A Swift Recovery [Atzi]

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A Swift Recovery [Atzi]

Postby Rhuryc on April 27th, 2011, 12:20 pm

What? He was perplexed. Awed, even. Looking for him? Not by name, surely, she meant in some other way. His countenance was indiscernible. For what felt like forever he sat in silence, stunned and dumbfounded at the woman's words. Kelvic's did that, did they not? They sought out those to befriend, to follow, or something like that. Bah, what did he know? What remained evident was that there was a beautiful, innocent woman sitting in his cabin, professing some kind of connection. He could not complain. Instead, he contemplated. A torrent of questions rushed to the forefront of his mind. Why? For what? What did he mean to her, or better yet, what did she mean to him? Whatever the answer his emotions remained muddled. Perhaps he could use the company. Perhaps he would welcome the companionship. After all, she was rather nice to look at.

Rhuryc bit into a piece of jerky. He chewed. His stare centered on Atzi, on that golden gaze, watching her eat and stomach what little pittance he could offer. Damn it. When it was just him it was easy to keep the cabin ill stocked; Rhuryc did not need much, but another being was a whole other matter. Already he marked another stop on his soon to be shopping spree. Food, maybe, but clothing was a definite must. She needed boots. And a cloak. Certainly something better than that dress. A hat. Did she even need a hat? Maybe just a hood. Bah! Rhuryc blinked, his mind drawn back into reality as he recognized his foolishness. Really. Was the air really so tense?

"Right!" Rhuryc exclaimed, the remainder of his meal discarded as he pushed himself up. What a task that was. He heaved himself up, legs shaking from the strain, his torso wobbling but somehow remaining upright. Despite his determined show Rhuryc was a great deal weaker than he put on. "You must be tired. I, ah, need to rest, I think. There's a spare room for you." He offered a hand to the Kelvic, extending his arm as a favor. Whether she took it or not he would motion to ladder that lead up to the loft-style second tier. "It should give you some privacy, at least, so you can. Well. I suppose you don't have anything to change into." What the hell was he supposed to say? Balls. Twice balls! He hit things with a hammer, being social was for bards and actors.

Atzi did not seem the type to notice much for privacy. She had already expressed her comfort with nudity. Still, it felt wrong not to offer.
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A Swift Recovery [Atzi]

Postby Atzi on April 27th, 2011, 1:53 pm

While Rhuryc sat seemingly stunned by Atzi’s words, the Kelvic continued to eat. While what Atzi had said was something more than just playground confessions, she was fine with it. The Kelvic wouldn’t have said it had she not meant it. Atzi was fulfilling her last bond mates final wish, for her to move on and find someone she could care for like she had for him. It was a comfortable feeling, no longer having the last request weighing down on her mind.

While the silence hung between them, Atzi went between watching Rhuryc and glancing about the cabin. He was silent. Was that bad? Should he have said something to her? Atzi hadn’t done this before. The last time she had any connection to anyone was when she was a child, and all she did was follow that man around; he found out thanks to Atzi’s mother. Did she do it wrong? No, she couldn't have, there wasn’t a wrong way, was there?

The Kelvic finished eating, and just as she swallowed her last piece of bread, Rhuryc spoke, breaking the silence. “Right!” His exclamation surprised Atzi, his sudden shift from quiet and contemplative to speaking was unexpected but Atzi welcomed the change. The still sore and injured man worked his way to standing. It was clear he was still sore and the simple action of standing was trying. A frown crossed Atzi’s face as he moved, stiff and slowly.

The blonde man offered Atzi his hand, continuing to speak. “Yes, you should rest. I’m tired as well.” Atzi took his hand, but stood of her own volition, she would not turn down an offer from Rhuryc, even if she didn’t need it. The man motioned to the ladder that lead to the loft above their heads. Her own room? Whatever would Atzi do with such a thing? Discomfort weaseled its way into Atzi’s mind. She did not like the idea of an open room, she did not like the idea of sleeping in a bed; the cots in Whitevine were bad enough.

“It should give you some privacy, at least, so you can. Well. I suppose you don’t have anything to change into.” Atzi smirked and laughed quietly. Rhuryc was awkward, and his lack of social prowess just made Atzi smile, she was much the same, after all, she would happily walk through town without a scrap of clothing, what did she have to hide?

“Thank you, Rhuryc. You should go rest, try not to twist too much while you’re sleeping.” Atzi smiled at the man. “It’d be a shame if I had to carry you to the healers again if you open your wounds again.” With her final goodnight bidding, the red haired woman climbed up the ladder.

The loft was larger than Atzi wanted with a bed to the side. Some other items were up there, a chair and small table. The woman moved to the bed and stared at it. It was a rectangle. It had blankets. It was soft. The Kelvic frowned and climbed into the bed, curling up in a fetal position under the blankets.

It didn’t take long for the Kelvic to find sleep, but she did not remain in her blissful state for long. The woman woke up, her brow was wet, she shook almost violently from chills. Her lungs cracked as she inhaled and exhaled. The red haired woman coughed, a wet, loud, rough cough. Atzi had only been sick a few times, and of those few times, it was usually from eating something she shouldn’t have. This was different, much different.

Slowly and weakly, the woman climbed out of bed, dragging herself back to the ladder. She wanted to see Rhuryc, no, she needed to. He would help her, right? He had already done this much, why wouldn’t he? He was the only one she trusted now. Atzi began down the ladder. Weak, so weak. Her hands barely clung to the rungs of the ladder. Once her feet touched the ground she let go of the ladder, her hands could no longer hold on, she was done. The Kelvic hit the ground with a thud. The shivering woman coughed loudly again, for chimes it felt.

Atzi’s lungs burned, with each cough it felt like a part of her lungs was dislodging and flying out of her mouth. It was sharp, cracking pains that seemed to spread through her chest. “Rhuryc?” She managed between fits of coughing at the base of the ladder. “It hurts to breath.” She half whimpered, dragging herself on her hands and knees towards his bed.
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A Swift Recovery [Atzi]

Postby Rhuryc on April 27th, 2011, 11:24 pm

"Good night, Atzi." He spoke as the Kelvic disappeared over the edge of the ladder. What a day. With the minor separation Rhuryc felt some form of peace return to him, enough so that he could concentrate anyway. Out of sight, out of mind. He muttered quietly to himself as he turned and sat on the edge of his bed, gaze filtering down to stare at his lap. Stranger things had happened, right? He was tired. Too tired. With a fuss and a shuffle Rhuryc lifted his tunic over his head and cast it aside, unconcerned with the discarded clothing against the floor. He would need to wash it soon. Blood did not do well for cleanliness, and besides, there were far too many holes in it now. Maybe he would get something for himself tomorrow. The rest of his body hit the soft, warm mattress with a thud. He grabbed the blanket that covered the top and wrapped it around his torso, eyes closing as he shoved his forehead into the pillow. Sleep was what he needed.

He shot up suddenly. What the hell was that? Rhuryc's eyes flashed about the darkness of the cabin, his senses attuned to the disturbance that sent his muscles roaring. Quick motions did him little good. He threw the blanket back and jumped up from his bed, bare feet clattering against the cold, wooden flooring. Yet it was not a threat that drew his attention. Atzi? Rhruyc frowned and stepped forward. He lowered himself to a knee and hovered over the woman, countenance twisted with concern. She coughed. Ugh. What a sound. Was she sick? Bah! What did he know about medicine? Not enough.

"Let's get you off this floor." Gently, he reached forward and wrapped his arms about the woman. Like a child he lifted her in a bundle, his strong, albeit wounded, hands suffering from little strain under the weight. She was light. A few strides brought them over to the bed were Rhuryc set Atzi down. He placed his palm against the Kelvic's head and let it sit there for a moment, his eyes watching hers in an effort to keep her calm. She was cool to the touch. Ah.

"Looks like you've got a cough." Rhuryc sighed and sat next to the Kelvic, one arm wrapping around the woman. That felt right. Despite the lack of tunic he did not seem near as awkward as before. Perhaps it was the darkness, maybe it was the sudden rush of adrenaline, but no matter the cause the feeling was nice. At least. "We'll take you back to the Whitevine tomorrow and see if they can't whip you up something. For now." He smiled down at Atzi, pulling her back and grasping her by the shoulders. "Why don't you sleep down here with me? You need to rest. Maybe we'll get lucky and your body will take care of it on its own."
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A Swift Recovery [Atzi]

Postby Atzi on April 28th, 2011, 1:09 am

The wheezing Kelvic listened as Rhuryc's feet padded across the cold wooden floor. Atzi could feel his steps through the ground below her, she could feel him getting closer to her. The woman kept coughing, wheezing inhales filled the room between fits of hacking.

“Let's get you off this floor.” A strong, warm arm reached around Atzi's shivering frame and lifted her from the ground. A mass of red hair nuzzled against Rhuryc, he was warm, or at least, he was warmer than the floor. The man carried her carefully, like a small child, and set her down on his bed.

Rhuryc's hand rested against Atzi's cool forehead, a small reassuring sign. At least she was not burning up. The woman began coughing again, she rolled onto her side and hacked into the mattress. She felt miserable. “Looks like you've got a cough.” Atzi turned her head, golden eyes looking up at Rhuryc, an expression crossed her face, an expression that read “Really?” sarcastically. The man sat down next to her, wrapping an arm around the cold woman. “We'll take you back to whitevine tomorrow and see if they can't whip you up something.” Atzi sniffled and coughed quietly. Tomorrow, she would sleep for now and with any luck she would be better by tomorrow.

Rhuryc's arm was warm against Atzi's shoulders, his chest was even warmer. Her lungs crackled as her head moved to press against the space between Rhuryc's neck and shoulder. Her small bandaged hands rested against the center of the mans chest. Bandages crisscrossed him like a tictactoe board. “I am sorry. I don't mean to be trouble.” Atzi said with a frown to the mans clavicle. Her voice was small, almost strangely so. The woman normally had a loud, and fierce voice, a voice of a tiger. But now. Now her voice sounded like a small, scared cub. A small, scared, miserable cub.

Atzi shook as another fit of coughing attacked her lungs followed by tremors of shivering. As the woman shivered, she moved closer to the man. Warmth.

Atzi remained pressed against Rhuryc and his bandaged chest until her coughing settled, or at least temporarily subsided. It took almost a full bell for Atzi's body to relax and sleep to fill her bones. Upon the welcome arrival of dreams, the Kelvic dreamed of the cold place where she had found Rhuryc. Such a strange place, such a strange man, such a strange event the two shared.

They needed each other. For their own reasons, but it was there, and it showed through, she needed him just as he needed her.
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A Swift Recovery [Atzi]

Postby Rhuryc on April 29th, 2011, 3:51 am

"You're no trouble." And that was all he said. Rhuryc laid back down. He grabbed his discarded blanket and threw it over himself and his new bedmate, one arm tucking itself around the Kelvic and drawing her closer. Though she needed no help in the matter. He recognized the fear. The frightened countenance, the weak, meet manner, all of it served only to heighten his own sense of protection. As they lay there he remained awake, eyes open and watching Atzi for any negative change. When she spasmed he squeezed her torso, eventually tucking her own head between his chin and neck, allowing for his new charge to draw as much strength as she needed. The bell was in silent companionship. Finally, once the Kelvic settled, Rhuryc loosened his hold on her and let her head fall to the pillow. Gently, he caressed Atzi's cheek then lay down himself, eyes closing to drift off into the realm of dreams. Sleep came without issue for once.

The door closed with a soft, hushed thud. Rhuryc strolled back into the cabin with several bundles in his arms. He placed a few of them aside for the time being and set himself about the fire in the living room, fresh, new wood set on a stand. He sprinkled some kindling in the center and removed the flint and steel from its holster and clacked the two, rambunctious items against one another, sparks flying and catching the various, dry bits aflame with a hint of effort. Idly, he reached over and snagged one of the packages. He tore at the wrappings and produced a suitably sized hunk of meat, that of which he placed on a spit over the fire and let sit. A glance over his shoulder told him Atzi was still asleep. For now, anyway, maybe she would appreciate waking up to something tastier than week old bread. Satisfied, Rhuryc pushed himself up and grabbed the rest of his recently garnished items. Why was he so excited? Bah!

The other bundles consisted of various clothing. For Atzi, specifically. He laid out a furred blouse, boots, wool breeches, a fur cloak, mittens, fur hat, a silk nightshirt, stockings, and a cut, fine dress dyed in a vibrant red. He nodded. On top he set out some underclothes and tossed the wrappings away, satisfied with his spree into the markets. It wasn't much, but if the Kelvic was going to be walking around Avanthal she needed proper clothing, not that farce of an article she wore from the hold. He had bought himself a new shirt and set of breeches as well, but those he kept to the side for now. Food was on, clothing was out, ah! As a last addition Rhuryc removed a golden locket from the pocket of his coat and placed it over everything else. Albeit there was nothing inside, the artistry was well done. And why not? It's not like he had much else to spend his money on.

That was everything? Yes. Rhuryc clomped his way over to the bed and sat down once more, the last item held aside as he laid a hand on the Kelvic's shoulder. "Time to wake up, Atzi." He smiled down at the waking woman and kept his palm aloft, a vial with a strange green liquid held within; a soothing balm for her sickness. He hopped, at least, the Whitevine had not exactly been to specific on the effects. Rhuryc waited for some time before he spoke again, giving his companion the time she needed to wake.

"Here, take this. Should help with that cough. And I got you a few other things."
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A Swift Recovery [Atzi]

Postby Atzi on April 29th, 2011, 5:23 am

“You're no trouble.” His voice was like a dream, soft, a caress to her aching body. Soft, warm words, she felt a little better just by hearing him. He remained close to her until the Kelvic fell asleep. She was comfortable, secure, no need to sleep with one eye open. The woman dreamed of little but the man that reassured her. She slept soundly much longer than the woman normally would. Has the Kelvic been up to her normal level of alertness, she would have woke up, wide-eyed and displeased to Rhuryc leaving her side. But the woman slept through it all. Through the man leave, starting a fire, cooking meat, setting out clothes for her, everything. She slept soundly, curled upon herself, her hands clasped together in front of her chest, her knees pulled up close.

Rhuryc sat down next to Atzi's curled form, the bed sunk slightly where he sat. A cool hand touched Atzi's warm shoulder, his words floated through the air. A few sleep blinks, and bright, golden eyes looked up at Rhuryc with a sleepy smile. Atzi slowly sat up, rubbing her face and yawning. A few small coughs still escaped her as she moved.
“Here, take this. Should help with that cough. And I got you a few other things.” Atzi looked at the vial, tapping it with a sharp fingernail. The liquid sloshed around inside the glass before she took it carefully. Upon removing the cork, a bitter smell filled Atzi's nose. The woman made a hacking noise and shook her head to try to get rid of the smell. So bitter and awful smelling, why would she ever want to ingest that?! Gold eyes flicked from the vial to Rhuryc, he said it would help, and she trusted him, so she would drink it.

Down it went, the slimy liquid stuck to her throat and mouth. Not pleasant. After he fluid was taking care of, Atzi coughed a few more times, her muscles ached.

The red head's nose twitched a few times before looking around. She smelled meat. Oh, how Atzi loved meat. Atzi was not quite hungry yet, but soon her never ending pit of a stomach would be crying out for nourishment. In the mean time Atzi looked at the caring green eyes next to her. “Other things? You didn't need to get me other things...” The woman peered around Rhuryc to land on a plethora of fabrics and furs.

Atzi felt giddy. She loved fancy things, but was never one to own anything fancy. She took care of her hair, that was the fanciest thing she ever had. And now, before her were shining fabrics, soft furs, boots, under garments, the whole lot. Atzi had barely owned more than one piece of clothing at a time, after all, Tigers didn't wear clothing.

A wide smile crossed Atzi's face, her eyes glimmered as she moved out of bed, walking over to the garments. Her fingers trailed over the fabrics, her eyes going from the mittens and hat, to the cloak, the breeches, shirt, dress, and finally landing on the golden locket. It was small, but glimmered in the light of the growing fire. Atzi stared at the object, it was a small oval with delicate curled details crossing the surface. To Atzi, it was beautiful, and much more than just a shiny, expensive, present. The locket reminded her of the small reminder she wore around her neck. Her right hand picked up the small object , her left hand pressed against the cloth below her chest where the small reminder of Az'Rial hung.

With her left hand, the Kelvic removed the old, worn necklace. The raw emerald gleamed in the firelight, her fingers caressed over the surface of horn and emerald. “Thank you, Rhuryc. This means much more to me than you must realize.” Atzi said quietly, thoughtfully to the clothing before her. The red head set the old necklace down and chained the golden locket around her neck. The Kelvic turned to smile at her companion, taking a few light steps to stand before him. “Close your eyes.” She said, holding her emerald and horn necklace hidden in her hands. Once the green eyes vanished behind soft eyelids, Atzi took the necklace and placed it around Rhuryc's neck. As the woman leaned down to secure the necklace, she kissed the top of his head lightly.

As if an emotional moment hadn't even occur, the Kelvic turned and moved back to the clothing, picking up the vibrant red dress. It was a near match to her hair, but was a slight bit darker. The woman held it up against her, looking down at the garment.

Atzi was feeling better, it had only been half a bell and the woman had barely coughed since the retched fluid ran down her throat. The Kelvic continued to touch the clothes, looking at the undergarments with a curious gaze. “What... What are these for?”
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A Swift Recovery [Atzi]

Postby Rhuryc on April 29th, 2011, 6:29 am

Why was he smiling? Bah! Rhruyc could barely think as he watched the Kelvic wake. Had he seen anything more adorable? Probably not. No. Green met gold in a momentary greeting, the warm, morning interaction something he did not know how he did without before. Was he really considering letting Atzi sleep in a different room? Idiot. He released the vial and let her play with the idea of the strange colored liquid, himself unsure as to what the lot of it actually did. Oh well. She drank, he approved, then allowed her the room she needed to wake. Whatever her ritual was. So far it was satisfactory. Everything she did was. From the way she moved to the way she slept, Rhuryc himself contented in his passive observation.

"Need? Barely. You can't walk around without something warm." He uttered in response to her comment. He had enjoyed shopping for her. Although he was not about to admit that.

Watching Atzi revel in her gifts was a reward in itself. Rhuryc cared little for money and now that he had something to do with it made the fact all the more exciting. The eighty gold mizas he threw down for the various items was sorely missed, now especially, as his eyes followed Atzi in her review of the clothing. Her step had spring, her motions giddy. The tension oozed from his shoulders. She liked it then? Good! Great. His countenance was hard, but beneath a torrent of relief and joy flooded his mood. When she spoke again he followed the instructions without so much as a moment of hesitation, his eyes snapping shut as he sat up and forward. A part of him screamed at the other. What fool let his guard down so readily? Tristan would have had his head, but this felt different. It felt. Well, it felt. . .

Something brushed his neck. Ah, cold. A gift? Hm. Yet, what came next was what threw him to the wolves. Soft. Warm. The gesture was unexpected and though it seemingly meant little to the one who delivered it, Rhuryc felt his head spin. His cheeks flushed red. A simple kiss. His eyes opened. Dumbfounded, he sat and stared at Atzi's back as she examined the dress. There were moments of pleasure in Rhuryc's life, sure, but this was altogether different. Only a few days since their meeting and the man felt himself bent to the whim of this new companion, set with full intent to act in whatever fashion served her best. Was he? No. How? That sort of thing did not happen in such a small set of time. Enamored, sure, a new presence in one's life had a strange affect on some individuals - and the fact that she was easy on the eyes did not hurt - but really? Was he? Definitely not. Maybe. Son of a bitch.

"What?" Rhuryc shook his head. Something clattered with his chest. With a quizzical expression he glanced down at the emerald; wasn't that what she was wearing? He smiled before his attention flash back to Atzi. "Oh. Oh!" With a start the man pushed himself up and walked over to the Kelvic. He glanced down at the questioned items and tilted his head to the side. Of course she wouldn't know. In all honesty his experience in women's underwear was extremely limited. "You wear them beneath your clothing. To keep you warm. And decent. I ah, honestly, never saw the need for how complex these were. The tailor suggested them." Rhuryc blinked. He had stopped rather close to the woman, unnoticed to himself, and now hovered over her shoulder. He took a step back. Really. This was getting strange.

"Food should be done. I'll let you, ah, change, and we can eat. I'll need to head to the forge soon." With a quick cant Rhuryc fussed about in the kitchen. Armed with plates and a set of cutlery, he made his way back over to the fire and removed the meat from its spit. This was easy. Atzi enjoyed meat just as much as he did and so without much ado he split the grease layered meal between the both of them. As before, Rhuryc made no effort to find a table and instead just set himself down on the rug in front of the fire place. "I'll be gone for most of the day. I'm sure there's a bit to catch up on."
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A Swift Recovery [Atzi]

Postby Atzi on April 29th, 2011, 2:55 pm

Atzi did not notice the sudden shift in Rhuryc's face, the red the spread across his face was something the Kelvic did not see. The man seemed confused, Gold eyes glanced over her shoulder to look at Rhuryc as he stood and walked towards her. “You wear them beneath your clothing. To keep you warm. And decent. I, ah, honestly, never saw the need for how complex these were.” Atzi picked up the items and look at them for a few moments. “It's a shame. They're so pretty but you're supposed to keep them hidden?” The woman shrugged slightly and set them back down.

The woman listened as Rhuryc took a step back. Was he uncomfortable? Maybe he did not like talking about undergarments. “Food should be done. I'll let you, ah, change, and we can eat.” As Rhuryc turned to head over to the meat, Atzi removed the ratty dress she had worn. She donned the strange undergarments, looking at them on her frame with curiosity. They fit her well, snug around her waist and chest. She quickly added the furred blouse and wool breeches to her attire. She smelled like dead animals. A grin crossed her face as she thought. She looked fierce! So many dead critters adorned her body! What a proud hunter she was.

The woman then walked over to Rhuryc, her feet and hands were bare aside from the bandages that still covered them. Her nose twitched as she sniffed the air. Meat, cooked meat, but meat. It smelled delicious, the woman could feel her mouth water. The Kelvic set herself down next to her companion. “I'll be gone for most of the day. I'm sure there's a bit to catch up on.” Atzi frowned. Most of the day? What would she do? Sit and worry. “What is the forge? Can I not come with you?” The frown that crossed her face only lasted momentarily before she picked up her portion of meat, biting into it.

Oh meat, it still held it's juices. Rare, no less, a lingering taste of blood filled her mouth, how satisfying that taste really was to the tiger. The woman barely gave herself the chance to breath before finishing her chunk, full. Gold eyes watched the fire as she licked her lips of any remaining juices. “Why were you so hurt?” Her eyes flicked from the glowing flames to Rhuryc's face. “When I found you. What happened?” Her attention shifted again to the fire. Her voice was quiet and worried with an undertone of guilt. It was as if Atzi had blamed herself, at least partially, to not being there for him before she had even met him.

“You have a lot of old wounds. A lot of scars.” She said this in a kind way, almost as if she admired each and every ancient cut the graced his flesh. Atzi had her fair share of scars, but none as bad as what covered Rhuryc.

OOCMore than welcome to wrap up the thread, then I can start the next one whenever we decide to do it. :)
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A Swift Recovery [Atzi]

Postby Rhuryc on May 1st, 2011, 6:26 am

Her eyes glinted in the fire light. How could a creature be so human, yet so not? What Rhuryc took to be common knowledge and understanding was a new experience for Atzi; undergarments, for instance. He had not watched her don the attire, but he hoped she had at least understood their purpose. He rarely saw it himself. Mayhaps they were just a silly addition, then again Avanthal was cold. Too damn cold. Rhuryc offered the Kelvic a grin at the lack of boots - after all, he did not wear such things once inside, but he would not have her walking around without something on her feet. Cat or not, she would keep warm even if he had to force it into her.

"I suppose you could come." Rhuryc thoughtfully examined his meal. He was barely halfway through by the time Atzi finished. She could help out maybe. They were lacking apprentices to do the small work around the smithy. "It's a Smithy. We mold metal. Horseshoes, frames, armor. Though we spend most of the day fixing small items." His words were punctuated by chomps of meat. In contrast to his Kelvic friend, Rhuryc made use of the knife at his side, cutting before he tossed the tastier bits into his mouth. Manners seemed at a lose between the two. Atzi had no concept of the ideal and the resulting comfort was just that. Comfortable. There was no need to perform or adhere to some odd set of unwritten rules, no assortment of proper society. Just two hungry people eating. Or, rather, whatever it was they were.

There was little to signify the change in the atmosphere. Rhuryc's shoulders tightened. That was all. His movements were more stiff, perhaps, but that was easily blamed on the still-recent wounds. It was her words that struck him. Why was he hurt? Because there were bad people in the world. Because he had made a mistake. His eyes flickered to the fire. Somehow he seemed darker, conflicted. Rhuryc had killed men before, but he had never enjoyed it. The face of the wizard flashed before him. The sick, twisted face, the beat of his heart as it faded from the world. No matter how detestable he may have been, Rhuryc still did not wish to face himself in a mirror since that day. Forgiveness was short in supply.

"I ran into some trouble. Bandits in the wilderness. I was careless and they had me surrounded for the most part." He did not lie, exactly, but he neglected to mention the days of torture and severe trauma he sustained while alone in that cell. Some things were best left unsaid. Instead, he pushed himself up from the fireplace and squashed what remained of the flame. If Atzi was coming with him there was little reason to keep it going. "Enough of that. Get your boots, and wear those mittens. I've visited the Whitevine enough for one lifetime."

Offering a hand, Rhuryc glanced down at the Kelvic and waited for her to stand. It would be nice to have someone to talk to.
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A Swift Recovery [Atzi]

Postby Cheshire on May 9th, 2011, 2:54 am


Character: Rhuryc
Experience: Rhetoric +2, Observation +3, Bodybuilding +1, Medicine +2, Cooking +1, Interogation +1
Lore: Ready for Defence, Owing Someone Your Life, Whitevine Healing (Basic), Welcoming a Stranger into Your House, Letting Yourself Get Close, Explaining What Under Garments Are
Ledger: -70 GM for the shopping spree
Items: Atzi's emerald necklace, Shirt, Breeches

Character: Atzi
Experience: Grooming +1, Observation +4, Rhetoric +1, Interogation +2, Seduction +1
Lore: Accepting Unwanted Medical Help, Feeling Protective, Having Frostbite, Whitevine Healing (Basic), Craving a Bond, Extending Your Kelvic Bond, Fufilling a Last Wish
Items: furred blouse, boots, wool breeches, a fur cloak, mittens, fur hat, a silk nightshirt, stockings, red dress, gold locket

Additional Note: I loved this thread so much! Keep up the amazing work you two! PM me with concerns.
Avanthal Lore | Vantha | Avanthal | Morwen
When I was just a kitten,
They said I'd be a gem.
But now that I'm a Cheshire Cat,
It's odd how odd I am...
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Twenty Seconds of Insane Courage
Posts: 983
Words: 336788
Joined roleplay: August 4th, 2010, 9:12 pm
Location: DS of Avanthal and The Northern Reaches
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Race: Staff account
Medals: 5
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