[Temple] Endings and Beginnings [Tabarnac + Lucette]

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[Temple] Endings and Beginnings [Tabarnac + Lucette]

Postby Lucette on April 27th, 2011, 6:58 am

I understand.

The extent of that understanding almost overwhelmed the distraught Kelvic as the two words resounded in her core. She hurt! How she hurt! And the man knew and did not shy away. Calmness flowed into her from his hand, and it blanketed the confusion of her mind. But Justus did the unthinkable then, and loosened her collar. It fell to land heavily in her hand and she stared at it wide eyed, then up at him in astonishment. His simple act sent her complicated thoughts spinning, for the removal of that collar held more meaning than she thought possible. And Justus had been the one to do it, no one else…

Lucette’s fingers closed around it in a tight grip, fearful she might drop it. The leather piece was all she had now, nothing else belonged to her. It was impossible to transform after that, though she wanted to mightily. But Roland had always given a command which allowed her to shift into the Cheetah form. And with all the changes about her, she was skittish, and far too vulnerable to ignore such a pattern now. Anger simmered beneath the hurt, but she could not release it, or even acknowledge it. The Kelvic was too afraid; the lessons learned at Roland’s hand were too deeply set. There would be no lashing out, at least not yet.

And Justus understood!

His hand was before her, and Lucette tentatively reached to take hold of it. It offered the foundation she sorely needed, for the girl was lost and Justus offered the only path the Kelvic could see. And also… the man had released her, without conditions. Reverence sparkled in her gaze as she lifted her head to look at him briefly. Her fingers touched his, and soon the whole of her body flowed towards him in response. She slid along his torso and pressed her length against his. Lucette’s eyes closed to slits, and instinctively her check and jaw rubbed against the man’s chest in an effort to find a connection on the most primitive level. The reminder not to disturb Roland stung horribly, and fresh tears rose in her eyes, though she no longer wailed. “I do not know what to do…,” she breathed out soft and sorrowfully, while her hand clutched the black collar tightly.
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[Temple] Endings and Beginnings [Tabarnac + Lucette]

Postby Tabarnac on April 28th, 2011, 1:36 am

Justus took her desperate affection in stride, certainly as a man might if he did, as he claimed, know exactly what she was going through. The priests of Nikali had more control over their gifts, but it was a hard path climbing the chains of Ranuri to any sort of self-mastery. He kept her under his proverbial wing and ushered her in the opposite direction as Roland had taken, to a place where she could rage or weep or do whatever needed doing as the first step away from Roland, for indeed, the fat man had already stumbled far away from her, if not physically, then in every other sense.

He led her downstairs, which was dug into the rocky earth. They walked into a small cell, not the sort for holding prisoners, but one in which an acolyte might meditate alone. There were certain creature comforts: a bed, a desk, a small stove to cook or keep the winter chill at bay, its flue reaching up into the ceiling to draw away the smoke, an armchair.

"This will be your space while you stay with us," he said, "although if you do not wish to be alone tonight, you needn't be. I will hold vigil with you or, if you prefer, another will do so."
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[Temple] Endings and Beginnings [Tabarnac + Lucette]

Postby Lucette on April 29th, 2011, 4:29 am

Silent, the cell held none of the opalescence of Roland’s apartments. It was a simple place and small. Lucette’s head lowered as she entered, tentative and cautious. The girl moved along one wall, her shoulder touching it as she slunk around the bed and her long fingers trailed along the blanket. Exploring the new space, she stepped past the desk and stove, and squeezed behind the chair. Investigating, she moved slowly, purposefully. The collar dangled from her hand and scraped along the wall until the circuit was complete and she returned to the man.

Justus’ offered her choices, but answers did not come easily to Lucette, so accustomed was she to being led. Before she had a chance to think about her words, the Kelvic answered, “I have never slept alone…,” she was frightened at the prospect. “Please stay…” The man’s presence soothed her and she wished him near. But Lucette’s eyes slowly closed to think of the endless nights without the warmth of Roland’s body next to hers. She held back a small cry. Why had Roland not changed his mind? Why did he not run after her through the building and down the steps to be with her again? And she couldn’t understand it; the need to see him was everything to the Kelvic. Only once more. She told herself, just once…

Guilt poured through her then, to think of going against Justus’ wishes, and she shivered. Would he beat her if he knew her thoughts? He offered her a peaceful calm, but Roland… Roland was her Bondmate! It was too much to ask her to forget him! If he could not come to her, she would search for him if given the slightest chance. Lucette did not know what a vigil was, but if they stayed in this room, she was confident Justus would fall asleep quickly and fill the room with snoring, for that was what Roland had always done if he sat down for any length of time.
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[Temple] Endings and Beginnings [Tabarnac + Lucette]

Postby Tabarnac on May 3rd, 2011, 4:17 am

Justus considered her with his compassionate eyes, the hazel tending toward the gray of stormy skies. Here was a man who would weep for her, whether feeling her pain or feeling the sharp bite of her teeth and claws. But he was also strong, having gone so far down her road that he had become a master again. After an eternity, or perhaps just a few moments, he nodded acquiescence to her wishes.

"I will stay," he said simply, each word a mystery of volumes. He might have been promising a shoulder to cry on or sex to put Roland to eternal shame. But even if he knew what her desires were, he had the restraint to allow her to discover them without prompting. "There are times for solitude, when it can be a balm, but at other times it is insufferable. But this is your space. Do you wish to sleep? Do you wish to speak? Close the door and we will face your desires. Together."
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[Temple] Endings and Beginnings [Tabarnac + Lucette]

Postby Lucette on May 4th, 2011, 2:48 am

Justus’ words were heavy with meaning; he would share desire with her… And he would stay. Lucette looked at the man sideways with narrowed eyes. Her breath caught, and relief washed across her face. He was so very different from Roland. Again he asked of her wishes. “But why? Why do you want them?” she cried, even as she closed the door, following his direction already. Justus waited for an answer as silence settled in the room, ominous to her ears. Her heart pounded, “I don’t know…, I don’t know,” she whispered and shook her head, the brown mane falling softly about her eyes and lips. “Don’t ask me, please don’t ask…” What was desire? So long had that door been shut upon her own dreams, she couldn’t see them in front of her. “I have no desire,” she said, hoping it was true, but it wasn’t. Tears filled her eyes, from fear of choice and decision. And of her own desires… Lucette’s breath came loudly, almost in a pant. Uncertainty filled her, Justus offered more than anyone ever had. It was hard to remain still. Even the thin dress clung too tightly in this moment.

Lucette’s long fingered hand reached up to touch her collar, and to circle the cold, metal ring to sooth herself. But the collar was in her hand. Her throat was bare! Free from its constant restraint, the Kelvic felt exposed, now that it was no longer around her neck. Desire… the first! It was hers! Not Rolands! Hers alone! Her eyes went wide in surprise, and her fingers flew to the sash of her wrap dress, to let it loose. Hurriedly she tore at the bow, and it dropped to the ground. Her naked form beautifully pale before him. Instantly, lights shimmered around her, bright as the night stars, and just as magical. It was Justus’ doing, his acceptance of who she was that allowed it, though she did not know it. In her Cheetah form, the Kelvic stood before him. Nervous, she backed away swiftly, her long claws clicking loudly on the floor. In her mind, she had changed without permission, and she waited for the repercussions of that action. Ducking, she watched his hand incase he raised it. Though she cowered, danger lurked deep within her natural form, and the small room instinctively felt like a trap. She was cornered. With slow feline grace, she backed up until she was against the wall.

Her eyes never left him, but Lucette’s sense of smell had expanded with her transformation and she lifted her head and sniffed the air. New and old odors abounded, and her head turned slowly to locate each one. So strong they were! Justus’ scent was powerful in her nostrils, and she sniffed in his direction, memorizing the scent of his body, and of others that had touched him, and of sex. Her sharp teeth showed dangerously, and a high pitched churring sound filled the small room with the intensity of her focus. Ears forward, Lucette watched Justus as her long, ring tipped tail twitched in agitation.
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[Temple] Endings and Beginnings [Tabarnac + Lucette]

Postby Tabarnac on May 7th, 2011, 7:02 pm

"You are my responsibility now," he said, when she asked why he wanted to know. He did not point out the lie in her words, but his eyes were knowing, and he nodded when she realized that she had desires. A new collar could be provided for her, but not yet. Not until Roland's collar held no more meaning than nostalgia. He was quiet, watchful. He let her words tremble and trip out of her, and accepted them. There was little that could not sink beneath his calm surface to sleep in the depths.

His expert eye noticed the perfection of her body, but it was with the same expression that he viewed her other form. Graceful as a dancer, he lowered himself to his knees, his head still above hers because, priest of Nikali or not, he was in charge here, but not so high as to be intimidating to a predatory cat in a small room with her world turned upside down.

He smelled of male musk more than sex, copper more than blood, and like the trace of some exotic perfume all but washed away by a soothing, cleansing rain. Smiling, his hands lay palm up in his lap, and he waited for her. One might almost believe he could out-stare a cat, though his gaze was no challenge, only welcome.
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[Temple] Endings and Beginnings [Tabarnac + Lucette]

Postby Lucette on May 8th, 2011, 10:05 pm

Justus’ hand did not strike, and his gaze did not challenge or even threaten her. Instead his eyes were open and inviting, but his head was above hers. Instinctively the Kelvic responded by shifting her golden eyes away first. Lucette felt his dominance; this man was also a Master, but not in the heavy handed way Roland had been. The Bond was still functioning, and she looked to the door, ears flattening. Her head turned again to Justus… she belonged to him now, no matter that she missed the fat Bondmate terribly.

Feline mind sharp and on edge, Lucette’s body quivered in anticipation of the unknown. Her head moved forward, and then back as she fought the desire to go to him. He waited patiently, hands open, not curled into fists. Instinct told her to go to him, but she sat for what seemed to her a long, long while. In slow, small movements, Lucette lowered her long body to the floor. The churring continued, as she stared once more. Moving towards him, she crawled on her long legs, belly low in submission. The dark spots of her coat rippled in the low light, a beautiful contrast to the golden fur. Heart beating fast, the Cheetah was drawn to him, and to the energy about him.

In small increments she crawled closer, only stopping once to smell at the collar that had been discarded in her Kelvic transformation. The comforting leather was familiar and known, and a low growl rose in her throat at the hold it still had upon her. Lucette would have picked it up and held it close, but for lack of hands she could not. So she moved on, her wet nose sniffing at Justus’ open palms, and at his finger tips. Her body tensed, ready to retreat at his slightest movement. But she did not, and a rough tongue darted out to lick the salty surface of his left hand. Her whiskered cheek followed, to rub against his skin, and Justus would feel the edges of her sharp teeth as they dragged along his flesh, leaving her own scent upon him.

Her nose continued to lead her, up his arm, and at his elbow. Then her large head retreated again, only to return as the low growl changed to a deep rumbling purr. She moved to Justus’ side and around his back, to nose at his neck, taking in the smell of copper; strong and compelling was his scent in this form. Then up into his hair, as it ruffled beneath her nudges. High and low she moved in languid grace, exploring him. Until finally Lucette settled, lowering her Cheetah body near his side. One large, clawed paw lifted to rest lazily upon his leg, though her eyes were ever watchful.
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[Temple] Endings and Beginnings [Tabarnac + Lucette]

Postby Tabarnac on May 9th, 2011, 5:30 am

The priest of slaves had the patience of a saint, and his alert attention gave her permission to take her time growing more comfortable in his presence. He had no particular training with animals, but he understood desire, need. When he loosed his self-control, he could not help but become what a person wanted and needed. Wherever she pressed into him, he provided gentle pressure, pushing back against her just enough to let her know he felt her, he was responding, and that there was strength enough in him to protect her.

Because she needed it, he waited until she was somewhat calm next to him before reaching out to take her collar off the ground, marking it with his own particular scent. From now on she could not smell Roland without smelling Justus. Then he bent down, nuzzled her neck with his face, and bit her ruff. It was not a bite to harm or hurt, but an acceptance of her submission and a hint of the comfort a cub would receive from a parent, picking them up when they are small and delivering them to the safety and warmth of a den.

No matter how or by whom she was raised, cat, man, Kelvic, the instinct would remain behind in her blood and bones.

That much of a bond begun, he laid himself down beside her, fluid and languid as any cat, and curled next to her, body flush against hers, his hand resting gently upon her.

"You could be very happy here, Lucette, if you choose to be."
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[Temple] Endings and Beginnings [Tabarnac + Lucette]

Postby Lucette on May 10th, 2011, 6:38 pm

Lucette’s ears flicked forward as Justus picked up the discarded collar. The purring stopped abruptly and she followed his movements with her head. But the man did not take her prize away, though her tail twitched nervously at the thought. Even as he lowered himself next to her and bit her neck, the Kelvic’s lips curled back in warning, and a high pitched, continuous growl sounded through the small room. Her eyes rolled fiercely to try to see him, but she did not move to bite or harm him. She was made immobile by acceptance of Justus’ dominance; whether in Cheetah or human form, Lucette knew this role intimately, for it was the only role she had ever known.

He lay next to her, and the rumbling purr returned with his nearness. Lucette watched his mouth move, forming words. Offering choice. Choose. Her intent gaze flicked to his eyes, as if she could read falsity there. But there was none. She believed his words. At the touch of his hand upon her fur, her eyes closed to half slits as contentment built beneath his gentle hand. And though he had not asked a question, she felt the need to answer. Choose. A choice once more offered… and with each opportunity to choose, the Kelvic felt something shift within. Unable to put a name upon her feelings, Lucette felt as if a knot had loosened from her spirit. How did Justus know?

Roland did not want her… Roland had turned her out…

Again, the sparkling lights danced around her form, to end in a mystical rain that vanished all too soon. She was human again and her exotic eyes studied him, as her chin lifted slightly. She was not embarrassed to be lying on the floor, so intimately close to his body. And neither was Lucette was embarrassed by her own nudity. It was all she knew, and this knowledge reflected in her eyes, as her dark lashes blinked softly. Her face inched closer to his.

Justus wanted her to be happy.

“I would like to be happy…” the girl answered simply.

It was the most she could offer, as much choice as she could yet make with Roland’s presence so entwined with her being. Smiling tentatively, almost shyly, her long fingered hand reached out to touch him upon the face. But the touch was neither tentative nor shy as Lucette explored him with her palm and with her fingers, just as she had discovered him with her nose moments before. She was drawn to different aspects of his features, and she traced his jaw, and along his hairline. Around his lips she slowed, almost faltering as she watched her own fingers move. It was with innocence that she touched him, with the seductive quality of newness. And Desire... Her eyes opened wide, her touch held more meaning now. Had he known this also? This new desire she had just discovered...?
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[Temple] Endings and Beginnings [Tabarnac + Lucette]

Postby Tabarnac on May 15th, 2011, 2:15 am

Her growl had been proof of the risks he took with her, but he had a keen empathy for those around him, and what she needed he was bound to give her. His courage to act on those needs proved less foolish than one might think, as she did not maul or maim him, but fell back into their growing rapport. He merely nodded at her choice, knowing it was one thing to choose in a moment, but another to continually choose happiness over the other alternatives. Letting her explore his face, he felt a desire rising in her, a confusing desire that she had not expected, but all he did was turn his face into her hand that he might kiss the base of her thumb and then slide his cheek along her hand as if he too were a cat at heart.

His fingers loosed the toggle holding his collar close, and then another. It was, in fact, an offering, but a nebulous one. She could have access to his body to explore with her hands, and she could seek affection at his hands, and she could also assuage her pain with the sheer animal joy of coupling, or she could move apart and maintain the mystery of her body. Again, she had the power of choice, and he would illustrate that to her as many times as it took until she understood.

But he did offer, knowing that she only knew how to relate to people and the world through her body, raised as she was.
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