82nd day of Spring, 504 AV
I don’t recall the fall, only the impact.
The night was almost over, and only the finest slivers of light touched the eastern edges of the sea around Konti Island. These early morning rays lacked the strength to pierce the water and along the shallow bottom of the ocean the fish and crabs scuttled about in sand still silvery in the moonlight. Suddenly the scuttling and lazy drifting after a night’s feed became more urgent, and the small denizens of the seafloor hurried back to their respective burrows, nooks and crannies.
The change that sent them swimming was a strange heat. In the water column something was forming. This point held so much energy, was so hot, that water touching the growing mass vaporized, and rose roiling to the surface of the sea. The shape grew, and began to twist and writhe, as if trying to escape the pain of so much heat. But just as its arms and legs grew strong enough to kick out in protest the energy around it began to fade. The boiling sea calmed, and as the bubbles and foam drifted off the body of a man, new and freshly formed, rose to the surface.
His face emerged in the waters still frothing from his birth. It was slick and wet and the pale skin shone brightly beneath the night sky. He gasped, and drew a breath of mortal air. It was dry and heavy in his mouth. Without a thought the man began to swim for shore. The distance was not far and his new body was strong and cut quickly through the foam.
The Ethaefal stood and looked about the land he had come to. The warm waters of the eastern sea swirled about his ankles, pushing and pulling grains of sand between his toes and beneath his feet. His skin was still hot from the energy of falling through the rift, and the air of the earth felt tepid and oppressive around him. Before truly seeing the details of the island his head turned to the sky, and the moon. It was sinking low in the horizon and as the man watched it his indigo eyes welled with tears. Drops of sea water fell from his pearly white horns and as the rest of his body dried in the night breeze his cheeks still glistened with salty water. He stood in the tide and cried until the moon fell out of sight.
As dawn quickened and the sun rose the newly formed body began to change once again. This transformation did not bring with it the same blinding, agonizing energy of before. Instead, his whole body began to tingle. His muscles wriggled about beneath his skin, which blossomed with pigment. His grey-blue hair darkened to brown and the spiral horns wound their way back into his skull. The dark ink of tattoos began to weave its way up his leg and arm, and across his back. In some places the newly darkened skin began to bubble and loose the firm smoothness of his first body. In these places scars sprung up, some just thin pink lines, others heavier and knotted.
As the sun sprung over the horizon a Drykas man stood squinting sadly in the waves. In this mortal seeming form his memories of the divine dimmed, and his lonely pain was eased ever so slightly. But the grief left him exhausted, and he hauled himself from the surf onto the drier sand. The grains were still cool from the night, and clung to his bare skin as he lay down on the beach and slept.