1. Name - or what you'd like to be called!
I will answer to Frank and/or Bob. Confused? There's no need to be. Family tradition is that all males go by their middle names. My name is Franklin Robert so I go by Bob.
2. What sort of RP experience do you have if any?
Good amount.
3. How did you find us?
Gossamer and Columbina conspired to keep this a secret from me. Their attempts at skullduggery were futile. I am just that clever.
4. What sort of RP style is your favorite?
The kind that is interesting? I've only really done play by post type stuff.
5. What do you like to write about - not write about?
Epic tales with plenty of fighting and intrigue. I'm really not into introspective/emotional/romantic stuff. However it's probably better that I expand my RP'ing horizons beyond blood and guts.
6. Whats your favorite thing about Mizahar so far?
It's open. Gossamer at first intended that this game would never see the light of day. I triumphed and voila!
7. What, if anything, has frustrated you about Mizahar so far?
Gossamer. Why does she thwart me at every turn?
8. What would you like out of the mizahar experience?
A great time.
9. Is there anything you'd like to see expanded?
Too soon to tell? I'm sure I will have many ideas later.
10. Anything else you want to talk about?
Oh yes I have lots to talk about, some would even say too much.