Yelling can be music too.

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Yelling can be music too.

Postby Rhaeol on April 8th, 2011, 1:43 am

OOCThis thread is technically open if anyone wants to join. If not, I'll just use it as a training thread.

4 Spring 511 AV

Rhaeol walked to his room in Snowsong toting an old harp that his grandparents had found collecting dust in the recesses of their storage room. They suspected it belonged to some ancient relative, and seeing as Rhaeol had been searching for an instrument for quite some time [and the ancient relative likely had little need of it now], they had tuned it and given it to him for his birthday.

He carried it in such a manner that would be considered borderline heretical by any true musician. But Rhaeol wasn't a musician...yet. Well he could read music, and compose music, and he yelled energetically when he got exited [which in Vani sounded quite a bit like a tempestuous rhapsody], but he had yet to actually learn how to play an instrument.

It was about time he could actually play the music that he wrote. He stepped into his room and shut the door. He grabbed one of the pieces of sheet music he'd written that were strewn all across the room and placed it in front of him. His grandfather had shown him the basics of harp playing [he hadn't known much, but he knew how to hold the harp properly and which strings were which notes.]

Rhaeol touched one of the strings ever so slightly and listened to it ring out faintly. It was a beautiful instrument. He plucked the string a little harder, the sound echoed through the small chamber, rich and full. His confidence bolstered, Rhaeol turned to the music, memorized the first couple of notes quickly, then found the corresponding strings on the harp.

He started into the piece. He plucked the first string. It resounded gracefully. The second and third were not so lucky. He obviously had found the wrong strings. Beyond that, he had plucked them a little to forcefully and had created a boisterous mess that chased out the previous beauty.

Rhaeol muted the strings, checked his fingering, and tried again. A different, but equally horrid sound filled his ears. He muted the strings again and considered them once more. He had placed his fingers exactly where they were supposed to be.

He thus figured that there clearly was something wrong with the instrument.
"What is wrong with you, you crazy...crazy...OH!"
He scrambled for a piece of music paper and a pen. His rant had created a truly intriguing melody.

Maybe I'll just stick to yelling.

Last edited by Rhaeol on April 14th, 2011, 11:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Yelling can be music too.

Postby Rhaeol on April 9th, 2011, 12:53 am

Rhaeol grabbed another sheet of music paper, the haunting melody derived from yelling echoing in his mind. His grandparents had often commented on how he was able to write such music without ever making a sound. It just came to him though. He'd always been able to hear the pitches in his head and transcribe them. Yet he still had longing to be able to actually realize the music he created.

He glared at the harp. It seemed to be defiantly glaring back at him, daring him to try again. But he wouldn't give up. He grabbed the first page of the piece he had just started writing and grabbed the harp again.

Let's just try it a little bit slower. No need to rush...It just looks like it should be so simple!

He placed his fingers on the strings again, took a deep breath, and plucked the first string, then the second. The interval was right! He played the next note and the fourth, his melody slowly starting to take shape. He continued in this manner for a while, creating the tune one note at a time. He had to check his fingering nearly every three notes, and stumbled onto wrong notes at least half the time, but it was working. He was making music. He reached the end of the page and stopped. "Let's try things a little faster!"

Rhaeol replaced his fingers at their starting position and barreled into the piece. He got three notes in before his room was once more filled with a boisterous cacophony.

"You really have it in for me don't you!" He yelled at the harp again. He almost thought he could hear the harp snickering at him.

I'm not crazy... he thought I inanimate objects...

He picked up his pen and continued on with writing his song, he'd get back to playing soon enough, but his second outburst had created a second them that meshed quite nicely with the rest of his piece.
Last edited by Rhaeol on April 14th, 2011, 11:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Yelling can be music too.

Postby Rhaeol on April 13th, 2011, 10:57 pm

Rhaeol glanced over his piece as a whole. It was almost finished, all it needed was the perfect ending. He just couldn't figure out what to put there. It was absolutely beautiful and intriguing. The simple sonorous melody that echoed out across a tempestuous baseline. It kept playing over and over in his head, this song derived from a rant against an instrument.

And then he had it. The perfect ending. He quickly added it to the end of the piece. A quick quiet, simple scale that didn't quite finish followed by a loud dissonant chord. Completely unexpected, and completely fitting to the piece. He also had the perfect title. He scrawled the words across the top of the first page: Yelling Can Be Music Too.

There, he'd done it. Now he could focus on his original goal again. He turned to the harp and stared it down. When he was sure it was cowering in it's figurative boots, he picked it up again and started to play his piece. It was very shaky, and very slow. The balance between the melody and the baseline was terrible, and wrong notes kept breaking the flow, but he could hear it. For the first time, he could hear the whole of one of his pieces sound into existence. At last he reached the end and as the last chord strained against his ears [after the third time, it actually strained correctly] he had confirmation that his piece was good. He knew now that he was a composer for real.

Now all he needed to do was start to actually learn the harp better rather than just stumbling along. He'd start with scales...tomorrow.

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Yelling can be music too.

Postby Cheshire on April 18th, 2011, 8:42 pm


Character: Rhaeol
Experience: Instrument (Harp) +2, Music Composition +1
Lore: Unorthodox Music Making, Yelling at Inanimate Objects

Additional Note: Great thread! Next time if you want the thread to be open but (Open) in the title. Then people will join you! PM me with concerns.
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