Elhaym: +3 Rhetoric, +1 Intimidation
Julian: +1 Play Musical Instrument, +1 Rhetoric
Elhaym: Lhavitian and Syliran Greetings, Expensive Gift is Expensive, No Respect for Drunkards, Responsibility and Pain Go Hand In Hand, Doing What You Must, Hagiri, The Last Remnants of Pain
Julian: When The Hard Rain Comes, Gratitude Over A Gift, The Emotions That Come With Taking A Life, Turning Into Your Father?, Hagiri (And It's Sentimental Value), A Change Of Heart, Thawing the Heart, Old Habits Die Hard
Nice thread. Short (in terms of post amount, certainly not word length!) but definitely an interesting one in the lives of Elhaym and Julian. Poor Julian -- Kota in the way, and all. Very nice touch at the end, Julian... made me laugh. Great writing Pain... it was really nice to see her becoming more than her alias. Pain, please subtract 21kina from your ledger. Julian, all songs hereafter will be italicised by me, as per our discussion. Feel free to keep the threads coming, I enjoy reading about these two characters!