Hi Quinn,
This has been addressed before, and I would just reitarate the points that are often repeated among people who ask about traveling. First up, you have to recognize that the world nearly ended, and that there aren't safe passageways, no paved roads. By 'wanderer' I am getting vibes of that lone man who journeys through the waste on his own, counting on his own mad survivalist experience to survive the day to day war called looking for food to eat and the daily threats of wild life hunting you for their food. Being partly Myrian is both a good and bad thing in the long run. Savage is a term I'd call Myrians, and traders and merchants would consider a great deal before (or not even consider) letting such a barbarian travel with them. General distrust, suspicion against your person, and so on.
It's mandatory to make "travel threads" when you're going through one place to another, just so moderators can make sure that you aren't skipping out on "roleplay duties". You need to fully explain how you went from Taloba to the Spires and then to Avanthal. That seems rather odd, especially if you've just been hitchhiking all this time. If you aren't used to the cold you could tip over and die of frostbites, and so and so. It would be a miracle to continue traveling alone. Vala is right, you may want to have a companion or two, roleplay a caravan and so on.
If unsure, I suggest you contact the DS of the place you want to go to. In this case, feel free to send Cheshire a PM, she'll be more than glad to assist you