Lavia [WIP]

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Lavia [WIP]

Postby Lavia on May 6th, 2011, 4:01 am


"The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind."


• Name_ Lavia [Luh-vee-yah]

• Race_ Kelvin

• Birthday & Age_ First day of Fall, 506 AV, Five Years of Age

• Gender_ Female

• Hair Color/Eye Color_ Ashy brown | Honey

• Height/Weight_ 5'11/145lbs

ImageBeauty is known to come in all types of sizes and dimensions, colors and shades as well as even character and personality. It all truly depends on a persons own definition of beauty. With Lavia, beauty is in the heart of the beholder, rather than the eye. When in her human form, she stands at an elongated height of 5'11 which has never been odd when compared to her parents. Through her travels she has always noticed the many women she towers over, with their petite statures something she must admit, she somewhat envies. But with time she has grown comfortable with her body and being Kelvic sure does have its aid in the department of confidence. When in human form Lavia spends most of her time nude, after changing back from her animal form. She has grown comfortable in her own skin. Her arms and legs have always been well toned from her undying love of running and traveling, even on foot from time to time. She weighs just around 140 pounds, with a proportionally composed frame. She tends to walk a bit with a slump, not so much upright and raised. But in no means does that means she lacks grace and elegance. Her hair has always been very long in length, extending down towards past her waist, in thick locks of natural curls.ImageLavia doesn't do much to tame her hair, and is usually quite neglectful of it. Though it is rarely brushed and taken care of, it still holds much allure, in an exotic way. Her eyes are a very peculiar sight, at least on a first approach. Her eyes shine a golden hue, and at times can appear to be hazel, usually at night. They are surrounded with long eyelashes, that play a big part in her features. Though her eyes have never appeared as wide as an owl, they have always appeared as detailed as one. With piercing eyes, like most Kelvics, she can be quite intimidating to an average human being. When in her animal form she is a Great Horned Owl, her feathers being tawny and reddish brown. Her breast has a band of white feathers closer to the face, and its underside is grey with distinctive dark grey barring. The “horns” referred to in its name are only tufts of feathers, that are neither horns nor ears. She has a curved upper beak, that is about 1.5 inches long. The owl form has a really long neck, even though it appears that the neck is only short. She has huge, thick, heavy feet with big talons that are also about 1.5 inches long and completely covered in feathers. The tips of her wings have a separation of feathers, called slots. These slots help with lift and maneuverability when moving through forests to hunt. She has a height of 25in, a weight of 61 oz, wing span of 60in and her tail is about 8.0in. To be easily put, she is a little over the height of a ruler and weighs just about as much as a heavy eating plate. Though, her wing span is very massive compared to her other measurements.
Last edited by Lavia on December 16th, 2011, 7:01 pm, edited 13 times in total.
Fluent Common | Basic Tukant | Poor Tawna
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Inquisitive Kelvic
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Character sheet

Lavia [WIP]

Postby Lavia on May 6th, 2011, 5:06 pm

Hunting | 10/100 [RB]
Defense/Hand-to-Hand Combat | 10/100 [SP]
Survival Agency | 20/100 [SP]
Strategy | 15/100 [SP]
Tactics | 5/100 [SP]
Wilderness Survival +1 | 1/100
Observation +5,+4,+5,+2 | 16/100
Flying +1| 1/100
Investigation +1, +2| 1/100
Piano +1| 3/100
Rhetoric +5,+1, +1| 7/100
Tactics +1| 1/100
Hand-to-Hand +2| 2/100
Acting +1| 1/100
Sewing +1| 1/100
Intelligence +1| 1/100
Teaching +1| 1/100
Philosophy 1| 1/100
Fleeing +3| 3/100
Running +3, +2| 5/100
Swimming +2| 2/100
Intimidation +2| 2/100
Climbing 1| 1/100
Javelin 1| 1/100
Seduction +2, +1, +1| 4/100
Fishing +2 | 2/100

• Everyday isolation [SP]
• Loosing a friend [SP]
Mizahar Breathes
• Enjoying a Refreshing Drink
• Fetching Provisions
• The Attachments that Bring you Back
• Interest in the Unknown
• Perceptions of Azurk
• Playing With Stones
• Staring Contest: Lavia vs. an Akalak
• The Change of Akalaks
• Pleading
• Accepting Invitations
• Apologizing
• Quick Thinking
• Fleeing
• The Feeling of Defeat
• Similarities and Differences
• The Nature of Akalaks
• Sympathy for Azurk
• Ceruleans
• The Dangers of Being in Cerulean Populated Areas
• Making an Escape
• Rooftop Travel
The Color of Living
• Observation experience for paying attention and noticing things
• Swimming experience for your time spent in the water
• Intimidation experience for your attempts to be scary
• Seduction experience for the bit of flirting
• Taking little steps towards trust
• Sylira geogoraphy (Basic)
• Some people are actually nice
Loosened Chains
• Life of a Slave
• The Feeling of Shame
• Breaking Silence
• Refusing to be a Wretch
• The Taste of Freedom
• Telling it Like it Is
• A Sneak Peak at the Lifestyle of the Rich
• Being Dressed by a Young Man
• Dressing like a Proper Woman
• Etiquette: You Don't Wear Hats Inside
• Taste of Honey
A Hummingbirds Heartbeat
• Hummingbird Movements
• Kindred Spirits
• One with Nature
• Of Azurk


Secret :
• 57gm - 47sm [SP]
1 large tent (4 person), large tarp, 100 ft of rope, flint & steel, lantern, 2 torches, bedroll, blanket, fishing tackle & hooks, a riding horse, a full set of tack, and a large set of saddlebags. [SP]
Item Quantity Description Value
Cloak 1 Extends down to her feet, fur, dark and tawny brown 5sm
Coat 1 Half Coat, Black 2sm
Footwear 1 Low length boots 5sm
Boots 1 High length boots 5sm
Sackcloth Pants 2 Plain 1sm
Jacket 1 Black cloth, cotton 6sm
Sewing kit 1 - 18gm
Javelin 1 - 1gm
Robe 1 Cotton, linen 1gm
Waterskin 1 Brown 1sm
Toiletries 1 set Comb, Brush, Razor, Soap 4sm
Flint & Steel 1 each - 1gm
Silver Bracelet 1 Designed with small crystals, worth no value 2gm
Cotton/Linen Shirt 5 Plain white, v-neck cut, short sleeve 5sm
Sandals 2 Brown, Black 4sm
Stockings 1 Black, White 8sm
Gloves 2 Black leather 10sm
Belt 1 Brown, plain, silver buckle 2sm
Blouses 5 Linen 5gm
Fine Fabric 1 30 pounds 6gm
Paints & Dyes 1 set Common 1gm
Tourniquet 5 - 1sm
Jug 2 - 6cm
Blanket 2 White, Black 10sm
Last edited by Lavia on December 19th, 2011, 6:22 am, edited 16 times in total.
Fluent Common | Basic Tukant | Poor Tawna
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Inquisitive Kelvic
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Lavia [WIP]

Postby Lavia on May 6th, 2011, 5:28 pm


With such soft features, there is no surprise when it comes to her personality. Not to say her looks define who she is, but they are pretty corresponding. Lavia has always been a compassionate being, having a soft spot within herself to any and everything she has either grown attached to, or even those she hardly knows. It has always been in her nature to be kind, giving and willing to bend backwards for those in need. Within her, like all Kelvics, there has always been a burning to desire to serve faithfully and loyally to another. Though, she has not bonded with anyone as of yet, that burning desire still flames on within, to each person she meets: big, small, human, eypharian, blue or white. She is a completely trust worthy person, and would take her own life before ever backstabbing or deceiving another. Just as old folk tales of owls, Lavia is truly a wise creature. Sure, she can not read or write, but her conversations have always been intellectual, filled with parables, wise advice and allegory. She is known to only part her lips to speak when there is something of importance or something of value to be said. She is much more of an observer, taking in her surroundings completely and never letting anything fly right past her. She is cautious and vigilant, the type to always looks before she leaps. She is also very imaginative and creative, finding her own sweet scape within the windows of her own mind. She can easily take in friendships, being flexible with most people, which is a wonder why she travels alone. She is sociable, but not at first. Lavia at a first impression, would be watchful, quiet, timid and curious. Her animal characteristics usually take over, even in human form. Picking at food before eating, poking at objects before picking them up, and staring at prey or other people, before making her approach. Many good things can be said about Lavia, but that does not mean she lacks flaws. Indeed, she can be as stubborn as a mule, and very impatient.

Last edited by Lavia on December 15th, 2011, 6:01 am, edited 18 times in total.
Fluent Common | Basic Tukant | Poor Tawna
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Inquisitive Kelvic
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Lavia [WIP]

Postby Lavia on May 6th, 2011, 8:40 pm

Image[Flashback] A mother's will [Solo] Season of Fall, Day 1, 506 AV Ongoing

[Flashback] Loosened Chains [Victor Lark] Season of Winter, Day 12, 508 AV Finished

Flashback [The Sunset Falls] The Color of Living (Ethan) Season if Winter, Day 17, 508 AV Finished

[Evantide Tower] A Day to Rest and Fatten Up (Lavia) Season if Winter, Day 18, 508 AV Ongoing

Wondering & looking for friends [Flashback] (Raven Black) Season of Spring, Day 38, 510 AV Ongoing

Spring 511 AV
A Curious Encounter before leaving Ravok [Ren, Reaver] Season of Spring, Day 1, 511 AV Finished

[Takula Outpost] Mizahar Breathes (Lavia) Season of Spring, Day 10, 511 AV Finished

[Bluevein River] A Hummingbirds Heartbeat (Azurk) Season of Spring, Day 14, 511 AV Finished

Summer 511 AV

Fall 511 AV

Winter 511AV

Fluent Common | Basic Tukant | Poor Tawna
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Inquisitive Kelvic
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Joined roleplay: May 6th, 2011, 3:23 am
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