"Do you honestly believe, at this stage in our relationship, that your life holds any meaning to me?"

The Conceit
Ethaefal by Syna:
Beauty defines Valonai's appearance. He doesn't possess the handsome and rugged features of his less celestial peers, but instead is gifted with a woman's beauty, tempered with perfect arrogance. Not a single flaw mires his milk-soft flesh, nor is a single one of his white-gold hairs out of place. A pair of red horns, the color of a rich dawn, flow from his hair. He is regal, and while he may be as beautiful as the dawn, he is colder than the night. Never does anything but a mocking smile grace his lips, and rarely do his cheeks blush. He is thin, and stands at about six feet tall. Only he would have the conceit to say he was carved out of the marble itself, but he does say such things. He is also cool like the stone, and his skin is somewhat chilled to the touch. He dresses up in once-exquisite clothes, and the undue emphasis on appearance is part of his narcissistic self-absorption. He moves slowly and with great dignity under the light of Syna, and he is aware she is always watching him, laughing at him. In contrast to this, he is capable of great speed in small bursts when circumstances require it. He tends to stare for lengthy periods of time with his amber eyes, sometimes this can be flattering, sometimes it can be unnerving. He lacks much in the way of physical strength or endurance, and has never been seen running.
Eypharian by Leth:
As light is banished from the sky, color begins to return to Valonai. And with it, he seems to gain a kind of passion hidden during his daylight hours. His skin goes from marble-pale to a gilded olive, and he grows a few inches, and gains a few pounds, although he's still thin. His hair goes from white blond to black, and even as his horns painfully slide back into his head, four extra arms grow from his body. He still maintains his strange beauty, but it manifests more from his exotic features than his perfect form. His hair is much longer as an Eypharian, almost shoulder-length, and his eyes turn a stark shade of violet.
He relaxes considerably at night, perceiving that Syna is no longer watching him, and thus he may act with less restraint. He can be passionate, violent, sensual, and so angry.
The Forsaken
No longer in tune with the natural world, Valonai has become something alien and unwholesome. Rejected by his Goddess, and set loose upon the world, he is filled with mortal ambition that his immortal soul rails against. He no longer has the blessings of Syna. He is one of the Forsaken. He has none of the Ethaefal's powers, he has nothing at all. Except bitterness and loneliness, and pain. And hatred. So much hatred.
The Conceit
Ethaefal by Syna:
Beauty defines Valonai's appearance. He doesn't possess the handsome and rugged features of his less celestial peers, but instead is gifted with a woman's beauty, tempered with perfect arrogance. Not a single flaw mires his milk-soft flesh, nor is a single one of his white-gold hairs out of place. A pair of red horns, the color of a rich dawn, flow from his hair. He is regal, and while he may be as beautiful as the dawn, he is colder than the night. Never does anything but a mocking smile grace his lips, and rarely do his cheeks blush. He is thin, and stands at about six feet tall. Only he would have the conceit to say he was carved out of the marble itself, but he does say such things. He is also cool like the stone, and his skin is somewhat chilled to the touch. He dresses up in once-exquisite clothes, and the undue emphasis on appearance is part of his narcissistic self-absorption. He moves slowly and with great dignity under the light of Syna, and he is aware she is always watching him, laughing at him. In contrast to this, he is capable of great speed in small bursts when circumstances require it. He tends to stare for lengthy periods of time with his amber eyes, sometimes this can be flattering, sometimes it can be unnerving. He lacks much in the way of physical strength or endurance, and has never been seen running.
Eypharian by Leth:
As light is banished from the sky, color begins to return to Valonai. And with it, he seems to gain a kind of passion hidden during his daylight hours. His skin goes from marble-pale to a gilded olive, and he grows a few inches, and gains a few pounds, although he's still thin. His hair goes from white blond to black, and even as his horns painfully slide back into his head, four extra arms grow from his body. He still maintains his strange beauty, but it manifests more from his exotic features than his perfect form. His hair is much longer as an Eypharian, almost shoulder-length, and his eyes turn a stark shade of violet.
He relaxes considerably at night, perceiving that Syna is no longer watching him, and thus he may act with less restraint. He can be passionate, violent, sensual, and so angry.
The Forsaken
No longer in tune with the natural world, Valonai has become something alien and unwholesome. Rejected by his Goddess, and set loose upon the world, he is filled with mortal ambition that his immortal soul rails against. He no longer has the blessings of Syna. He is one of the Forsaken. He has none of the Ethaefal's powers, he has nothing at all. Except bitterness and loneliness, and pain. And hatred. So much hatred.