Yes, that is the real me, and yes, the world does look like that when I'm around. And yes.. I am sitting under an awesome tree.BioName: Ron Bjork Date of Birth: April 21, 1986 Status: Married Wife: Kelsey Location: Texas Profession: Wristband Maker Type Guy Nationality: Swedish, Scottish, English, Irish, Czech, Cherokee, and God knows what else Likes: Writing, Reading, Music, Martial Arts, Motocross, Hiking, Hippies, Raves, Sitting at Home Alone, Mizahar, Dragon Age: Origins, My Wife Kelsey, Conversation, Sex, Swimming, Skinny Dipping, Barbecue, Sleeping, Being Awake, My Friends, Driving, Playing DnD Dislikes: All Work and No Play, My Enemies, Rap Music, People Who Steal Dogs Out of People's Yards My PCs that You Are Allowed to Know About:SiraLiam Ward
Okay.. so I'm not going to lie, I stole this format from Addy's thread, and actually reading her's is what prompted me to make one of these things, though I have been intending to for some time now. I just was lazy and never got around to it, but I am bored and so I figured I might as well. Within this "Scrapbook" you will find many things, including the many interesting life stories I apparently have, my terrible attempts at poetry, possibly some short stories, my random rants, news about my whereabouts, and anything else I might deem worthy of sharing with my fellow Mizaharians.. Mizaharites? Mizaharitarinites.. yes, that one will do. Now its time for my disclaimer:
Warning! This scrapbook may contain explicit content including but not limited to: My Life Experiences My Angry Rants Which Some People May Disagree With My Sexual Fantasies Pictures of Me and People Who Are Near Me AWFUL Poetry And Anything Else I Might Come Up With
If you disagree or wish to comment on anything I put in here feel free to do so, but know that I am ruthless and extremely sarcastic and I therefore may attack, maim, or mentally damage your psyche if I think it will entertain me.