[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Ophelia on May 1st, 2011, 4:51 am


oocCongrats on your new job. Don't forget to subtract the apartment pay from your ledger. You need to do 1-2 working threads this season, and at the end of it, send them to me or Kelpie and we'll get you a SS secrets thread with your wage - you will only get your wages at the end of the season. Thanks Wren!

Youchi took the miza from him without a word, weighing the bag and counting out 12 kina, 4 jade kina and 6 topaz kina. She did not comment on the meargre sum before her, she simply and quickly dallied out what was needed for Wrenmae to use in the city of lhavit. Smiling, she put them all into a punch and handed it over to Wrenmae. "Your kina, sir."

She smiled, exclaiming, as he spoke. "I am so very glad we could cater to you, sir Wrenmae!" She stood abruptly from the desk, gesturing to Wrenmae to stay whilst she went out into the back room. Coming back, she held out a key, slightly rounded and quite different to anything Wrenmae may have seen in other cities. "Here is the key to your room at the Solar Wind Apartments, room B13. Do you know where the Solar Wind Apartments are?" Without waiting for a response, she happily gave directions. "They are located just on the outskirts of the Surya Plaza. You can't miss it. Any native Lhavitian would be happy to direct you, too."

She jotted down the room number, and the pay that Wrenmae would be recieving. "Sir, just head on over to the Shooting Star and give them this note." Quickly, she jotted some Lhavitian words down on a parchment and handed it over. "It's just detailing to them what I've hired you for." She grinned, then listened to his next request.

"The Surya Plaza is alive and crawling at night, there will always be room for a story there. Otherwise, just explore. There are six peaks of Lhavit, not just the Zintia, each with its own mysticism and magic. Explore, sir, and just enjoy our shining city of the stars. And don't forget, bowing is polite!" Smiling, she bowed once more and sat down, indicating that their audience was over, unless Wrenmae had anything else pressing. She knew he would enjoy the city.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Wren on May 9th, 2011, 3:40 am

15th of Spring, 507

A thousand stars.

That was how many Wren had counted, or thought he had counted, as they'd walked the long, somewhat terrifying bridge between the Sharai peak and the Zintia. Of course, Wren had passed that way many times already, trailing beside his father as the aged hunter took his wares to the markets in Lhavit's central hub. Wren knew his way around the main spire as only a native Lhavitian could, though he preferred the cooler, less hectic atmosphere of the Sharai.

Which wasn't to say market days couldn't be fun. Like most lads his age, Wren loved to weave amongst the stalls with their exotic goods, listening to a variety of conversations in familiar and foreign languages alike. Still, they had come to Zintia with a different purpose in mind this time, and they had approached a building that Wren had never seen before; of that he was certain.

The architecture was not unlike most of the buildings that composed the towers of Lhavit--high, vaulted ceilings made of translucent glass, elegant decorative fixtures and winding steps to the levels above. This building seemed to glow with an inner fire of some kind--whether by magic, or hidden sconces, Wren knew not.

He had yet to hit his last growth spurt, and his head barely cleared the tall front counter. His father, taller than him by two feet, smiled at a pair of secretaries located at their stations behind great, white desks. Uncertain of his new surroundings, Wren fashioned a grin of his own, but remained half-hidden behind his father.

"Easy, now," Conrad spoke to his son softly, resting a hand on Wren's shaggy head. "Miss Sakana's a real nice sort. Won't bite you, I promise, leastwise not hard." Chuckling softly, at last the man reached forward and touched his fingers to the delicate crystal bell adorning the main desk. Wren's eyes widened at the soft peal of sound that chimed in response, struck by how beautiful a sound such a little thing could make.

After not much time at all, a woman of indeterminate age approached the desk. Wren made a game of trying to look her over without ever making it obvious he'd noticed her at all. His father had no such compunctions, and addressed the woman directly.

"Lovely Miss Sakana," he greeted her, showing more tact and grandeur than Wren usually witnessed in the quiet man. "How are you this evening? This is my son, Wren. Say hello to Miss Sakana, Wren."

Belatedly catching the request, Wren managed a somewhat goofy smile before he replied with a dutiful, "Hello."

"Wren's a man of the woods now, adept at laying traps and twice as skilled with the crossbow as I was at his age," Conrad went on, patting Wren's shoulder with each bit of praise. "Could be he'll be the main breadwinner of our little household in no time. Leastwise, that's where I'd like to see him." At that, Conrad lifted his brows, addressing the attendant with an earnest smile. "He'll be reaching his sixteenth nameday in just a fortnight. That's plenty old enough for him to start earning his own wage as a hunter, don't you think?"*
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Aestineos on May 31st, 2011, 10:29 pm

23rd Day of Spring in the Year 511 AV (Daytime)

With the light of Spring reflecting off of his gleaming gold skin and glinting off of his horns, Aestineos made his way to the elaborately carved building located a short distance from the Amaranthine Gate. He already had a brief glance of some of the city; hearing that the Cosmos Center was a good place to get his new life off to a good start. Entering the Center, Aestineos noticed immediately the simple furnishing and white desks off to the side. The secretaries behind the desks appeared to be aiding a few other visitors with their various needs. Strolling over to a uniquely crafted silver bell, Aestineos passed one of the potted plants that adorned the room. Almost instinctively, he reached out and brushed his hand along a long, slender leaf. The plant immediately began to grow and bloomed with several beautiful violet flowers now spilling down the sides of the pot. He noted another person already at the bell ringing it three times. Shortly after, a secretary arrived and they walked off to a nearby desk. Now at the bell, Aestineos tapped it three times as well and waited for a secretary.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Kelpie on June 1st, 2011, 12:30 am


Youchi smiled at Condrad, bowing respectfully. “Welcome Conrad, and welcome, Wren. It’s such a pleasure to have you both here. Even more so that your father has deemed you worthy to continue the family business.” She addressed the young Wren with a genuine smile, “I do believe he is ready, so let’s get the paperwork set up shall we?”

Youchi approached the desk and pulled out a scroll and a quill. “For Wren Morai, 5 kina a day as a Hunter. Does that sound good to you?” She asked, then continued, “You’d be hauling your catch in using the pulley system, and you’ll be given authorization for it. It’s far easier than trekking up and down the rocky path from the Amaranthine Gate so it should be advantageous in the end.”


At the ring of the bell, a woman emerged from a doorway. Hair pinned up in a bun and garbed in soft robes of blue, she offered the Ethaefal a charming smile. “Welcome! It’s an honor to see another Ethaefal in our grand city.” She glanced at the potted plant, whose flowers bloomed with such vigor. There was a look of surprise, and then of joy. “Well you just brightened my day-- please excuse the pun. I’m Youchi Sakana, how may I be of service to you?”
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Aestineos on June 2nd, 2011, 3:39 am

When the woman stepped through the doorway and approached Aestineos, he smiled softly and gave a slight bow following her introduction.

In a smooth, almost musically melodic voice, he said, "No milady, you are the one who honors me with your acceptance." In his voice, the ever-so-subtle manipulations of djed were ingrained; a simple hypnotic suggestion meant to enhance the idea and feeling of acceptance that Youchi may already have.

"I've come to this wondrous city following a rather unique journey in hopes of creating a new life for myself while also contributing to the betterment of others." Any light shining in from the outside caused his skin to shimmer with various metallic hues of gold, copper and bronze.

Aestineos, an aura of confidence and leadership blending seamlessly with his pseudo-divine appearance and subtle hypnotic suggestions of trust, never allowed his gaze to leave Youchi as he spoke. "I've been told that I may find an honorable, beautiful and well-learned individual here in this grand structure may aid me in my venture." Aestineos held Youchi's gaze with his impossibly bright green eyes. You see, nearest I can gather, In my last life, I may have been a merchant of some skill and I'd like to reclaim that. In order to do so, I require a place of residence that may also double as an establishment to provide goods and services to the people. Don't get wrong though, I'm not seeking handouts, gifts or anything of the like. I simply wish a building, heavily windowed for obvious reasons, that I may renovate and enhance."

Aestineos paused a moment to punctuate his words with a smile then continued, "While I know that your great city provides a wealth of experiences and wonders, I wish to provide the people with a selection of wines and beverages never before experienced. I wish them to see and feel the light of Syna more deeply; to take it in, ingest it and be one with her grace. With your help, I would give a little taste of the divinity I myself once enjoyed. To do so however, I ask for help in finding a place to begin. Would you be able to offer such help? I have 500 of these odd golden coins to put toward such a venture in addition to a strong back a hopefully a pleasant demeanor. No matter the outcome however, I at least have the pleasure of meeting you and offer my thanks for hearing my words." Aestineos continued to smile with genuine hope and appreciation.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Kelpie on June 3rd, 2011, 11:29 pm

"Oh stop you flatter me, sir." Youchi laughed, a soothing sound in the still air. But she listened attentively to what the Ethaefal had to say, especially in his regards to his desires for his stay in Lhavit. She smiled widely and nodded when he finished, "You have great ambition, and it's refreshing to see it. I do believe we may be able to acquire what it is you seek. And it's just your luck you arrived in time for the opening of a brand new, vacant establishment. Shall I show you?"

She waited for Aestineos to follow, then proceeded to lead him out the Cosmos Center and onto the streets of Lhavit. Daytime meant most of the population was soundly asleep, but there were plenty of foreigners that were up and about. Some trained their eyes on Aestineos, but it was not a look of bewilderment. After all, many ethaefal had made their homes here, if not to be closer to their gods. As they walked, the buildings glimmered under Syna's rays, until they came upon a tall building carved of the same skyglass material as the rest of the city.

"Here we are!" She chimed, grasping her scroll and quill in one hand as she gestured for him to enter. "This is the brand new tavern built just last season. It comes with the tavern itself, and a second story with a bedroom and a bath." She walked across the freshly polished wooden floor, past a counter with several stools, towards stairs leading toward a door. "This is the cellar, and across from here is the stairs that leads to the second story. The bedroom and bath are fully furnished. Would this be the right fit for you, mister...?"
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Aestineos on June 7th, 2011, 12:08 pm

Aestineos graciously acknowledged Youchi's offer to view the potential property and followed her from the Cosmos Center onto the streets of Lhavit. He hadn't been in Lhavit long but from what he had noticed thus far, the city was much more alive at night. Experiencing a fragment of his lost status as a divine being during the day, at night Aestineos was a human much like most of the rest of Lhavit. While many Ethafael mourned the loss of their grace, Aestineos tried to take it all in stride. When the sun set and the rays of the sun no longer blessed his flesh, Aestineos did what he could to cope with the inescapable feeling of loss. He drank, heavily, and sought relief in music, story and of course, women. The fact that much of Lhavit was more active at night was a mixed-blessing. If he could start up his business venture in the way he desired, he could reach many people with the blessings of Syna while also raking in a respectable amount of monetary wealth. However, being that most of the business would come from the nighttime hours, he would not be operating at his greatest level of influence, personality and overall beauty. Regardless, he could not deny the merchant within.

As they walked, Aestineos couldn't help but note how different humans looked compared to the slivers of memory he had from times long gone. More than five centuries had brought great changes in people. Youchi for example, appeared much younger than she really was. Aestineos was blessed with the gift of sight when the sun shines. As the light of Syna touched Youchi, Aestineos could see that she was blessed with the gift of youth despite being not so young. He kept this knowledge to himself yet he couldn't help but feel a bit of companionship. He too was far, far older than he appeared; having experienced a lifetime and then some though looking no older than he did at the prime of his last life. It was then that he felt a renewed desire to help others understand that there was so much more to life, so much to enjoy, so much to experience. While he couldn't give them everything, Aestineos would give them the pleasure and excitement of experiencing something new and exotic; the whole point of his future establishment.

When they finally arrived at their destination, a slow grin grew across Aestineos face. Entering the tavern, he took in all that there was; the light of Syna shining through the glass. Aestineos' mind was in overdrive as he saw the tavern not as it was but as it would be. With all the glass and openness to Syna, he could see the entire city from a bird's-eye view. Syna's gift of sight would be allowed from nearly any point within the building. Everything he would have wanted, the tavern itself, a living area and storage, it was perfect.

His voice as melodic as ever, "Youchi, this is more than I could have ever hoped for. Indeed it is absolutely what I am looking for in every way and more than I would have ever asked for. If my original terms of 500 of these coins to start is acceptable, I will provide the majority of profits gained from the business to the city until any debt is repaid. The only thing I would ask in addition is that upon the grand opening, you be my guest of honor." Aestineos reached for Youchi's hand and brushed his lips upon her skin.

In a soft, almost seductive sounding voice, "While this may be your job, you have been more than kind and generous to me. I wish to repay you, not the Cosmos Center, for your generosity and kindness." While his hypnotic voice and gaze were still in effect, it came across as genuinely natural even to Aestineos for he felt every word he spoke. In his celestial form, Aestineos felt no selfishness, no falsehoods, gifts, skills and abilities were pure and as a bright as the sun itself.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Kelpie on June 9th, 2011, 8:28 am

Youchi beamed brightly at Aestineos, clearly pleased with the reaction. "The total for this establishment, including the bedrooms, kitchen, the bath and the storage is 2600 kina. But, lucky for you, this price is reduced by twenty-five percent! The total would be 1950 kina owed to the city, but you needn't begin repaying it until the beginning of next season. We may loan you money to get you started on your business, or you may approach the Dawn Matriarch Sousa for assistance. If you would like to give us an estimate as to what you would require in terms of the size of the loan this would help, but you may keep your 500 gold mizas to spend on whatever you like. In addition, we will begin a salary of4 kina a day beginning tomorrow so you may begin setting up. Also, if you employ anyone else, such as a cook or a barmaid, an extra 2-3 kina will be given to you."

Youchi sprawled out the scroll on the counter and began writing down:

CC Attendant: Youchi Sakana Dawn
Building: 529, Zintia Peak
Amount Loaned: 1950 kina
Purpose: Business Transaction
Amount owed to Lhavit: 1950 kina, 50 kina a season
Salary: To begin immediately, 4 kina a day.

"How does this sound, sir? Is it a fair deal?"
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Aestineos on June 14th, 2011, 12:26 pm

As Youchi began running the numbers on the cost of the building and its contents, Aestineos felt a strange tinge of familiarity. Though his memories were shattered across centuries, the one thing that always seemed concrete to him was coinage and monetary transactions. It was the only thing other than the life-giving light of Syna that gave him comfort in this new, alien life he found himself in. Running the numbers himself, Aestineos considered the pros and cons of the offered deal. While he gathered the beginning income was relatively low, he realized that while possessing more than enough skill to perform the job, it would take some time to get into the grove of things and turn his vision into a success. He also did not like the idea of being in debt to anyone however the cost was reasonable as were the terms of repayment. If all went as he planned, he would more than make enough to cover his expenses.

He watched as Youchi wrote upon a scroll the details of the transaction. As she did, a strange feeling overcame Aestineos as he felt himself thrown back several hundred years. Though always strange, the feeling was also familiar as he had experienced it before. The sense of falling from a great distance and landing in a memory from a life long lost. Though the actual remembrance lasted but a second, it felt as though he was reliving it all over again in real-time.

The scroll had been unrolled and the details of the transaction had been laid out. A man, looking much like the night-time image of present day Aestineos, sat in a high-backed chair behind a massive desk. Piles of papers, books and scrolls filled every inch of the desk's surface save for the specific scroll before him. It was a deed to a small tower on the west coast of the Suvan Empire long before the Valterrian. The merchant who owned the tower had come to Aestineos hoping to trade the tower for Aestineos' favor. Aestineos had visited the tower several nights prior and was impressed with the elegant simplicity it possessed. Looking at the deed and noting all the details of the transaction, he was pleased with what he saw. Offering a quill and ink to the other man, Aestineos waited while the man placed his signature upon the scroll. In turn, Aestineos also signed. With the shaking of hands, the deal was sealed and the tower was his. The memory vanished as quickly as it appeared.

Touched with a sense of longing; a feeling one gets when they know they should remember something more yet it falls through their fingers like dry desert sand, Aestineos blinked once, then twice. Then, in his own musical voice; one that sounded like his own yet still an echo of what he once was, he said, "My dear lady, your deal sounds more than fair. I accept the terms of such a deal and offer my services, if ever needed, to the city of Lhavit, in the name of Syna and the light of the sun." With that, he offered his signature to seal the deal.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Seferox Zenrad on June 17th, 2011, 6:37 pm

Season of Fall, Day 16, 511 AV (Nighttime)

After a long day of revisiting old memories, Seferox finally stumbles upon the Cosmos Center. He's both physically and mentally exhausted from exploring Lhavit, getting reacquainted with all of his favorite childhood places and playing a game of mental-catch up. He also notices for some reason that Lhavit is deserted during the day time, except for the occasional tourist. For some reason he knew that fact was important, and he couldn't remember what was the explanation for it. Ah, perhaps it wasn't that important he decides. It's night time , and there's a nice cold chill in the air. Seferox thinks he's too late to apply for a job, but surprisingly, there are several people on the street, more than during the day, and now more locals were out than tourists. The shinya also seemed more alert. Most importantly, the Cosmos Center is open. "Oh, that's right, here in Lhavit, night is day and vice-versa" Seferox remembers "I can't believe I forgot that" Seferox says while scolding himself. Seferox enters the Cosmos center noticing the white desks off to the right, attending to several people of all races with varying things from lodging to employment to even information. Seferox walks up to a vacant desk and taps the bell three times, patiently awaiting a secretary.
Seferox's CS http://www.mizahar.com/forums/post84608.html#p84608
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