25th Spring, 511AV Elaena was outside once again in the storm looking for inspiration for a new composition. She had spent most of the afternoon walking around, thinking of how she was going to ever finish her assignment on time. Some thought her approach to composition was a little unorthodox, but really, she wanted to break free from the traditional ways of composing. Often her teachers would scold her for deviating away from the traditional rules of composition. "You should never have parallel fifths or such open voicing!" A teacher said, returning her composition entitled "Hurricane" to her. "You do have a wonderful talent though my dear. We just need to channel it properly." This did not sit well with Elaena. Composition for her, was to channel the essence of her subject without the restrictions of tonality. Here she was, walking about in the storm, listening to the winds as they rose in a minor key and the harsh fall of snow against window panes, producing a shimmer of another minor key, but distantly related. "Nature is not tonal, but can be described more as being atonal". Elaena thought. Slowly the storm began to take form as notes in her mind. She would have to go inside soon to write this all down. She turned back towards her house, drawing her fur-lined cloak tight about her. Down the path she saw a stranger coming towards her. It was a man she had not seen before. As he got closer, the first thing she noticed about him were his eyes. They were a piercing blue. She wondered if he was from far away. Sometimes it was hard to tell here, but even harder due to the snow. When they were within a foot of each other, she saw he too was Vantha. His eyes were now black. Elaena smiled at him. "Hello! What a storm we are having!" |