Mud Can Make It Work (Open)

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Mud Can Make It Work (Open)

Postby Ianira on April 20th, 2011, 10:57 pm

Spring 10, 511 AV

Ianira's whiskers twitched as she stepped into the pile of mud just before her. Her paws sank into the dark brown substance with a muffled squishing sound. The mud seemed to drag Ianira's paws down, and for once, she didn't mind. She usually didn't appreciate her fur getting too dirty, but now would be the one time where it may come in handy. After all, white fur with black stripes in a dark green forest didn't exactly mean that you were well camouflaged.

Ianira lowered her head as her muscles ripped. Her fur was getting clogged with dark brown mud, several snow white strands bunching together and forming large angry clods. Well this is going to be a nightmare to clean, Ianira thought, as she began to roll over in the mud. Turning wildly from left to right with her mud-covered paws twisting in the air as she tried to get the mud to seep into each nook and cranny. Her back began to feel cold as it arched, and mushed into the mixture. Hopefully it's all covered up now, the kelvic thought as she rolled onto her stomach. She was pressing her body into the mud, allowing it to be stained as well.

Finally, when she was certain that every inch of her white fur had been caked in mud, Ianira stood. Her paws were still digging into the ground. Well, that leaves your face, she thought, with a sigh. Slowly, she cupped her front right paw, and scooped up a small portion of mud. She lifted this to her face, and gently began to rub it into her fur. It tickled a bit, and some of it trickled down the length of her face and onto the ground. Well that is more than likely the best you are going to do, she thought, as she put her paw back down and walked out of the mud.

Ianira padded out of the patch of ground, and onto the green-covered earth to the right. Her muscles rippled with each of her steps, although it was less apparent now that her fur was covered in mud. Her eyes darted back and forth as her tail swished. The edges of her stomach seemed to turn into themselves as it growled angrily at her. Hopefully today you can actually catch something now that the white is hidden. It allows you to actually blend into the jungle a bit, for once, now doesn't it? Ianira took a few more steps forward, and peered around the length of a tall tree. She was fighting the urge not to simply jump into the nearest puddle of water and wash herself off. She simply felt so dirty and unnatural.

But if Ianira wanted to eat in this jungle; she had to blend into the jungle. Perhaps the mud was her only chance of survival. After all, she needed meat. She couldn't so much as begin to remember the last time she had had some. Not that she was a particularly bad hunter, it was just this place. It was not suited to her needs- plants everywhere which she would not touch, a people far stronger than she, animals that actually belonged in the jungle, unlike her.

You know you will catch nothing if you don't hide your fur, Ianira told herself. It has been like that for ages, almost every time you have set out before. There was a slight pause. So just suck it up, otherwise, you'll have to deal with an empty belly for another day. And the possibility that you may simply drop dead with hunger.

OOCFor anyone who wants to join, Ianira is closest to Taloba. She tends to live among the Myrians, but has been out of town for a few days.
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Mud Can Make It Work (Open)

Postby Mihai on April 26th, 2011, 11:31 pm

Mihai blended in all right in the jungle. He wasn't used to the dank heat, and spent quite a time panting in the shade, swimming, or drinking so much cool water that he had to piss rather constantly. But he wasn't complaining. There was more abundant game in the jungle than in his home country, north and east of here, around the great salt sea where the winters were bitter and the summers mild.

Regardless, he wasn't sure quite what to make of the white tiger giving herself a mudbath. Assuming she was also Kelvic due to the strange behavior, he remained downwind of her, silent and better hidden than she. His own markings were golden, or strawberry, a strange color for a tiger, he was told. At least he fit in here, though. She would have done better in his home range during the winter, when her color would prove an asset in the camouflage department.

Finally, when it seemed like she was thinking, he stood up, made a deliberate rustle as he approached so she wouldn't assume he was trying to sneak up on her. His purr was rather gravelly and loud given the size of him, an adolescent still, but growing, and by that sign he made it clear he wasn't a threat.
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Mud Can Make It Work (Open)

Postby Ianira on April 27th, 2011, 2:53 am

Ianira's eyes peered from left to right across the forest floor, looking for the source of the sound. Finally, she noticed another tiger approaching her, but its fur was far lighter than she was used to seeing on those in Taloba, and he was much smaller. He must not be one of Myri's, Ianira thought as her lips parted and she omitted a quiet, rumbling sound. A strange purring of her own, although hers was far quieter than Mihai's. Distinctly feminine. She was trying to tell him that she didn't pose a threat either.

As Ianira peered from around the tree, she realized that she must seem as out of place as he was, if not more so being that she was covered in mud, trying to hide her true nature. Would you like to go for a hunt? she growled as she simply stared at him, remembering why she was out here and covered in mud in the first place. If he said no, she would ask if he knew of any pray in the area, or any good places to look for something to eat. If he said yes, she'd part her lips and appear to smile, as best a tiger could, and she would tell Mihai to simply do his best to keep up.

As soon as Mihai had answered Ianira, assuming he ever did, she called over her shoulder, so do you have a name? You may refer to me Ianira, should you ever need to. Her tail would swish back and forth as she slipped through the underbrush, leaves curling into her frame, and then being pushed away as she walked past. Her body was kept close to the ground, as she walked as silently and steadily as she could, doing her best to avoid any small branches that may make a noise as she passed. Her muscles ripped, even beneath her fur, and she seemed tense, ready to spring. Assuming she found anything worth springing for.

OOCSorry for the awkward wording of this post.
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Mud Can Make It Work (Open)

Postby Mihai on April 27th, 2011, 9:46 pm

The tawnier tiger dipped his head in acquiescence, snorted at her challenge, and bounded along just behind her and to the side, assuming she knew where she was going, and there they might properly stalk prey. He growled a feline version of Mihai, and then told her that it was a human name given him by his Master, the Master before his current one. Myri had marked him as Her own, though the marks were invisible under his fur without some close inspection. She was Master now, and Her gifts made him faster and stronger, better able to hunt and to fight. It was, despite the fact that he supposedly shared blood with his past Master, a much better arrangement for the adolescent tiger.

Mihai didn't press her with questions, instead falling into the rhythm of instinct. It felt strange to be hunting by day and with a partner after his solitary trek out of the northern territories, but he had gone against his instincts all his life, hunting with the pack of Kelvic that the Master had kept.

He did mention to Ianira, however, If you hunt at night, you won't need a mud bath.
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Mud Can Make It Work (Open)

Postby Ianira on April 27th, 2011, 11:16 pm

Ianira emitted a low growl. The white fur glows even in the darkness. There is little to do with it, she said, as she continued to step through the underbrush, keeping her large eyes peeled for any other sign of life. She was silent after her last comment, except for her steps, which crunched over a dead leaf her and there, and occasionally sank into damp portions of earth, producing low squishing sounds.

Ianira was headed towards a small clearing where several trees tangled together, and large green vines tumbled down from the tips of gnarled brown branches. It was impossible to see much of anything past the branches if you were to look up, although from time to time, a golden beam of sunlight would trickle down and warm the face of any passerby. The clearing was known to her as a gathering place for several apes that lived in the area. Although not the largest, or most satisfying prey, it was better than nothing, and at least the Kelvic knew for certain that the creatures would be there. After all, they almost never left.

Maybe Mihai knew the place as well. If not, then perhaps, she'd simply have to show him.
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Mud Can Make It Work (Open)

Postby Mihai on April 28th, 2011, 1:44 am

The cub was fairly certain that if she stuck to the parts of the jungle where the canopy kept out most of the light, she would be all right without the mud, but he wasn't going to argue with the first tiger who was like him. Certainly the Myrian Tigers were larger than he, and Myri's Tigress was intelligent, but a Kelvic tigress... well, that was another story.

As she found her spot, he surveyed the clearing and leaped to a boulder and up onto another, then walked down around a little ledge where he could crouch and wait. A deal of a tiger's hunting was waiting in a likely spot and pouncing from above or from nearby brush.

Glancing toward her spot, he made eye contact and his ears twitched in amusement. This should be something.
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Mud Can Make It Work (Open)

Postby Tira on April 28th, 2011, 2:01 pm

It was a clear sign of boredom that Tira had descended to fighting apes. She was one of Myri's, a fighter, a member of the Myrian army. It was a position she was proud to uphold. She lived, loved and breathed her day to day existance. It was her life, this warrior mentality, and she loved it.

But it did not mean she was always inspired. Today was a day that she often found difficult to occupy herself in. Today was her off day. She had a break from the challenges of patrol in the unforgiving jungle terrain, and she welcomed the break from the ever constant threat of death, welcomed the chance to sleep in, stretch, unwind and further her skills in the Training Yard. Usually. This, however, was her third off day in a row, and she was beginning to get restless. Sparring with a dummy was good to perfect moves. Sparring with another Myrian was a test, but they could not viciously hurt each other as they needed to be of use to the army. No, Tira needed to fight something that she was actually allowed to kill.

She traversed through the jungle, alone, only with her leather Myrian-crafted armour and her trusty macuahuitl. It was generally poor form to go out into the Wilds herself, but she was not going far. She did not necessarily want an enormous challenge. She just wanted to feel the pound of blood as a creature of Caiyha died. There was a clearing, not too far from the walls of Taloba, that housed a settlement of apes.

Tira neared it, and looked up with pleasure at the plentiful apes above her. She scanned, trying to pick the one that would give her the best fight, when her eyes rested on what seemed to be an odd couple at the opposite ends of the clearing. There were two tigers, one strawberry and one white - though the white was covered in mud. The strawberry tiger was small, so not one of Myri's - but still was uncomfortably similar to the ones back home. The white, though now brown, one seemed fair game however - and it was certainly better game than apes. She raised her macuahuitl from where it was strung across her back, and began to edge around the outside of the clearing, being careful not to disturb the carefree monkeys.
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Mud Can Make It Work (Open)

Postby Ianira on April 29th, 2011, 3:46 am

Ianira's ears twitched as Tira approached. Her muscles continued to tense, and her whiskers seemed to move ever so slightly as her eyes followed the girl. Her skin was a caramel type color, and her eyes seemed just as dark and uninviting. She was carrying what appeared to be a large stick in her arms. What is that going to do? Ianira wondered, as she cast her eyes up towards Mihai for a moment, and then back down to Tira. Whack us upside the head?

The portions of Ianira's fur that were not covered in mud bristled and her lips parted ever so slightly, exposing several long, pearly white feline teeth. They seemed to glisten with saliva in the pale light. She is probably a Myrian, Ianira told herself. She would not be afraid of you or Mihai. The tigers within their city are far larger than either of us.

Realizing that the woman was coming straight towards her, Ianira emitted a low growl. Ianira was hoping to, in a sense, warn the woman that she could see her coming. She was trying to convey the fact that she should think twice before she tried doing anything stupid- say attack her or scare away all the prey. She wasn't sure she was too successful however.

OOCSorry my posts have been so terrible... *groans for you all*
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Mud Can Make It Work (Open)

Postby Mihai on May 9th, 2011, 5:46 am

Mihai caught his hunting partner's eyes, then followed them as they darted toward the encroaching human hunter. She was clearly Myrian; nobody else would dare hunt these jungles but Myri's children. She was also clearly considering tigers as prey rather than the abundant apes. Now, he would grudgingly share the apes with a Myrian as she was one of Myri's as much as he was becoming now Myri was Master. But he was an adoptive Myrian, and this was not, so far as he knew, a proper way to pit one's skills against another. Luckily his growl was not loud enough to be heard over the chattering of the apes, but he slunk through the foliage in an attempt to flank the huntress.

Moving quickly through the surroundings, he waited until he caught her tracking him to summon his human form, the flash of inherent magic dim in comparison to the sunlight, but suddenly it was an adolescent male human approaching. Now his own mark from her Goddess-Queen was visible, a scar-like thing.

He crouched in the shade, pointed at himself, then at Ianira. Then, he pointed with meaning to Tira herself before a sign he meant to include the three of them before he pointed at at the apes who remained blissfully unaware of their presence. Crouched as he was, he looked as much as a human could like a tiger ready to pounce, but he would remain in this form a while longer, until he was sure that communication was less necessary for their survival.
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Mud Can Make It Work (Open)

Postby Tira on May 9th, 2011, 6:10 am

Apparently Tira did succeed in not alerting the monkeys to her presence. There was a certain level of pride with that. While she had indeed travelled here with the intention of killing apes, a group as large as this one would certainly tear her apart. She was safe, for now, until she picked off one of the little sick ones. Not much of a challenge, but certainly a nice warm up.

She didn't, however, succeed in not raising the attention of the two tigers that were the real game. The white one seemed to notice first, as it stared straight at Tira, right into the eyes. She froze. She was ready to do battle, but antagonising such a large beast surely would not be a good move. As she held, stock still, she thought with irritation that she needed to work on her silent tracking. The leaves had rustled annoyingly when she moved. She wouldn't be a very good Myrian scout if she couldn't even move silently.

The white tiger bared her teeth, and Tira decided to test the anger in the beast before her. She took a hesitant step forward, though as she begun to lift one foot of the ground, the tiger emitted a full blown growl of warning. Tira was sensible, she knew that attacking a tiger head on, especially two of them could be bad. But that did not stop the grin emerging onto her face. It was like a game - how much could she irritate the white tiger before it snapped and killed her? Tira's grin transformed into a smirk.

Her eyes briefly turned to the golden tiger, one that looked like a stunted Myrian mount, as if to cursorily check what he was doing - not that she cared too much about that one. She would not hurt that one. She was surpised, however, to see it slink off in the undergrowth, seemingly in a wide circle around them. She sighed, half raised her macuahuitl, the black metal on the edges glinting in the dappled sunlight. Fine, if the tigers wanted to play that game, so be it. A test. With one more glance at the white tiger, she glanced at the strawberry one, though it was not there anymore.

A young adolescent boy, perhaps ten years younger than she herself, stood where the tiger had been, letting everything hang loose in the dangerous Myrian jungle. He had the mark across his chest. She had to bite her bottom lip to stop herself from laughing. A kelvic. Of course. She grinned and waved a jaunty little wave; surprisingly unaffected for a Myrian who had just had their prey taken away. She looked back at the white one, half expecting another human to be sitting there. She was played by Kelvics. Great.

She nodded at the kelvic, the one in human form, to show she understood what he was saying. Three against such a large colony of apes would help. She raised her clublike weapon in recognition, as if in agreement with the plan. She looked back at the white tiger now, waiting to see if there was a human beneath that pelt, too. If not ... well, it would be fun to see a tiger eat a monkey whole.
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