Breakfast and Answers [Ethan]

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Breakfast and Answers [Ethan]

Postby Hadrian on May 2nd, 2011, 7:16 am

26th Spring, 511 A.V.

Thankfully, the servants in the Aelius household were long past the point of asking too many questions when the black sheep of the family made an odd request. All manner of strange guests had been allowed into the family apartments, hurriedly given tours, and ushered into the room he had been calling his own since his graduation from the University back in Zeltiva, though he kept leaving town out of nowhere. They suspected gambling debts or unsavory traffic with magical types. The youth these days!

But they had brought him a morning repast fit for at least three people, so perhaps he had sneaked someone into his room and had hidden them out of sight for the time being, or he was expecting some early visitor, or was planning to lock himself in his room all day again. Whatever top secret work he was doing for the Order was certainly taking up a good deal of his time. Perhaps he just needed rest, poor lamb.

Hadrian's door was locked and his window thrown open as he peered out into the dim dawn light as if he would immediately spot Ethan circling. There was a chance the bird-man had thought better of things and decided to steer clear of magic and magi. The young enchanter would only know when a raptor of some sort alighted upon his windowsill and shuffled in for food and teaching. Such a strange turn of events.

Spreading his hands toward the open window, he muttered an incantation in the Ancient Tongue. These things were not absolutely necessary, but often helped the mind symbolically do what needed to be done in order that its pattern work itself on the djed. The promised blue light of his res emanated slowly from his hands, whorling about them as the volume of the energy increased until there was enough that he sent it swirling out and around the windowframe, lighting the edges of the opening such that anyone looking at the Citadel would think it merely a trick of the dawn light.

But a keen-eyed bird would know the difference, especially one as keen on the sight of magic as Ethan had been.
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Breakfast and Answers [Ethan]

Postby Ethan on May 3rd, 2011, 6:20 am

Waking up just before dawn Ethan tired to think about what he needed to bring trying to get past the deep fuzz of heavy sleep. All he could think of were the only things he had really. His clothes, with boots and a cloak this time to appear more proper, and his pouch of Gold Miza. It wouldn't be polite if he didn't at least offer to help pay for the meal. He was a guest but not some bum seeking a hand out. Although the idea of a free meal was nice.

Ethan gathered his things and took flight in the streets. The people were sparse this early and it allowed for a quick second to take off. Any feeling of drowsiness was quickly swept away when the cool wind grazed threw his feathers. It was a much needed pick up. When he reached the Citadel he made wide slow rounds of the area. His bright golden eyes missed nothing. Every twitch and move flared instantly in his peripheral vision.

The dark orange early morning light did well to conceal him. Although it made the colors and shadows blend too much. Which made it difficult to distinguish something, but when the bright ball of blue Res appeared he knew instantly what it was. He flew with the cool air current and swung towards Hadrian.

Ethan hoped he would have some sort of balcony which would make this easier. Unfortunately all he was going to get was a window. The problem was that Ethan was carrying his clothes with him. Bundled and rolled up for easy travel. He perfected the art many years ago and was thankful he was large enough to accomplish this, but it posed a major difficulty when landing on anything but a smooth surface. From the looks of it he would have to soar into the room with the bag and land without breaking his neck.

This posed a problem but he had an idea... Flapping his wings Ethan gained speed. Getting closer and closer to the Window. He came from the far right side of Hadrian and quite a distance above him when he chose to swoop down. He wasn't more than ten feet away from Hadrian as he flew by. While he passed, Ethan gave out a short high pitched shriek. The idea was to startle Hadrian so he would understand to get out of the way. Screeching from a long distance may not of gotten the idea across in time. If Ethan didn't have a clear shot he could possibly injury himself horribly.

Once Ethan flew by he quickly turned hard to the right in a wide loop. The window was clear, his plan worked and now he just need to land. Flapping his large wings to gain speed. He tried to get a little above the level of the window.

A good distance away he dropped into a quick deep dive. Used the tail wind and momentum to pull up without flapping. The current and his speed brought him back up to the window but now in a gentle and slower glide. He went into the window from a light upward slope as planned and tucked his wings in for a second to get threw.

Ethan opened his wings wide inside the room to slow down and land gently. When he did land, Ethan was the image of animal grace and skill. Although he moved extremely well as a Human, Ethan never could master the same control when he was in bird form.

His looks on the other hand might take away from any natural grace. His large wings were black on the outside and light brown inside. His body was a mixture of gold/orange and white feathers. Orange being the more solid color on the core of the body. Where as white was more constant on his face, ending just behind his eyes. Around his actual eyes were black feathers. He looked like a large distant cousin of a vulture.

He quickly stepped off of his clothes and bird walked around for a suitable spot to change. When he couldn't find anything at first he stopped the hunt. He was a guest and it would be rude to pry. Besides Hadrian knew he was a Kelvic. If he was prepared to have one as a student then nudity would be something he needed to get used to.

Ethan called to the energy within his body. Something he did a thousand times before, but it felt different now. He actually had an idea what this energy was. The radiant light swarmed around the bird and extended towards Ethan's full height. When the light faded all that was left was Ethan in the nude.

It felt good to abandon his high standards of always being proper for humans. It was incredibly hard to always find a secret spot to change. He looked at Hadrian and smiled. The sight of the window reminded him of the completely insane thing he just did.

“Friend what did you think of that?” He smiled deeper while pointing towards the window. It seemed trivial to be excited over the maneuver but he was rather proud of himself. His excitement was innocent without a hint of boasting.

“I can't believe I was able to pull that one off. I thought it would be too hard with my clothes, but I did it!” He laughed a little and reached down to pick the roll of clothes up. He walked over to Hadrian and gave him a hug. It was either the adrenaline of the risky move or seeing his new friend. Either way he was happy. When they let go Ethan patted him on the back with the same enthusiasm as before.

“So what are we having for breakfast? We need our energy To start the day right.. I would of brought you something but I didn't think you ate bones?” He laughed at his own little joke, giving off a lop sided grin.
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Breakfast and Answers [Ethan]

Postby Hadrian on May 5th, 2011, 6:25 am

The amount of hydromancy he had practiced the day before had taken its toll on him, despite meditation and a full night's sleep. The amount of res he had created for this signal wasn't too terribly taxing, but he found he didn't want to maintain it any longer than he had to. It wasn't until he heard the startling scream of a raptor that he realized Ethan had come. At his signal, Hadrian stepped aside, wishing he had thought how difficult this landing might be for a bird as large as his new friend. But should Ethan come back, he would make things easier on him if he could.

He stepped aside, letting his res bleed into water, wetting the side of the Citadel until such time as the rising sun sent it up toward the clouds as invisible vapor. Instead he engaged his Auristics to watch what happened when a Kelvic changed. He had watched Cathan, of course, but the Kelvic were an entire race now, and he noted the differences in them, marveling at whatever process Marcus Kelvic had found all those centuries ago.

"Beautiful," he laughed, but not, as one might fear, at Ethan's naked body. No, it was the flight, the magic, and everything. Delighted, he was careful not to touch Ethan's back where his wings would be as it had made him tense the day before, but he reciprocated the friendly hug carefully.

"That was amazing, Ethan." He grinned. "Someday, when I learn to change myself into a bird, you will have to teach me how to fly..." His blue eyes, normally so focused, so intense, softened at the thought of flying, a magic that every little boy dreamed of at some point or another. "That... that will be a goal for me... and I would gladly teach you to See if you will teach me one day to fly."

That said, he led Ethan over to the table, laid out with sausages and other breakfast meats for the most part. He had assumed Ethan would be predominantly carnivorous, but there were also fruits and cheeses to scavenge, as Hadrian would likely do if his stomach made its desires known at some point.

"Eat as much as you like," he said. "You'll need your strength for this work, even if you don't use any muscles for it. Magic feeds on your djed, your soul. Your soul is supported by your body, and your body gets its energy from food. So... food is part of that cycle of energy. It's a good thing to remember if you become a true student of magic."

He paused, hoping he wasn't sounding pretentious.
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Breakfast and Answers [Ethan]

Postby Ethan on May 5th, 2011, 8:19 am

“Can you do that? Change yourself into a bird!?” The thought took him by surprise. Djed, Res and all of Magic just became that more interesting. Did magic make anything possible? What if Ethan could change into a fish or a cat? He could literally feel his heart pumping harder.

Ethan was excellent at perceiving peoples faces when talking to them. It's probably how he got so far with words. So when Hadrian mentioned flight, he knew it meant something to him. Ethan patted him on the back to help the mood stay bright.

“Friend, When you can become a bird. Make sure your are a large one with big claws. Even I have trouble with predators! But when you do turn into a bird. I will make you a good one. We will hunt for bones and build nests.” He was glad Hadrian took so much interest in flight. To Ethan it was completely amazing. Nothing came close to flying threw clouds or seeing the world from above. He was happy to share it with the man.

When Hadrian offered the entire table Ethan was more than grateful. Although He felt hesitant until Hadrian explained further about needing energy.

“Thank you for your hospitality, but have you eaten then? If your going to be teaching then you should eat with me. Besides we both are on the scrawny side.” Ethan laughed and pulled out two chairs. He took the one closes to himself and started digging in, when Hadrian sat down.

The food was as beautiful as the room itself. Delicious dried meats piled high with bowls of fruits all around. Surprisingly Ethan felt more than comfortable with Hadrian. He was simply too nice to suspect any further. He ate like a starved animal but kept his manors. Ate only one thing at a time, didn't smack and tried not to hunch over too much.

“If you are trying to buy my favor, Then a good meal is the place to start.” He chuckled before taking another bite of some dried beef.

“You know, Typically I can't stand much other than bones when I fly and hunt. But when I'm a man I can't get enough of it.” He grunted quizzically with the thought before he spoke again.

“You should become a Vulture! That way, you can claim the meat and I can steal the bones.” He smiled devilishly with the thought. While they ate, he would idly tell Hadrian how much he liked Vultures and about the ways flying could be so difficult but it wouldn't be very hard for a smart man like himself. Ethan waited until the other was done eating until he asked questions.

“So how are you going to help me see, teacher?”
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Breakfast and Answers [Ethan]

Postby Hadrian on May 6th, 2011, 6:45 am

"I can't yet," he admitted, "but eventually, I hope." He considered an application of Morphing for the eager young Kelvic to see, but thought better of it and decided to be more careful with his energy spent. Syliras was safe, but he was working on an important magecrafting project for the knights and he had to keep his wits and power about him for the duration.

"I'll show you later, but I'm rather tired. Not too tired to teach you, but too tired to show you all my tricks." He grinned. "But there are a few minor shape changes I can manage. I can change my hands into those of a Symenestra, complete with claws. And I can do some minor things, like change the color of things: hair, eyes, skin. Changing my face is difficult, and I'm not very good at it, but I practice in front o fa mirror sometimes. But if I keep at it, I might manage to Morph my entire body into that of an animal. Why not a bird of prey? Would you really suggest a vulture?" he asked, chuckling. They were hardly the most charismatic of birds, but he had his race's abhorrence of carrion eaters.

"I've eaten," he promised as they sat and Ethan tucked into the food. "And food is part of the equation, but one needs to drink a lot of water, get rest, and all... Generally a healthy body will keep the aura healthy. You will probably have an instinctive awareness of your limits. Humans are the ones more prone to a lack of self-awareness."

He steepled his fingers, just watching Ethan eat for a while.

"It's not a favor, this food. It's just hospitality. You're my guest. But... well, there's an ecology to energy, and I'm giving you energy with this food, with my effort in teaching you, so it would behoove you to teach me to fly when the time comes, giving energy back. The flow of energy must keep moving in order for the world to balance. If you give too much and don't get back, you overgive and all sorts of bad things can come of that. If you take too much and don't release any back into the world, you will rot from the inside out. Leechers suffer from this problem, though in a very specific way."

They chit-chatted through the meal, and when Ethan was done, he asked about that for which he had come: Auristics.

"Normally Aurists focus on Sight, but you also seemed to Sense things without your eyes, so I think we might focus on that for now. The Auristics... It's not really sight or smell or any of those things. But whichever you choose to see it as, that's how the information seems to come across to you..."

As he explained, he turned Ethan's chair out, held the Kelvic's left hand out, and bade him shut his eyes. The left hand, generally the stronger receptor, hovered in the air as Hadrian brought his own slowly closer.

"Just try to breathe, try to relax, and be open to whatever impressions your mind might pick up. Don't grab them too tightly. Don't jump to any conclusions. Just observe... with your eyes still closed."

The first time, Ethan didn't seem to feel anything until Hadrian's own hand was close enough that what he felt was merely body heat. The second time, Hadrian was unconvinced that it was truly working. But he took several paces back and continued his slow advance.

"Tell me when you feel it and... tell me what colors it is. There's no wrong answer, really, because you will see auras differently from other people because you are different. Not just that you are a Kelvic, but because you are you."
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Breakfast and Answers [Ethan]

Postby Ethan on May 7th, 2011, 8:38 am

Hadrian's words intrigued Ethan as they always did. He was well spoken and loaded with information and because of that Ethan had to practice the art of saving questions for later. Simply listening was the best way to learn but he was too eager to let it soak in naturally. Probably the biggest flaws he had with learning.

Hadrian began to instruct the Kelvic on sensing Aura's. How touch and sight were just the ways we chose to perceive the information. They got out of their chairs and Hadrian grabbed Ethan's left hand with his own. He wanted the Kelvic, with his eyes closed. To try and sense anything he could. Since sight didn't feel that great he would try touch again. Even though it was arbitrary, he would still try and hold onto the idea till he got better at this.

At first Hadrian slowly brought his left into Ethan's and it took until the last second when he felt the warmth. To get a mental image of an Aura. Silver blue light appeared an inch away from his hand. Like a thousand pin needle dots at first. The closer it got the more solid it became. Until he could feel the rough outline of his hand.

“I can feel your hand... sort of, its fuzzy.” His words trailed off. Their was a definite difference when he wasn't tapping into the energy of Hadrian. Things were less clear and more unfocused than before. Which was good and bad. He couldn't feel the same things but it all seemed a little more simple to him. When Hadrian pulled his hand away and moved it back slowly towards Ethan. This time from a greater distance. He felt a little more confident at what he was going to see this time. Hadrian instructed him to tell him whatever he saw. The color didn't matter.

Like before he felt the silver blue image come into perspective with sandy clarity. Although nothing changed, and he couldn't feel it any stronger than before. He started to get a tiny idea of what he was seeing. Ethan stood still except for a slight roll back and forth on the balls of his feet. It helped him to concentrate on the aura better.

He could feel it alright, mentally see the light of Hadrian's hand. It was slightly more silver on the inside and blue on the outer rims of his hand. What exactly did that mean though? He tried to pick apart the concept but the further he dug, the more unfocused the Aura became.

“I can't. I don't know what it means. I... I see it but nothing comes to mind. It's like I'm touching something I know, but I have forgotten what it was. Your hand is silver ish blue. Like before but a little different. I don't know how though.”

Ethan noticed that when he was distracted with talking. The Aura became a lot more clear. Hadrian told him not to grip onto the idea. To just let the feelings flow and come to him. Clearing his mind, he tried to do just that. Not focus on the concept and let the Aura work inside him. It seemed ridiculous to abandon logic like that but it couldn't hurt.

With his mind mostly clear, he tried letting the answers come to him. Moving his hand farther up Hadrian's arm their was still no meaning. The silver became just a little darker in his fore arm but that's it. The thought swirled inside his head for a second. Slowly an idea crept up. The difference in color meant something. The silver was... Heat, and just like that the idea became knowledge. Like forgetting something and having it on the tip of your tongue. Until one tiny detail brings back all that knowledge straight into your head.

“Heat! I can tell that your warmer in certain areas. The silver is the hotter area.” Ethan grabbed the other man's fore arm and press his finger tips in firmly. When he let go, the sear of light silver remained. He now discovered heat in an Aura.

“This is amazing I can't believe I'm feeling this on my own.” Ethan smiled and laughed, touching and prodding places along Hadrian's arm and shoulder to see the effect of heat.

“So the first step is the hardest, the rest is just practice. What else do you want me to do?”
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Breakfast and Answers [Ethan]

Postby Hadrian on May 7th, 2011, 7:57 pm

Hadrian let Ethan stumble through without too much comment, wanting him to be able to discover things on his own, which he did do. He even allowed the Kelvic to feel up his arm without making a fuss. Touching made him a little nervous, perhaps even more so knowing that Ethan could instantly shift into the form of a raptor and peck out his eyeballs at a moment's notice, but he didn't think in those terms. His discomfort was just mild and irrational. When he forced himself to relax, he found he didn't mind. In fact, it felt good, coupled with the knowledge that he was helping Ethan discover a sense he didn't know he had.

"Different people see different colors, but you're figuring out how your mind categorizes the information it's receiving. So you should get better at being able to sense temperatures... that's a common early skill. Now, you sit here..."

He urged Ethan back into the armchair and then went to stand near the fireplace. The fire was banked, putting off a bit of heat to keep any nighttime chill out of the air.

"Keep your eyes closed, and try to sense me from there. Sense that aura you had... Look for it now, with that sense you had. When you find me, see if you can tell the difference between my heat, the air around me, and the fire in the fireplace."

Even banked, the coals held a secret fire within them, enough to shine brighter in Ethan's Sense than Hadrian if he was looking for temperature. If his mind's eye went for the more complex djed structure, it would swing toward Hadrian, who was more complex than a fire or a sprig of dried flowers hanging from the ceiling to sweeten the air.

"A lot of getting better has to do with figuring out what you see, like a baby doesn't see much more than a blur at first. Not until they have been alive awhile do they know how to focus their eyes and interpret what they see with any sort of sense. Just so with this. All the information will be there for you, but it takes time and practice to sift through it all for what you want."
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Breakfast and Answers [Ethan]

Postby Ethan on May 9th, 2011, 7:45 am

Hadrian explain heat was a common thing to first interpret. Which encouraged Ethan. He was already taking steps even if they were small. Guided back to his seat he obeyed Hadrian without question. His next task was to distinguish Hadrian from the air around him and the fire In the hearth. Ethan had opened his eyes before he sat in the chair, letting go of any sense of Aura's and now was looking at Hadrian.

“Well I am willing to try, but I can hardly sense anything without feeling it.” Hadrian continued to instruct him. The baby analogy was a good way to put it. “So it doesn't matter how much I can sense, but what I can interpret?” Ethan didn't want to interrupt the training with questions so he simply closed his eyes.

At first nothing happened. It was expected, this new sense wasn't always going to be there when he called. He sighed and leaned his head against the back of the chair. He tried clearing his mind of any thought, but it didn't seem to bring his new sense to life. Now that he thought about it. This power seemed a little odd to grasp onto. Like it went as it pleased.

That wasn't going to be tolerated by Ethan. When he changed it was because he wanted to. Everything in his body needed to be controlled. To make sure he wouldn't speak out of term or act without logic and shame his former master. This new sense was very much like his change, it needed to be controlled. An energy he must call on and control within his mind. Put into context the idea was easy enough. Ethan focused on nothing but himself. He pulled deep into his soul and mentally started calling out to the energy inside his soul. Just like he did when changing

After a minute of concentration he was able to pick out the energy that caused him to sense aura's. Ethan was firmly convinced this was somewhat easy for him because he was used to calling on that energy.

A small smile came across his lips as his own Aura slowly burst into life. It was unfocused and hard to read but he pushed past the curiosity and started concentrating on Hadrian. At first he couldn't feel anything but the light gold aura of heat. He understood what it was right away by the feel on his skin. It appeared before him as a light mist running threw the room.

He tried searching for the familiar silver blue Aura of his teacher. Surrounded by this golden heat it should have been easy. Apparently it didn't work that way. The more he focused on heat, the brighter the gold became. Apparently his sense was simply picking up the hottest thing in the room. Still, he tried searching for him. Mentally thinking about and trying to remember Hadrian's spirit. Putting all other thoughts aside he simply focused on him. The slight silhouette of Hadrian appeared before him, very faint and unfocused. Blurred out by the overpowering golden heat. When he had a good location on Hadrian he tried focusing on the heat he was giving off. The only thing that did was force his senses to pick up on the hottest thing in the room again?

Ethan again calmed his mind and began to contemplate. It took him a few minutes of thinking to get a grasp on the idea. “So, whenever I focus on a certain sense. My mind shoots to the biggest sense in the room?” He spoke out loud to his teacher but was still too fixated on the Aura's to listen to anything else.

Letting out a sigh he began thinking about anything else he could focus on. Hadrian told him all the information was waiting to be interpreted. So that meant he could pick anything to focus on, and his senses would naturally pick the strongest one. At least that's how it seemed to work. Since no one else was in the room. It had to be something a person gave off. Ethan scrolled threw a mental list of options. Emotions, thoughts, smells, sounds any one of these things seemed more practical to sense than heat. Although Ethan remembered the first time he sensed Hadrian, the Silver blue energy of his soul... He already knew what it felt like. What it was and it was only practical he traveled down that route again.

Ethan cleared his mind and allowed thoughts of souls to run free inside his mind. The feel and sense of Hadrian's soul. The way it flowed off of him last time. Again he called out to the energy inside his body to find Hadrian's soul. He concentrated hard but it came to him quickly. He guessed right and the second he focused on something only a person gave off. The room became flooded with the silver blue cloud that was Hadrian's soul.

“I was right... Heat didn't work because of the fire...” Ethan's voice trailed off and he furrowed his eyebrows. Something felt different almost strange. Unlike touching his arm this Aura was a thick misty cloud. It was defiantly an improvement from not being able to sense it until he felt it, but something was different. The more he concentrated on the Aura the more it seemed to come into view. The effect was making him feel a little heavy in the chest but he ignored it for now. Learning was far to exciting to pay attention to pain.

“I feel something Hadrian. I-I Don't know what it is though.” Getting out of his seat he raised his hands to Hadrian, and with that he began to feel it more. The Aura was somehow vibrating. The idea didn't make sense though? Yet the more he focused on it. The clearer he felt the vibrations. They were light at first. More like a dull hum, but now their was a definite feel to them. Almost a twang every few seconds that seemed to over lap each other.

“Hadrian. Your soul is vibrating?” Ethan got Ethan closer and focused all his energy on the pulse. Every thought went to the idea of it. How it felt, what he thought when it brushed against him. After a while the vibrations became a solid pulse then a shock wave after each pulse. Ethan held his arms out wide and felt the pulse hit his arms and chest. Blue silver splashes came off Hadrian, in a way it confused him, but it also focused Ethan on the other mans spirit. Each wave brought more clarity to the image in his mind.

“Does this happen all the time? Is this just. Just the way my mind is making sense of it all... Like you said right?” Ethan was smiling wide. The possibilities exploded in his mind. If he could feel souls plenty of things could happen.. It took a second for Ethan to realize it was a heart beat. It was Hadrian's heart beat giving off the vibrations. The idea was still exciting, he would be able to sense people threw heart beats when he got proficient at it.

“It's your heart beat Hadrian! I can feel the pulse of your heart. How is this possible? Teach me more please, this is amazing. I don't know how to feel for the air though. but ill work on it. Do you have any tips on that?” Ethan was momentarily distracted when the pulses started to give off sounds inside of his mind.

“I can even hear a strange sound with each pulse!”
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Breakfast and Answers [Ethan]

Postby Hadrian on May 10th, 2011, 8:01 am

"That's one way of putting it," he agreed. "You will see colors of feel them, but the differences between them, the patterns they make... you have to learn how to interpret those, which is difficult to teach because everyone's mind sees something different."

He quieted down, letting Ethan try to find that strange focus within himself. It had taken Hadrian himself quite a long time, but the Kelvic seemed to be doing better than he had. Perhaps it had to do with being magic, or being a magical construct that had become its own self-propagating species. But he could only be quiet for so long; he attempted to answer questions as they came and then retreating from conversation so the Kelvic could concentrate.

"If you focus only on the heat signature of the aura, then something like a fire might blind you to a person standing close. But I think once you have a handle on it, you'll learn how to filter and balance things so you won't be blinded.

Hadrian smiled and nodded encouragingly even if Ethan couldn't see them. Perhaps he would see the flicker of approval in his aura, but who knew if that would show up when he was so dead set focused on mere heat. It made sense, though. Many animals were supposed to have the ability to sense, almost see, based on heat.

"You can sense the vibrations?" he asked, interest piqued. "There are some who think that energy is a vibration. Sound, light... It's a theory, of course. But yes, my aura might vibrate to a particular pitch. Certainly I have begun to experiment a bit with tonal qualities for magecrafting..." But that was going off topic. Then Ethan was running over him anyway, but Hadrian didn't mind. The sudden crest of enthusiasm almost made him laugh too.

"Well, the heart pumps blood and air and magic through a person. I suppose if you're picking up the vibrational element... that would make sense." He started walking back to where Ethan sat barely contained in the armchair. The movement was slow, hoping that the sense of his aura approaching would not spook the Kelvic.

His hands reached out slowly to rest on Ethan's shoulders, auras juxtaposing as he shook him gently as if waking a child from an active nap.

"Let it go for now, Ethan. If you do too much, you'll get a headache. If you continue past that, you can do some serious damage. It's like a muscle you have to exercise. Trust me. You don't want to overgive..."
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Breakfast and Answers [Ethan]

Postby Ethan on May 12th, 2011, 10:04 am

When Hadrian came closer. The vibrations got deeper, more powerful and louder. When he rested his hands on the Kelvics shoulders the pulse could be felt in his own heart. To the point were it made him feel like he couldn't breathe. Ethan gladly took Hadrian's advice and slowly let go of the Aura. Commanding the energy in his heart to stop. The Aura and pulse slowly eased and disappeared from his senses. Allowing for him to think clearly.

“Don't worry I know what your getting at.” Ethan leaned forward and started rubbing his eyes. He might of over given a little too much already or that pulse got to him. He winced sharply and took his cracked and cut fingers away from his face. Remembering that he dug his fingers into that stone the other day. Ethan sighed and shook his head slightly.

“If you don't take care of your muscles you won't last long flying. I had to learn that the hard way.” Ethan quietly laughed but quickly got back on track. “The pulses. Were amazing and I think it's my minds way of processing all of this information. Feeling the way the Aura's buzz and pulse.” Ethan looked up at Hadrian and was glad not to see his spirit.

“If I can sense the heart beat of creatures, then hunting and protecting you will be a breeze.” Ethan got up and started to look for something to eat. “See? I'm already figuring how to earn my keep.” The young Kelvic smiled as he found the bowl of thick dried meats. Pulling it close and grabbing three or four pieces in one hand and holding another towards his teacher.

“It's amazing. I'm starving again and I got this strange dead weight in my chest.” He bit a chunk off of the meat. He started speaking mid chew so he didn't let the conversation stay on a negative area. He knew he was okay, and didn't want to worry anyone. “I was thinking I could be an escort from now on. Where ever you go I can shadow you pretty well. In the sky or on the ground you won't notice me.” Ethan laughed and smacked Hadrian in the arm. “I'm kidding I'm terribly noticeable on two legs, but I can still protect you”
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