The Eyes In The Shadows Timestamp: 85th of Fall, 510 AV Location: Jungle Wilds Reader Advisory: Has mature content The sensation of cold water dripping at irregular intervals on the bridge of his nose woke the Myrian up. His first realization was that he was immobile, his arms bound around the wrists and elbows by rope against the wall that propped him up. His knees and ankles and ankles were similarly bound and, from the tingling feeling that exploded in the soles of his feet, very tightly at that. While his range of motion was limited, he could still turn his head about, as well as twist his torso if he tried really hard, though from the awkward position he had been in when he was unconscious made it rather painful to do so. Wherever he was, the place was dark - too dark, in fact, to make out any detail to give him a clue of his whereabouts. He did smell dank wetness though, the source of the droplets, and an earthy, moldy odor, and imagined himself to be underground or in some sort of dungeon perhaps. The latter assumption did not make sense though. There were no dungeons within a hundred miles except for - No, he could not be there, for the city of the snakes would be too far and he felt that he had only been out for a couple of hours at most. No one could have carried him that far that quick. He must still be near the Basin then. Maybe in an underground tunnel or cave...? There was a sudden sound of steel being struck against flint and a fire burst to life, leaving the Myrian squinting and turning his face away from the brightness. Someone had lit a torch somewhere ahead of him, shedding light to his surroundings. Groggily, he looked up, forcing his eyes to adjust to the glare, and came face to face with a woman. Naked and dripping wet as if she had just come out from a swim, the woman was a pale creature, having hair the color of unbaked bread. She stood before him with a crooked smile on her lips, unmindful of her nudity. -o- "Awake at last, I see," Rhysati teased her captive in Common. She spoke with a sibilant speech, her esses coming out like a hiss. Her grin grew even wider as she saw the Myrian's eyes widen. She so enjoyed watching her victims' reactions whenever the realization of her true nature struck them. It sent tingles of pleasure running up and down her spine. "Oh, but you and I are going to have us some fun..." She drew closer and laughed as the Myrian struggled against his bonds. |