OOC NOTESelf moderating the rest of this thread due to inactivity from Evarette. I'd rather finish it for the XP than let it be dropped.
With her advice given, Kavala felt Windsong dance under her. The stallion wanted to run, and Kavala was inclined to let him. Unlike most of the Drykas, Kavala used no blanket between her body and the torso of her horse, preferring to feel his motions uninhibited so they could truly have close contact. She shifted her weight, let the stranger wander with her own stallion, and let the strider beneath her run. His long elegant legs flashed out and the buckskin took off like a flash dashing off to chase the surf down the beach. Kavala tipped her head back and laughed, shifting her weight to hold herself closely to her racing stallions body. She leaned over his neck, letting her weight shift urge him on, and charged with him through the foam of the wintery surf crashing on the sand.
Wind tossed his head, bucked slightly, and obeyed Kavala's shift in weight, and began a big circle to the right in the hard-packed sand. He started out on the right lead with Kavala posting to ease his canter before she asked him to spin left and shift his lead just at the directional transition. When he preformed the maneuver perfectly, she laughed and patted his neck. Sitting deeply into her seat, she halted him, then asked him to back up by laying her legs along his side and pressing them backwards as if she was shifting invisible energy backwards, and thus urging him back. The small stallion backed until Kavala released the pressure, and spun right at her request to break into a lengthy trot. He earned another pat on his neck as Kavala asked him for an abrupt canter on the left lead. She cantered him off, switching his leads every three beats, giving a casual observer the impression that the little buckskin was skipping.
Windsong wasn't a huge animal. Most people were wholly unimpressed by his size. But Kavala knew him to be a true athlete, one that could out maneuver much bigger horses quite often. She brought the stallion down to a walk, let him blow am moment, and then asked him to spin in place. He planted a back leg, and dug in, spinning around the locked limb then came out with a lash of his back hooves as if he were fighting a glassbeak. He earned another pat on his neck along with a long string of praise as Kavala circled him around a large log, brought him back on his own steps, and jumped it before letting him run again.
Wind loved to run. He lived for it. She often said he'd outrun the wind himself if she'd let him and there was need enough for it. It was part of the reason he had his name. So now that the stallion was good and warmed up, the girl let the little strider stretch his legs and thunder down the beach, leaving their companions behind. Kavala would keep an eye on them, but she was here to take care of Wind's needs came first, and Kavala was definitely going to see to them.
Eventually though, when the horse had winded himself, she turned him and walked him carefully back down the beach. Eva could fend for herself, or at least she had up until now, so Nya let her wander on her own as she brought Wind slowly back down the beach, letting him blow and catch his breath.