80th of Spring, 511 AV
The Smithy's brick building did not disguise what it was, as the smoke poured from a chimney over the patio that hosted the massive forge. As Denval's only forge and smithy, The Hammer of Izurdin was in popular demand, as many of the sailors of the City would come to get ship parts, and the fighters who guarded the ships would come for weapons and armor.
One could see various ores scattered about the shelves near the forge, as well as the tools of the trade. The Smiths Hammer and Anvil, a pair of tongs to pluck the metal from the forge, and a barrel of water to cool and harden the metals.
Set about the tables, around the outside of the forge, were various bits and pieces of forged items. Steel blades, and iron staves. Armor of all shapes and sizes, even various shields. Arrowheads glinted in the light, ready to be shipped off to a fletcher, to be made into arrows.
In the midst of this, Two Isurians worked. The First, was an older Isurian, with a pale green arm, same as his young apprentice. His hair was tied back, and he was shirtless as he pounded a blade into perfection, his hammer making a baritone song with each strike of the metal. His work was sought out, and well deserved the praise, as Lan's old master, Galea of The Coglias, was a master of his trade.
The second was young by Isurian standards, only eighty odd years behind him. His green arm gave away his identity as a Coglias, and his fierce, dark green eyes seemed to find anyone who came near him. He wore no shirt, only his dark trousers and his smiths boots, his hand moving the same as his teachers, hammering upon a dagger, fixing the edge to his satisfaction. Though a smith of many years, Landeril's work was still not the work of a master, and he still studied hard under his master when he was in Denval. It was here that most residents found him, working in the forge, day or night. Some citizens would say that the sound of Landeril's hammer soothed them, while others complained of the noise. The Isurian never took notice of either, only his work.