the motions of a thrust, even though a bit late, he still managed to body turn most of the attack. The palm however still managing to push Darren to the side causing him to spend 1/2 a second more then usual to recover his footing. Not wanting to waste anymore time he aimed a Lariat at Stitch's body, attempting to follow through with the hit and possibly to knock them both to the ground.
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Ice Cold Fight (Darren)

Postby Stitch on March 18th, 2011, 2:56 am

Something of a smile flickered across Stitch's face, but it wasn't one meant to mock his opponent. It was a smile of enjoyment. It had been awhile since he had been able to fight to his hearts content, yet in a friendly and casual kind of setting. While the blind disliked simple and meaningless violence... the art of sparring in order to improve one's self had always managed to provide a thrill for him.


The man turned to the side, and stumbled back a step, skilled enough to read ahead a move and get out of the way. Stitch had a good eye still focused on his Aura, and he was delighted to see how the beautiful colors were developing. They were brightening and flashing a light red, a signal of the violence that was swelling up inside of him. Along with being a cocky and confident individual, he was also a fighter. A brawler almost, although his movements and actions seemed to be quite refined. The violence that swelled up inside of him, it certainly wasn't the wild violence of a simple brawler. The red lights that ran through his body ran in a predefined and disciplined manner, as if he had long sense learned to channel his violence in a disciplined manner. Perhaps he used a form of martial arts in order to express his violence, or his desire to fight? Stitch eagerly melded even closer with Darren's Aura, happily becoming a bit more intimate with it. To closely examine a single Aura was now child's play to the man. He could do it on the fly, without hardly a second thought, process all of the information, and continue on with whatever task was at hand.

Like dealing with the Lariat.

The man regained his balance before even a second had passed, and rushed forward, throwing out an extended arm hook with his right arm before Stitch could fully pull his striking hand back. He still had his other palm for defense, though. He had kept his strongest hand in reserve. His right. A lariat was something simple to defeat. The man wasn't putting his all into it, Stitch would tell. There was a different type of violence throbbing underneath all of those contained, well-drawn red lines coursing through his vibrant Aura. He was just testing Stitch out, for now. That wouldn't do.

Stitch bent a bit at the knee, and his other hand snapped out, coming across his body in a flat palm to catch the attacking arm right in the bend of the elbow. It stopped the oncoming arm in mid-motion, but didn't prevent the rest of Darren from continuing on. Stitch simply took a step forward and twisted a bit at the waist, bending his own arm at the elbow, sending the sharp elbow at the man's stomach in a dangerous strike. Almost at the same time, his left arm had managed to come back, and place itself in position.

He shot his other hand out, aiming a flat palm, firing it up and sideways as if to slap at Darren's cheek. It was just a sideways palm thrust, and would do much more then a simple slap would.

It was a sudden, accurate, fast series of blows, and it was designed to beat Darren back until he finally took the blind man seriously.

The whole time, Stitch kept a subconscious eye on the man's Aura, keeping track of his attention, as well as his still-developing Aura. The man had something else in reserve. What was it?
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Ice Cold Fight (Darren)

Postby Darren on March 26th, 2011, 1:29 am

Stitches's retaliation was pretty concise as he buckled under the man's grip as he was guided into his next blow. The elbow caused him to nearly lose his breathe a bit but what really bothered him was the follow up palm. The hit didn't stung as much as a slap and the brunt damage didn't bother him too much but rather, it was his pride getting hurt. Ugh, what is this? Is he trying to embarrass me?!?! Is he really trying to make me-His eyes shot open a furious red at this test of character. He didn't care if he was defeated, it was fine but if it was an assault on his character that wasn't something he'd let go. He took the hit head on as he gritted his teeth. He went with Stitches motion. As he retracted his blow Darren followed with with palm strikes of his own.

He strike was enough for him to take this Stitch character seriously as he sent out a straight palmstrike, followed by a sweep of his arm as he tried to push Stitch into a certain area if he were to dodge. Stepping in, he tried to finish his assault with a full body rush, pushing his whole body out trying to hit Stitch within the small distance the quick step in left. Now Darren wasn't worried about winning anymore. The fight excited him, as he moved fluidly trying to match Stitch's pace. Now all he was trying to do was to make it last as long as possible.
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Ice Cold Fight (Darren)

Postby Stitch on March 26th, 2011, 6:17 pm

"Good, milord!"

The smile widened on Stitch's face as he saw the anger flare within Darren's Aura. A palm strike came flying, and Stitch simply threw both of his arms together in a block, taking the blow to his forearms, skidding backwards a few steps in the snow. His arms stung from the block, but it was better than taking the blow to the face. "That's it!" Stitch saw the arm sweep coming, and quickly sidestepped, moving right into the position Darren had wanted him to. He was getting excited, and falling right into whatever trap was being laid.

But the fight was getting good! He was slowly drawing Darren out of that shell that he was wrapped up inside of! That control, he was slowly stripping it away from the man! But he needed more! Darren was capable of doing so much more, and if only Stitch could draw it out of him!

Stitch stepped in at the exact same time that Darren did, and soon, the two men would find themselves shoulder to shoulder, struggling for power. Stitch ducked low and dug his heels in, but he knew he was slightly outclassed, when it came to strength. "But you aren't using everything, still! You are holding back, milord! Show me! Show me what you have! Let's fight!"

He could tell so well! The Aura of the man was still developing, with those tight red veins running faster than ever before, yet mixing with a different emotion than the one that had been there before! He was getting angry, yet at the same time having fun! He was slowly building up to find his rhythm!

Stitch shot out a fist, slamming a pointed-knuckle blow at the ribcage of the man. It would be a precise blow, aimed under and to the front of the ninth and tenth ribs, with a slight tilt upwards, as if really aiming deeper, toward the shoulder blade and spinal cord.

A liver punch. Anyone familiar with boxing would know the blow. Apparently Stitch had more up his sleeve than just quick deflections and equally quick blows.
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Ice Cold Fight (Darren)

Postby Darren on March 28th, 2011, 5:22 pm

I'm not using everything I have yet? He glared somewhat accusingly at his opponent. Is he serious? I'm using tactics, positioning, spacing, and my greatest advantage over him, strength. There is no way he would think I'm holding back! His thinking was stopped as his eyes popped open seeing Stitch's attack. He didn't know too much about boxing but he knew the human body enough that such a hit would probably break his wind, possibly break his ribs if it hits hard enough and possibly knock him out.

Jumping back he saw that he was too late. The attack connected, much to Darren's chagrin. He reeled from the smaller man's blow. Him jumping back wasn't a great idea as he landed sideways his side hitting the hard stone below. His face contorted in pain and shock. His mind however was a hurricane of anger and disgust. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?! a voice that sounded a lot like his father's resonated in his head. Get up, you pathetic fool! You are not going to shame either of us! At this Darren gritted his teeth, slowly he pulled his hand out from under him and pushed down on the ground. The ground was icy to his touch, his body sending pulses of pain every time he shook, his face looking somewhat detached but still focused as he looked at his opponent. Things were starting to get red and hazy to him...

"How dare someone that of mortal status lay hands on me?!?!" he shouted in an unfamiliar voice. He started laughing though his small concentrated breathes. His eyes looked upon the other members starting to look at him. "Ehehe...sorry" he said back to his familiar voice. He looked back at Stitch and his face twisted up unable to control himself. "But, you..." he stammered with a scary smile, shaking with so much excitement, defiance, and anger in his body, "we are not done yet." He felt something in him snap as he suddenly let the all djed networks and pathways in his body to cycle faster. He opened up his pathways letting the major areas of his body flow freely, erratically even... he was going to need the extra boost for what he was planning to do, his mind enticing him to exert himself more and more.

he said in a whisper, running his hand through his hair, a keyword and a gesture. Suddenly he dashed forward trying to brush up on, trying to to run Stitch down, he came in from every angle given to him. He dashed forward to try to lower his guard, backwards after trying to hit him from behind his guard then moved diagonally as he tried to follow up with his back blow. He using the forward momentum of the diagonal dash he ended his assault aiming a knee right at Stitch's face. "YOU ARE NOTHING TO ME!!!" He rasped ed as he brought his knee up to crush Stitches face in.

oocYea so my guy sorta had a PMS episode so you can go ahead and end the fight.
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Ice Cold Fight (Darren)

Postby Stitch on April 11th, 2011, 10:52 pm

Darren was down, and Stitch hopped back, his blind eyes focused on the man, judging to see how well he would handle the powerful blow. It wasn't anything close to a knockout blow, but it would certainly hurt, and keep the wind from gathering in his lungs. He wouldn't be able to get a good breath for awhile, or at least Stitch hoped that was the case. Darren had managed to jump back at the moment the blow had started to sink into his ribcage... so he hadn't absorbed the full shock of it all. Stitch bit as his lip, hopping up and down a bit, keeping his leg muscles ready and willing to move. He wasn't about to hop on the man while he was down... but he knew the man wasn't going to be happy when he got up. He could see his Aura twisting and turning on itself, those wild strands of red breaking and leaking, letting their toxic innards out on the rest of the Aura around them.

If he had been mad before, he was enraged now.

Darren slowly started to stagger up, and Stitch let out a breath. He was partially surprised that the man had recovered so quickly, but another part of him had been expecting it. The man had whatever he had in reserve, and slowly, his Aura was starting to develop into the thing Stitch had expected to see. This was one of those men who was powered by rage. If he could learn to use it effectively, instead of just blindly giving in to it... he could get even better. Discipline. That was the key to this man and his development. But instead, that hazy red part of his Aura was slowly overwhelming the rest of him, eventually planning on turning him into a simple being of rage. It was like a beserker mode, of sorts. Stitch took another deep breath, pausing in his hopping, settling his feet in the ground in a solid stance. He was going to have to deal with one heck of a onslaught here in a second.

Darren shouted, and Stitch nearly jumped back, not expecting to hear the deep voice. He quickly scanned the Aura for some other development, but there was nothing he could see, not right off the bat. It might be something hidden deep within, that he would have to take more time to throughly study... or maybe it was just his rage, overtaking his words along with his emotions. But he had complained about 'mortal status'? What was that supposed to mean?

Stitch ignored the other Icewatch members as Darren started to stagger up, refusing to look away from the man. Something was about to happen. He could taste it on the edge of his tongue. There was one last thing in his Aura that Stithc couldn't figure out what it was... but it was about to ome to light. He could see it swelling, bright blue strands flexing from deep within the red.

Flux. Shyke.

Stitch had been even more blind than usual. He should have known what it was right off the bat, but this was a man who used an art he had never faced before... even if he himself possessed it. Desperately, he summoned his own magic, taking a final deep breath, flowing even more Djed to the place he had already been using the Flux. His leg. He just continued to seep the magic into it, expanding the muscles, reinforcing the very front. He was going to have to time this perfectly if he was going to get out relatively unharmed. He wasn't going to be able to summon as much Flux as Darren had, though. He could only power one limb. And here Darren was coming at him, almost his whole body powered up.

Stitch ducked as low as he could as Darren charged at him, a dangerously swift lariat speeding over his head. He barely had time to glance behind him before he was met with a fist to the face, Darren having already reversed his momentum to charge in from behind. Stitch flew backwards, and caught himself, skidding backwards in the snow from the sheer force of it all. It felt like his face was on fire. His lip was bleeding, and his nose felt a little bit out of place. His jaw was aching too. The man hadn't aimed the punch, he had just smashed Stitch in the face. The martial artist staggered to his feet, the world swimming around him, blackness threatening to overtake his senses. Darren was almost on him again, and another punch like that would do him any favors. He was lucky to still be awake from that one.

Darren gathered his strength in his legs, about to jump, about to smash a flying knee into Stitch's jaw. Stitch knew for a fact that he would be laid out flat if that blow connected.

So he reacted.

Stitch's foot snapped out, a big boot aimed for the oncoming body. It was the same leg that Stitch had powered just moments ago, muscles bulging and veins spiderwebbing to the surface. He caught Darren right in the middle of his jump, making the kick as devastating as it possibly could have been. Darren's body paused for a moment in midair, and then his body bent in half, the boot having struck right in the center of his stomach. There was a sickening snap as a rib broke, a bit of bile flying from his mouth as his stomach emptied. He flew back a bit and landed directly on his back, sprawled out onto the snowy ground, unconscious.

"Quick! Get the man up, and into the Barracks. We will have someone tend to him there. This one kicked him really petching hard." Stitch quickly shouted out the command, blushing a bit at the end, having to admit his own lack of control.

The Icewatch members that were out in the courtyard grinned, chuckling and elbowing each other as they went to help the man out. It was always amusing to watch the blind man kick the shkye out of someone.
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Ice Cold Fight (Darren)

Postby Cheshire on April 18th, 2011, 8:09 pm


Character: Stitch
Experience: Running +1, Bodybuilding +3, Auristics +5, Flux +3, Teaching +2, Unarmed Combat +3, Boxing +1
Lore: Keeping up Training, Leading Bodybuilding Training, Proving a Snarky Man Wrong

Character: Darren
Experience: Interrogation +1, Bodybuilding +1, Throwing +1, Weapon (Lariat) +1, Unarmed Combat +2, Flux +1
Lore: Asking Inappropriate Questions, Being Slightly Disrespectful

Additional Note:Darren needs medical attention and will need to spend three days in the Whitevine Healing Center to heal.

Great thread guys! Darren, remember that there are not mountains in Avanthal. It's all flat.

PM me with concerns!
Avanthal Lore | Vantha | Avanthal | Morwen
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They said I'd be a gem.
But now that I'm a Cheshire Cat,
It's odd how odd I am...
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