His first reply was from the rider; he seemed the more open of the two, and even though his weariness was obvious, he put on a smile for politeness sake. The other was obviously more reserved; not shy, but more like unwilling to speak. Teth said nothing and thought nothing of it, as to each their own.
"Well the Council of Elders always have open ears for travelers of import or those carrying news; you should have no trouble once you go to meet them." The other one finally spoke up as well, and told him that he was simply a lost traveler.
Tetharion could help with that, and the destination he was seeking was the place Tetharion spent more time at than at his own home. "You seek the Zebulon Sanctuary aye; I am a son of Wysar in more than heritage, but also in belief. I daresay I spend more time there than most would deem necessary. I could show you the way if you want?" He said nothing, but neither had given their names yet, maybe they would in due time.