The sudden attention focused on himself wasn't a surprise, yet it still sent a jolt of panic throughout Vizyous' body, making his sensitive claws clench against the stone. With an inward wince, the boy unconsciously flattened himself further against he wall, as if trying to sink into it and become hidden.
"M-my name--!" His voice seemed to leak of discomfort, both from craning his neck to look at the boy and at the situation, "It doesn't matter what my name is, j-just--" The boy lowered his voice suddenly, remembering that others weren't supposed to know he was outside of Kalinor, "... wait..."
With slow movement and reluctance written plainly across Vizyous' faces, he retreated from the small height of the wall back to the ground, keeping suspicious eyes on the boy that looked as nervous as himself. "I'm not supposed to be here," Vizyous caught himself, "t-that is, it's not a big deal! It's doesn't matter what my mother thinks of this, I mean, she wouldn't be mad! S-so..." The Symenestra's face was brightened red in embarrassment, ", she doesn't need to be told, or anything like that, okay?"