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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Voxxus on May 1st, 2011, 1:55 am

Height: 6'2"

Character Description

The tall dark figure stands with sleek black hair encasing his pale face. His ghostly white eyes never seem to focus on anything particular, in fact, when spoken to, some people doubt his participation in conversation. He is clothed in a tight leather top and bottom that is darkening with age and his feet in leather sandals. He walks very unnaturally in such a loom that his head does not bob, but remains still and graceful. On his waist is a brighter leather belt containing 5 blades whose lack of grip would lead even a person in amateur knowledge of weapons to know they are throwing knives. On his back is a magnificent spear, lengthy and beautifully forged. Being solid steel, it must take a modestly trained individual to wield such a heavy weapon. One more thing that few would notice, on his left hand is a necklace consisting of a dull chain, its wrapped and tied to his wrist so a simple white pearl, fastened to the chain, is braced to the back of his hand. Depending on the weather, Voxxus will catch himself limping, due to a leg injury he recieved as a child. If he were to take off his top clothing, one would see prominant scars from whipping.

Character Concept

Voxxus is extremely introverted. He reads people, and rarely gives input; his words being strong, however, when he chooses to voice them. He was hypnotized when he was young and suffers from a degree of memory loss, but learned the art from the man who did such a feat to him. He is capable of captivating individuals with his strange white eyes, and if they retain his presence long enough; he can make them feel uncomfortable or displaced so long as they continue gazing into his otherworldly eyes. He has a pearl on the end of a chain that is wrapped to his wrist that is, at this point, an object of mystery to him that he cannot depart with. He is not yelled skilled but would like to be able to learn the feat of placing people under a trance with the gem. Voxxus is a an amature at hypnotism, but he often tries to coax people, who are curious or doubtful of the ability, by taking advantage of their scepticism and bettering himself at the art.

Character History

On the coast outside of southern Sunberth

“The trick is to aim directly in front, depending on where the sun is to the fish.” said the man as he pulled the spear from the water displaying a writhing fish at its point. “The light plays tricks on your eyes so don’t use them.” The boy reached out and grasped the dying fish sliding it from the head of the spear with such care that it would seem he was concerned for it. Then he brought it to a smooth rock, and grasped it by its tail and finished its life. The man placed his hand on the boys shoulder to comfort him as he reluctantly succumbed to the lifestyle his father had been instructing him. “When I die, the fish will have me in return…” The boy perhaps more lost in his gaze at the now still being in his hands.

“You see this spear, boy?”

“Yes father.” He fought his gaze to his father’s hands and marveled the beauty of the dangerous weapon. The deep carvings in the shaft would rip the flesh from the hand of an untrained man if he attempted to throw it. The remarkable head forged to resemble a fish, yet rounded into the shaft to remain durable and last.

“When the fish have me, you may have this… just as my father said to me before the sea took him.”

A long silence was interrupted by the displacing water around a beautiful women gasping for air. She mounted the coral shelf that the two stood on and placed a simple blade in her thin waist garment. “Did you catch dinner, Voxxus?” she said between breaths.

The boy started to answer the truth when his father interrupted him, “He sure did, and I don’t think we will be able to finish this one.” The man said holding out the fish dripping blood from its mouth.

“Oh my, I don’t believe I have ever caught something that big, but I did make an extra special catch today.” She held out two closed hands waiting for the boy to pick. He tapped the one on the left remembering that last time she placed a pretty rock in the right, “Ha ha… you’re getting too good at this, Vox.” She turned her fist upside down and opened it to reveal a beautiful white pearl. “Take it, my mother always said they bring you luck.” He picked it and held it to were he could inspect its perfection. “Thank you mother” She smiled warmly, “Alright, let’s begin the fire.”

It was dark enough for the fire to be majestic, but his attention was placed on his mother as she was humming so beautifully while she was cleaning the fish. The boy rolling the pearl in his hands took in as much of the moment as his mind would allow. His mother was so beautiful, long jet black hair, slender body that made him associate her beauty to the rolling sands on the beach. He loved how warm she was, no matter how cold the water, he could wrap himself in her arms and be soothed instantly. A large flash of orange brought his attention to the well crafted flame his father had just stoked; his sculpted body reflecting just as remarkable as the flames themselves. His father had achieved a state of confidence in which the boy believed he could never be wrong. He opened his hand and studied the interesting colors the pearl reflected from the fire. He played a game with himself that he often does when he is waiting on dinner, by burying the pearl under a fist-full of sand he would slowly pour on it. The mood so perfect, the security of his parents, the wisdom of his father embodied in the grand fire, the elegance of his mother symbolized in her song, he placed his hand deep in the pile of sand and let himself just be.

His mother stopped abruptly, “Oh, don’t let my presence stop you, pretty lady.” A foreign voice, imperfect and unwanted from the setting bellowed from behind him. The boy looked and saw a man with a large sword in his hand, sided by two other men, one with a bow and arrow pointed at the boy’s father, the other with a dagger. Behind them was the backdrop that explained everything, barely lit from the dying day was a massive wooden ship with black sails.

“What do you want?” said the boy’s mother in an anxious tone that frightened him.

“That is going to be hard to answer.” He said looking directly at the boy.

“Run Voxxus…” his mother looked at him with a terrible expression that his mind could not disobey. He stood up and faced the green line of his escape and took about three steps when his left leg refused to listen to his mind. Tumbling, he showered sand all over and rolled his tongue realizing he got it in his throat. A scream brought him to look at the commotion, and he saw the man with the bow, but no arrow, lying on the beach, with the dark man’s large sword in his chest. “He’s no use if he cannot run…” Another scream as the man to the dark one’s right was impaled by his father’s spear. The boy looked at his father, who was in the position he always is as soon as he stabs a fish. His mother drew her knife and threw it at the dark man, but it was caught by the handle, point staring him in the eye. The dark man threw the dagger at the boy’s father, and the boy felt a surge of pain in his chest as he saw the horrible event of his father becoming lifeless. The dark figure now pulling an odd contraption from under his looming cloak, it contained an arrow at its rounded end, which was pointed at the boy’s mother. A loud crack caused the boy to blink, and when he opened his eyes; his mother was on the ground with the arrow in her chest. She kicked her feet, and made a terrible sound, but then was still, like his father. The boy gazed at the horrible image, allowing it to forever be burned into his mind. The way his father’s lifeless eyes looked, the slowly tumbling sand rolling off his mother's stomach from a pile that had accumulated from the commotion. He realized that they were just like the fish he had held earlier.

His attention distracted by a dark presence in his peripheral, “Sorry, lad… I never intended to have anyone die.” The boy looked up at the dark man with a blank stare, as the man knelt down and placed his face just an inch away from the boy’s. The man’s eyes pierced his, as they were black and terrible, his face attempted to lie with a kind complexion described by a well kept beard. The boy gazed back into the man’s eyes, still blank and unsure, but then flash in his own eyes as he found his anger in that moment. The boy then flung his forehead into the man’s nose so hard it caused him recoil on his back.

“Gah!” the man screamed and held his hand out after wiping his nose to reveal blood. “You little shit…” The next thing the boy saw was the bottom of a boot, then blackness.

It was day time when the boy woke up, and this strange dark man stood before him holding a coin with a string through a hole punched in it. “You think it worked?” The dark man looked at the voice on the other side of the room, “I’m positive, but take him back to the beach to see if he remembers anything.” The man had kind eyes, but a purple swollen nose, and strange parts of the boy was telling him to hate this man. “Easy son, you had quite the accident with your leg there.” The boy looked at his bandaged leg. “What’s your name, kid?” what was his name? The boy thought for an awkward silence, and then in his mind he heard a beautiful voice of a woman, “Voxxus…” he muttered. “Strong name.” the dark man replied, “Alright let’s take him,

The scene before him was so discomforting, two bodies had no effect on him, but two other ones he had this strange compulsion to drag into the water. The dark man did nothing as the boy did so, letting them bob and then bubble under the tide as they slowly disappeared into the blue. The boy then went to a body that he cared nothing for, but was still strangely drawn to that area. He looked at the dead man’s face and no emotion for him, then his attention was drawn to the spear in his chest, it was so beautiful… the series of admirations for it seemed strangely redundant. Finally he brought himself to grasp the shaft of the mighty weapon and pull it from the corpse. The body made a terrible mixture of suction and crunching sounds as it was retracted. Holding the weapon out so he could marvel it he felt as if there was nothing left for him at this place, and he began to walk towards the arm that was extended for him, but then his limped leg was placed in a deep patch of sand, and he could not bring himself to take another step with out looking down. A handprint. A small one with all five fingers sprawled out. He looked at his own hand, and indeed it seemed to fit the mold. He positioned himself on the handprint and placed his own hand to match it perfectly. He heard a beautiful song, when he did this. A very familiar voice humming an ominous tune. He closed his hand in the sand and felt a hard thing in his fist. Opening slowly before his eyes, the sand rolled away from his palm to reveal a beautiful white pearl. He stared for many minutes at it, his mind aching with such trauma that he could detect had happen to him recently, but it hurt to try to search in himself to find the truth. He pocketed the pearl and stood up, now looking at the dark man with his arm extended. A voice in his head resounded in him to kill the dark man. ‘Throw the spear at him, he is evil.’ But the voice was more and more muted as the boy approached the dark man, whose face seemed gentle and caring.

“Who were those people, Voxxus?”

“…I’m not sure.”

Skill Set

15- Throwing spear (Starting package)
10-Throwing knives (Starting package)
15-Melee combat with spear (Starting package)
15-Hypnotism (Racial package)
5-Intimidation (Starting package)
5-Swimming (Starting package)

Lore of basic human Psychology
Lore of fish on the eastern coast


Long sleeved leather top
Leather pants
Leather belt
Leather boots
5-throwing knives
Razor, soap, flint & steel, salted fish, sharpening stone

Heirloom: Steel spear and pearl charm.

75 Total GM
-5 throwng knives.
-20 for spear.
(Voxxus pooled his 500 housing starting coin into the founding of the Vigilante Guild.)
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Posts: 19
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Joined roleplay: April 23rd, 2011, 5:53 am
Race: Human
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