Although not nearly as grandiose as The Holy Forge, the place was filled with respectful silence and simplicity. No huge statues or sculptures decorating the halls, halls decorated by the Isur's finest artisans over the centuries. Ceos walked slowly, wondering what could be missing. Because something definetly was not there. That's it! No constant hammering echoing in the distance, a reminder of the priest's other duty, creation.
''It's so quiet...'' Suddenly said Ceos, while looking around, searching in vain for a possible source of noise. He then stopped, closed his eyes and joined hands in a short prayer: ''Blessed your Strenght be, inspiring the Faithful and guiding the Patient. May you watch over the path we take, as we forge our way into a brighter future...''. Keeping his hands joined, Ceos opened his eyes and spoke his mind for once:
''I've coped with the Forge's incessant noise for the last decades and now here I am, toured by a young, charming squire I've just met in this haven of peace.''He paused. ''You know, there was a time when my clan travelled the land, spreading Izurdin's faith all over Mizahar...all before the Valterrian of course.He couldn't say more. A deep sorrow had surfaced with those words. While all those tragic events happened before his birth, tales from that dark era were told to him by his father. ''I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought that upon you.''