[Ravok Quest] Havoc in Ravok (Quest Participants Only)

A secret organization rises up against the Black Sun and havoc spills into the streets of Ravok.

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

[Ravok Quest] Havoc in Ravok (Quest Participants Only)

Postby Roman on May 8th, 2011, 3:30 pm

Roman let out a short laugh of relief when he finally finished the operation on his patient, before the stress and the exhaustion from the operation caught up with him and he stumbled towards his chair an exhausted but satisfied expression on his face.
After a few moments of some well deserved rest, he hoisted himself again out his chair, there where bloodstains all on the table and his equipment could use a good cleaning, not to mention that he had to get the man off the table and into his bed for recovery.

As he was gathering his tools however there was a loud knock on the door. Giving a quick glance at the unconscious but still breathing man to see if he was stable before walking over towards the door and opening it, his greeting getting kicked down immediately when he saw the trio of ebonstryfe stand before his door. Looking as they would strike him down with the first provocation they got, imagined or not and then the leader smiled at him, which for some reason was the reason his blood ran cold and he could almost swear that his blood froze into ice when he heard what the man had said.
"Roman, I presume? It has come to our attention you have taken on a patience of particular interest to us. ..Rhysol thanks you for caring for the people of his city. But.. the man in your care is a criminal and a traitor. It would please us if he did not make it through the night."
Just like that he was ordered to kill the man he had spend tears and sweat on to keep him alive. As he looked towards the ebonstryfe to ask for some kind of explanation. Only to discover they had already left, not caring about the hard work that went into keeping the man alive.
Closing the door he looked back towards the man that was still strapped to the table. Coming to a decision he went to the work of putting his patient into his bed, as soon as his patient was into his warm bed he used the same leather straps that kept the man from trashing around on the table to bind the man to the the bed as good as he could. Before walking towards his cabinet to go and get his smelling salts and a rather strong painkiller. Ebonstryfe or not he wasn't going to kill a man with no explanation, especially with all the work he did to keep him alive.
Dragging his chair towards the bed before sitting down on it at the man's bedside, he waived the smelling salt underneath the man's nose. Waiting till the man woke up and he could get him to take that painkiller. Then seeing if he could get some information out of him.

oocSorry for the late post
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[Ravok Quest] Havoc in Ravok (Quest Participants Only)

Postby Verilian on May 11th, 2011, 2:11 am


The contents of the bag was everything that had been stolen from Reaver's home, or most of it anyway. The important stuff was all there, including the missing key, but Reaver didn't have time to inspect his belongings for long. As the fire raged behind him he heard shouts over the din of the flames and looking around he noticed people frantically at work, hacking away at the ropes that held that small portion of Ravok to the greater city. When all ropes had been cut, all walkways had been broken save for one, a man shouted loudly in Reaver's direction. "He came out of the building! Grab him and let's go!" Two large men, members of the city guard by their dress, rushed forward and grabbed Reaver and his belongings, dragging him over the last walkway while another pair of men broke it loose with their axes.

As the burning portion of Ravok, really just the building on fire and two others that were on the same platform, were pushe out into the lake and away from the city Reaver was hauled deeper in. He could try to run if he wanted, but it would be to no avail. More guards joined the two escorting him and to run would be suicidal. They led him to a small building near the Temple of the Black Sun and shoved him roughly inside along with his bag. "Wait here for questioning," was all the guard said as the door was closed, shutting Reaver in total darkness. As Reaver tried to discern his surroundings he found a small table and two chairs, but otherwise the room was empty. There were no windows, no doors other than the one he had come through which was now locked from the outside, and nothing on the walls. What little light came from the door was engulfed by the darkness of the room. And the Reaver heard the voice again.


Reaver spun around in search of the voice, but was met with only hysterical laughter from all around him. Then he noticed his pocket was glowing. Reaching inside Reaver felt a familiar object, the vial, which was emitting an eerie pale green glow. Before he could examine it closer something clattered to the ground behind him and when he turned to look he found one of the chairs had fallen over. "Ahahahaaaa!" The hysterical laughter sounded again, enveloping Reaver, making his head spin. It grew louder and more high pitched, causing a sharp pain in Reaver's head. Just when he thought he was about to loose it all stopped, and Reaver found himself facing the table. Illuminated in the dim green light was a strange, creepy little creature with glowing yellow eyes that reminded one vaguely of a monkey. When it spoke it's mouth did not move, but instead the voice echoed all over the room and somewhere in the background Reaver could hear a faint cackling at the same time.

"Hello, Reaver."

Cassandra Coven
Warning: Semi-Explicit But Hopefully Still Acceptable Content

Do Not Open if You Are Going to Complain :
"Ah.. So willing to serve."

Cassandra could feel his desire grow as she worked to loosen his pants and Trevinus pressed her against the wall, pinning her hand in place between them as he stroked her hair. "I know that you despise me, but there is no reason you shouldn't enjoy this. I ask you open your mind as you open your body. Forget your troubles for tonight, forget your burdens and all you have done. Allow me to show you the pleasure serving Rhysol can bring." His words were like honey wine, sweet but with a potent after effect. It was a spell he weaved often, using layer upon layer of magical suggestion and emotional response, the effect of which was to ultimately give his partner a better experience. Cassandra could feel her worries fading and felt herself becoming more relaxed. When he spoke the word pleasure it induced an emotional response in her, heightening her arousal. If Cassandra didn't fight the feelings she would soon find her self lost in desire for the despicable man and even if she did fight her mind would inevitably give in to the spell eventually.

Trevinus allowed her to continue to undress him and did the same to her, unbuttoning her blouse first before removing the rest. He took his time, savoring each button and each inch of clothing that was removed, his warm breath caressing her skin the entire time. He continued slipping subtle doses of djed into his words and actions, all designed to make Cassandra want him more and more. "You are so beautiful," he whispered as he removed the glove from her hand revealing her mark, "It is a shame you were marked so, though it does add a bit of color to your fair skin." He lifted the hand to his lips, kissing it softly. Trevinus pulled Cassandra in close, their warm bodies pressing together. His hands slid behind her back, rubbing softly before grabbing firm hold. The Acolyte lifted Cassandra off her feet, pressing her back to the wall. He was strong, though this was not the same supernatural strength he had used earlier, but his own masculine muscles doing the work. His mouth pressed passionately against Cassandra's lips and he practically breathed his magic into her, fully intending to have her completely spellbound by the time they were done. Slowly he lowered her, releasing a guttural groan as he was enveloped by the warmth between her legs, and took her there against the wall. With each thrust, with each kiss, with each squeeze and each sound that escaped his lips he cast his spell, working the hypnotic djed into his every action. Layer upon tiny layer enveloped Cassandra, heightening the sensation. When he stopped it was pure agony, but he only paused long enough to throw her onto the bed before joining with her once more, their bodies connected in passionate embrace.

Trevinus stared down at Cassandra with his two pale eyes which seemed to shimmer, and as they continued their adventure he seemed to get better and better. It wasn't just the hypnosis, though the magic heightened every movement and made Cassandra want more. It was almost as if he could read her mind, as if he could sense when she liked or disliked something and was able to react accordingly. "Cassandra Coven," he whispered passionately in her ear before he bit down on it, tugging slightly before releasing it and pushing himself up and forward. His hands explored every curve and crevice of her body, spending more time in the places she seemed to like and moving on quickly if she didn't seem to enjoy something. By now Cassandra was completely under his spell, exactly as he had wanted, and if he were to stop before the end she would feel almost as much pain as if she had used her mark on herself. Not literally, of course, there was no pain involved unless that is what she wanted. Cassandra belonged to him now, and somewhere inside she knew it even if she didn't want to admit it. Fighting it at this point would be pointless, the time for that was long past, and she had only to accept and enjoy the moment.

OOC: Hopefully that wasn't TOO explicit. It seemed pretty mild to me. If anyone feels I took it too far PM me and I'll edit it down. But I warned you! I put a warning! You didn't have to open the box! Anyway, the "spell" Trevinus is using on Cassandra is a form of conditioning (hypnotism term). He is somewhat trying to mimic the effects of Nikali's gnosis, making Cassandra into his servant, and making the idea of not serving him absolute agony to even consider. Currently it will only translate to mild discomfort, or perhaps better described as a craving when he is not around. It will only last a few days if not reinforced, and Cassandra will be free of the spell if she doesn't see Trevinus again before it wears off. Then he'll have to start all over. If you have any questions or complaints feel free to PM them to me. Oh, also Cassandra can try to resist the spell, but unless she physically stops him from doing his thing, he will win out eventually.

Crismento Miren

Both the Stryfe watched as Cris approached, their eyes glimmering with a subtle look of pleasure. They were enjoying every moment of it. There was no feeling in their gaze when the blade penetrated the Shark's chest, no word of praise or encouragement when Cris killed the assassin. As he backed away one of the men casually yanked the blade from the assassin's chest, a spew of blood gushing to the floor, and tossed the sword aside. The Stryfe heaved the body onto his shoulders and carried it out of the room while the other turned to observe Crismento's behavior. This was what the Ebonstryfe did. Force people to do that which is against their nature, take everything from them, and then rebuild them. Crismento had little to take, and the Shark was just the beginning. The con artist sank down into the chair, arms falling to his sides as he mumbled trying to collect himself. "I.. I.."

The Stryfe knelt before him, looking into Crismento's eyes. His own were a strange thing to look into, one pale gray, the other a vibrant green. "You," the Ebonstryfe spoke for Cris, "Are alive. You.." His gaze was penetrating, unnerving, as if he could see into Crismento's very soul. "Now owe Rhysol a debt." On those unpleasant words the Stryfe stood and went to sit in the other chair, pulling it close so that they didn't have to shout. The chair made a terrible screeching sound as he dragged it across the room. When he sat he leaned forward, waiting for Crismento to make eye contact. "My name is Korin. I am your handler. You now answer to me in all things." Korin leaned back, taking on a more casual posture.

"First there are some things you should know. You have no secrets. There is nothing that happens in Ravok that Rhysol is not aware of. ..that being said, Rhysol does not always tell us everything. He enjoys watching us figure things out for ourselves. It is his way." Korin leaned forward again, his casual demeanor vanishing as quickly as it had come. "This is where you come in. You have already proven your willingness to survive, now you must prove to us that it was worth the trouble. There is a conspiracy against Rhysol right in this very city. We have one of the conspirators locked up nearby. So far he has resisted all attempts at interrogation, despite our best efforts. He is even resistant to someone more skilled than yourself, but we believe it is because he knows that we are his enemy. You are going to take on the role of one of these conspirators, they call themselves the Rising Dawn, and get this man to talk. You will pretend to be a new recruit, but you were captured while on a mission. We want to know their next move. We want to know who their leaders are. We want to know anything and everything you can find out for us. He cannot know you work for us. Do this, and you will be allowed to walk the city once more. You will even be compensated for your troubles. We like our men to be well taken care of. Your debt will not be paid in full, but you will not have to stay in a cell for the rest of your life either. Do you agree to our terms?"

OOCFeel free to question the Stryfe if you wish, he will answer them in my next post, and then you will be taken to the dungeon. If you refuse to help them, we'll go from there.


When the man woke up at first he seemed surprised, but then he realized where he was and seemed to recognize Roman, and then the pain hit him. Roman had patched him up good, but his wounds still hurt, so the man was more than happy to accept the painkiller and swallowed them without a problem. After a while the medicine kicked in and a relaxed smile came over his face while he thanked Roman over and over for saving his life. It wasn't until Roman began questioning him that his demeanor changed. It seemed to dawn on him that Roman wouldn't have awakened him if he didn't have a reason, and what reason would a doctor have to draw their patient out of a peaceful sleep unless... Roman could see it in his eyes, he knew the order that had been given. He struggled against the straps for only a moment, but realized it was futile, and almost as quickly as the realization had come so too came acceptance.

"Very well.. you want answers, I'll give you answers. I was once a proud servant of Rhysol, much like yourself. I was happily married, had a son and a daughter, and owned a little shop here in Ravok. Perhaps you even shopped there from time to time, I was one of the few bakers who were any good." The patient shifted uncomfortably under his restraints, not struggling, but just trying to make himself more comfortable. "But then Rhysol decided to play one of his little games. A member of the Ebonstryfe came to my shop and told me I was to bake a cookie, and that it was for the Voice. If she liked it, my shop would be funded for life. If she did not, my family would be sold into slavery." Shaking his head remorsefully the man continued, "My wife begged me not to play along. She said we should run away, but I was loyal. I baked... I baked batch after batch until I was satisfied. And when I was done the Ebonstryfe took the cookie away and went to the voice. My wife and I waited, and when he returned it was with a handful of guardsmen. He took my wife and children from me, watching my face the entire time. I could see the laughter in his eyes even though he didn't make a sound.. and then he took the rest of the batch for himself and left me there alone. Nobody came to my shop after that.. I lost my family, my business, my life all on the whim of that cursed god and his underlings."
The man locked eyes with Roman, his expression grave. "Whatever they have on you, it is nothing compared to what they will do to you. Kill me now if you must, or release me if you have any sort of good in you. But most of all run. Run away and never come back.. or seek the Rising Dawn if you want justice. They are Ravok's only hope." The patient closed his eyes then, relaxing in the bed and letting the painkillers take over once more. It seemed he was done talking, though he would answer any further questions Roman had. He had nothing to hide and was ready die it seemed. His breathing grew calm, though Roman could see beads of sweat forming on his brow possibly from nervousness. Roman had the tools to take his life, or the medicines to do it quietly. It was up to him whether the man would live or die, whether he would do as Rhysol commanded or betray his god and risk his life for a complete stranger. Either way things were about to get very interesting for Roman, for good or for bad.

OOCSo.. I tried finding a picture for this scene, but searching for "man strapped to bed or table" came up with a lot of stuff that would put Cassandra's segment to shame, so this was the best pic I could find.

Aello and Alenias

ImageThe "leader" seemed all too amused by Aello's demands, but he did put down the bow as she had asked. It would only get in his way at such close quarters, and he wanted the pleasure of feeling his fist connect with Aello's pretty face. Aello began the fight with a straight forward attack, her right foot shooting forward and the blade arcing for his neck. It was a move before and he knew how to react even in his intoxicated state. The large man stepped back easily dodging her first blow and his eyes locked onto the opening he saw immediately following her move. She had expected it to be an easy kill.. a kill. Not just a common bar fight, she wanted him dead. This only made him grin all the wider. Instead of going for the obvious opening, her body turned as it was making her an easy target since she would have to realign herself or risk losing her balance or perhaps twist further and turn her back to him, the leader chose simply to ignore it and let her have another go at him.

Aello growled, he had caught her off guard with his quickness, but she followed through with her first attack, stepping forward again with her left foot and bringing the dagger back in the opposite direction. Another rookie move, easily predicted, and the man dodged it again. Perhaps this fight wasn't going to be as entertaining as he had hoped. Aello had yet to land a blow on him or even come close after two attacks, but she was not finished yet. Even so, she already seemed to be tiring, which meant the fight wouldn't last much longer. She seemed to be waiting for him to make a move, and that thought was confirmed when she issued him an open challenge. The man laughed and opened his mouth in response, "Not bad, girl. Now let ole Burton show you how it's done."

Burton, as he was apparently named, raised his own fists in front of him and in a move that surprised Aello with it's quickness stepped forward with his right foot, his right hand leading and popping out right for Aello's face. Her attempt to block was futile, his arm darted past her hand's before she even had a chance to move them, and the resounding crack left Aello seeing birdies around her head. Or maybe Yune had just multiplied and was trying to annoy Aello. Either way the blow hurt, a lot, and as Aello struggled to regain her senses the man moved in for another attack.

This time he grabbed her shoulders and yanked her down, his left knee coming up and connecting with her gut, blowing the air from Aello's lungs. That wasn't all. His elbow cracked down on her back, sending Aello sprawling to the floor. Though her wounds hurt, they were mostly superficial, and it was mainly Aello's pride that had been injured. The man stepped away from his fallen opponent, a smug look on his face, and lowered his fists. "I guess that settles it then. Jug, how you doin over there?" Burton foolishly looked away from Aello to see how his companion was doing.

ImageJug was laughing stupidly as he lifted Alenias with one arm, either not noticing or not caring that she was beating him with a tray. Alenias shouted and Jug laughed again responding with a dumb and deep voice, "So pretty... pretty little girl. Jug just wants to play with you." He lifted Alenias even with his face, a big smile on his own, then planted a big wet kiss on her cheek. "Burton tells me I am good at playing. You'll see." Jug hurled Alenias across the room, her flight stopped when she smacked into the same man who's table she had crashed into earlier. The poor guy was holding a freshly filled mug of ale when Alenias hit him and it was added to the food and drink all over his shirt as the contents of the mug splashed all over the both of them and they went to the floor.

The ale-drenched patron quickly crawled out from under Alenias, giving her a pitying look before scampering away as Jug approached again. "Does the pretty girl like to fly? Jug wishes he could fly, just like a little bird." The ox of a man glanced up at Yune who was chirping frantically for Alenias to run away. "Oh.. pretty." Jug reached for Yune who hopped away, though he was not tall enough to reach the rafters anyway, and held out a finger. "Come on little birdie. Get on Jug's finger. Jug wants you to play with us too." Jug seemed to have temporarily forgotten Alenias, giving her the perfect opportunity to attack or escape.

Aello - Attempting to sneak attack Burton while he is looking away will result in a success, so long as you don't go for the throat or something. Feel free to stab him in the kidney or somewhere lower, just no insta-death shots please. Either way, whether you hit him successfully or go for the kill shot and he avoids it, Burton will return his attentions to you and keep fighting.

Alenias - If you choose to attack Jug he will not dodge. You probably wont be able to hurt him unless you get a hold of something sharp, but regardless you won't be able to kill the big guy in a single blow. You could also choose to run, or if you have something more creative in mind Jug is easily manipulated.

Any questions from either of you, feel free to ask.
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[Ravok Quest] Havoc in Ravok (Quest Participants Only)

Postby Reaver on May 11th, 2011, 2:53 am

Reaver almost didn't look in the bag, but his curiosity got the better of him. He took a look inside, and found his chest. "Cute." Opening it, he noted a number of his stolen contents inside. "Well then, I'd probably better not catch fire." Shutting the chest, and putting it back into his bag, he went to make his way off. As he looked to the closest spot of water to jump into, he found himself being dragged away. My feet still burn, I hurt all over, and now I don't need to walk. Well, now I can say I've been a real criminal.

He did very little to resist. Today, he was the closest he has ever come to being a corpse. The guard may have dropped him, if he simply let go of his bag, but that was the one thing he clung to that distinguished him as still alive... sort of. He found himself in darkness. He took his time, his eyes adjusted to the light. He could see two chairs, and a small table. He decided to stay off his feet, lay there a bit more. After all, it's not like walking on burnt feet was a good idea, nor would he alter his chances if he did so.


Have I heard that voice before? Reaver got up enough to look around the room, and found no-one. He swiftly gathered the source, or so he thought, and found the radiant vial glowing through his pocket. He pulled it out ready to scream at it, but something fell over. He noted the chair fell just in time to hear some laughter. It was loud, painful, and blurred his vision. Think, THINK! What can I do, I should limit damage. Do I need my brain or can I lose it? I can't remember... "With all THIS LAUGHING!" Reaver hadn't even noticed he had yelled out at this point, he did his best to think. He could feel his mind slipping rapidly. "Crap like this is why I don't cast magic often." He closed his eyes, covered his ears, and rolled himself into a ball, nothing. Nothing, he knew what that was, and it was maddening like this was. As he was about to lose what grasp he had left on his mind, it stopped.

He was facing the table still, and on it was something new. It was tiny, ugly, and unnatural. It laughed as it 'talked' to him. "Hello, Reaver." Reaver stood to his feet, caught a deep breath, and decided to be civil. With what he could muster of a proper bow, he answered. "Hello, sir. I apologize, but I have a lot of questions. They're all probably simple, but we'll see. What is your name?" Reaver was having a hard time mustering the will needed to be 'proper' to some sort of strange creature while he could barely feel his life connected to anything, anymore.

OOCReaver will try and have a full conversation with the thing. If you want to give me the chance to chat with it, without posting short posts, feel free to catch me though PM. We could get replies together that way. We could also maybe do such through chat if I'm lucky, or an IM program as well, if that makes it any easier.
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[Ravok Quest] Havoc in Ravok (Quest Participants Only)

Postby Alenias on May 11th, 2011, 4:05 pm

Alenias hurt, not as bad as she had before, but it was hurting. If she wasn't so worried about Aello she would probably have simply sat down and cried, but seeing Burton hurt Aello pushed the Kelvic on. She had to do something, but what?

Seeing Jug turn his attention to Yune gave a spark of an idea to Alenias, but Aello... she paused a moment as she realized Aello had never told her not to change in front of people. She could change here!

With that realization Alenias scrambled on top of a nearby table and called out, "Hey Jug! You wanna bird? Come get me!" and with that she jumped off the table and shifted in midair, her cloak falling to the floor as she emerged in her Blue Jay form from the swirl of colors and light.

"Come get me you big bully!" Alenias chirped at Jug as she flew over his head, narrowly avoiding his grasping hands, and flew over above Burton and started circling in the air above him, well within Jug's reach if he came over.

Watching Jug and Burton, Alenias was ready to fly down and land on top of Burton's head when Jug got close. Maybe if she could get the big man to accidentally attack his friend then Aello, Yune, and herself could all run and get away.
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[Ravok Quest] Havoc in Ravok (Quest Participants Only)

Postby Aello on May 11th, 2011, 8:56 pm

"Well now, that's a good boy," Aello said, the words rolling off her tongue rather easily. They sounded so cold, and yet so very playful at the same time. "Listening to what the lady says. Without asking any questions." Perhaps he would have made a good slave, Aello thought, as she waited for him to advance on her. He is obedient... enough. There was a slight pause, but he is too foolish, and too ugly, just like his little henchmen over there. Aello allowed her eyes to pass from Burton to Jug for an instant. Alright, maybe that one isn't so little, she thought, as her eyes moved back to Burton. She was still waiting. Growing impatient; her palms were sweating, and her heart was pounding in her tiny rib cage.

Then, before she knew what had happened, Aello had raised her blade to block an attack, and then, wound up on the floor? What the heck? How did he... he moved that fast? The girl wondered, as she scrunched her eyes shut and rolled back and forth on the floor. Her chest felt tight, and every bit of air her lungs may have contained, felt like it had been freed. The edges of her face stung, especially the areas around her eyes. Her heart was beating even faster, and the veins in her neck, her forehead, and her hands were bulging. Bright green veins, begging to be set free, pulsing with blood. With pain. With life. Aello grit her teeth as the pain shot through her. That bastard is certainly going to pay for that, she thought, as she finally opened her eyes. The edges of her vision were blurry, but she could still see alright.

Aello's eyes were still narrowed somewhat as she began to strengthen her hold on the dagger's handle. It had slipped a bit during the fall; when she was sweating, and now, she knew, she would need to regain her hold in order to succeed. As she looked up at the ceiling, at Burton, she realized that he was no longer looking at her, and she realized that Yune was no longer the only bird in the place. How in the name of Dira did that blue jay get in here? Aello wondered, as she slowly tried to sit up. Her back ached, as did each of her muscles, fuck this shit, she thought, before letting herself lie back down on the wooden floor of the tavern for another moment. Wait a minute... Alenias? Aello sat back up as swiftly as she could, ignoring the creaking of her bones. The aches and pains that coursed through the majority of her body.

Aello's eyes grew wide as the blue jay settled on Burton's head, and the thoughts, she bloody shifted in front of all of them. Petch! Petch! Petch! Petch! Petch! crossed her mind. Without realizing what she was doing, the young spiritist rose, and as she did, thrust her dagger into the center of Burton's right leg. Kill him and run! Aello's brain screamed as a trickle of warm blood escaped the incision she had made, and she breathlessly pulled the dagger out of Burton's flesh, before driving it in again, making a second incision an inch to the left of the one she had made before. Blood splattered onto the girl's slender fingers, the backs of her pale hands. Just a few more cuts, Aello thought, as she waited for the man to start screaming. Waited for him to try and stop her from killing him.

OOCWorst Bloody Post Ever. GRAR.
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[Ravok Quest] Havoc in Ravok (Quest Participants Only)

Postby Crismento Miren on May 12th, 2011, 11:02 pm

The wave of weakness that had brought Crismento down into the chair was still causing turmoil inside him. His chest was heaving frantically at first and only gradually returned to a more reasonable pace. Drops of sweat dotted his face, and occasionally one would run down his forehead or cheek. Cris met Stryfe’s strangely mismatched look with an absent gaze, because his mind, preoccupied with the thoughts about what had just occurred, wasn’t hurrying to catch up with his eyes. Crismento slowly nodded at the man’s words without fully taking them in. The force with which fear and anxiety were mixing inside his stomach was almost making him sick, but, fortunately, that unpleasantness had already been taken care of outside the Silver Silver.

Crismento’s eyes wandered off when the Stryfe went to get himself a chair. The unpleasant sound that the man caused in the process made the fresh murderer return to reality. His still lost eyes found an already waiting gaze in front. Cris listened to the Stryfe introducing himself. Words spoken were most unpleasant to him. As a Sunberthian Crismento detested how this Korin established total authority over him. As a person, who had unknowingly lost his free will for a while to his mentor, he hated to see being pushed into a similar position again. But the con artist could only nod in agreement due to fear and helplessness, and, most of all, the need to survive. This new feeling that was sparked in him, however, was a step towards pulling himself together.

Cris listened carefully to what Korin was saying, since the swindler soon realised he was being told the only way to get himself out of this uncomfortable situation. At least temporarily… The Stryfe spoke of a conspiracy against Rhysol and explained a plan that would have seemed very straightforward, had the issue not been rather complicated. Crismento’s lips twitched barely noticeably when the man included him in ‘our men’. Overall, the mechanics of what had to be done didn’t leave the con man confused, but that was not to say that there weren’t any issues that made him doubt whether he could succeed. Cris's first slow nod at the Korin’s question was followed by several short and quick ones while he went over the new information once more in his mind. Completely focusing on the matter was clearly the way to fight the enervating and distracting feelings caused by the recent experience.

”A conspi…” Cris started to talk, but his voice sounded weak and hoarse. He turned his look away from the Stryfe and, after clearing his throat, tried again. ”A conspiracy against Rhysol? That sounds like a lost cause from the start.” No other emotion but the uneasiness and uncertainty about his current situation reflected in the quiet tone. ”Do you know what the motivations of this Rising Dawn are? What kind of activities do they engage in? What kind of people they are?” The questions were delivered slowly, with pauses to think between them. Speaking was helping Crismento to compose himself, and with each word he sounded stronger and more alive. He looked back at Korin, this time with the eyes that were regaining their vitality. ”I would need to know anything you can tell me about the conspiracy to better my chances to help you… Help us.” Cris’s approach now was rather straightforward without much use of any information extracting tricks or techniques. The way he figured, it was in Ebonstryfe's own interest to equip him with as much knowledge as was needed for the cause, though Crismento would never pass up an opportunity to learn more than required. Asking anything about himself and the situation he was in, however, seemed meaningless, since the Stryfe was free to break any promise he would make. Cris would now be a good boy and do as he was told, and would only consider his options once he had any.
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[Ravok Quest] Havoc in Ravok (Quest Participants Only)

Postby Cassandra Coven on May 14th, 2011, 9:36 am

Disclaimer: If you are easily offended by mature themes or are not of age, I would insist that you skip reading this post.

Warning: Mature Content :
Every move she made was forced, her mind filled with distaste even as she schooled her face to hold no emotion. Cassandra's face was pale as she mechanically went about the task of removing the man's clothes. It seemed he could not wait, or found her movements too slow, for he pressed against her and pinned her to the wall. She had to fight the impulse to pull her hands away from their place between his legs, and the stiffness she felt there removed all doubt of Trevinus' desire to have her. The sensation of her skin crawling as the man stroked her hair was not something she could control, however.

And then he spoke his insidious words, his speech filled with magic that wormed their way into her mind, breaking down her defenses just as he peeled off her clothes. Mentally, she tried to fight off the magical urgings, but Cassandra was never one who was strong of will and Trevinus was using methods the dark haired woman could never hope to understand and thus had no hope of countering. Her dislike of him slowly eased off, until it became but a memory. It was a violation of the highest order, though Cassandra did not know it, for the man had easily swayed her mind to accept what he would do to her body. For her part, the woman could only feel pleasure from his every touch, his every kiss - sensations she had initially fought but now had no choice but to feel and make her own.

Trevinus lifted her hand and caressed the crimson veins that identified her as a marked of Krysus, the goddess of murder. Vaguely, in the back of her mind, she remembered that only one other had done such a thing, though that man had willingly accepted the mark as a part of her. The man before her only considered it as a blemish on the skin of the vessel he would use for sexual gratification. It did not matter in Cassandra's current state of mind, however. She blushed from the man's actions, her body growing warm as her mind considered it a sweet gesture - a reaction that physically prepared her for the things to come. When Trevinus finally took her, she could not help moan out in pleasure. The man pressed his lips against hers even as she did, infusing her very being with his twisted magic and further warping her perception of him and what he was doing that the whole act seemed like a drug to her, flooding her senses with euphoria.

Cassandra did not stay idle in his embrace either. When Trevinus' lips fluttered to her neck and lower, she would flick the tip of her tongue on his ear before moving on to nibble on the fleshy lobe. When their orientation allowed it, she would move down upon him as well, tracing a thin line down his the side of his jaw with her tongue to resume her nibbling on the sensitive parts of the man's neck.

Eventually, they ended up on her bed and the man moved to test her flexibility even as he continued to pleasure her. She willingly complied to his wishes, doing things she had never done for any man before. In the back of her mind, a small voice would call out insistently upon that fact, and it was true that had any other man force his way to take her, Cassandra would have just lain there as her body was despoiled. But not with this man, with his unnatural way of compelling her. She did not hold back as she would have to another man, running her lips and nimble fingers over places she knew would give Trevinus the most amount of pleasure. Cassandra was like a whole different woman once Trevinus had woven his magic upon her.

The small voice was easily drowned out then as the man's actions assaulted her with wave upon wave of pleasure.

Cassandra never needed much work when it came to being pleasured and she easily reached the climax of their love-making. Her long nails dug furrows upon the man's back, seeming as if her fingers were looking for something to grasp to brace herself as she rode the wave of pleasure. Trevinus took his time with her however, and there were many more climaxes to come for the dark-haired woman. When the man finally chose to finish and collapsed on top of her, Cassandra only had time to utter the following words in his ear before she drifted off into a tired sleep, "I hope your servant has pleased you, m'lord. I would do so again at your leisure."

Before she lost consciousness, Cassandra would find that she meant every word. Of course when she woke up she would have conflicting emotions about the whole ordeal: filthy, yet with the strange desire to give herself once more if the Acolyte asked it of her.

And she would never understand why.
there is something
i have to say to you
if you promise you'll understand
i cannot contain myself
when in your presence
i'm so humble
touch me
don't hide our love
woman to man

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[Ravok Quest] Havoc in Ravok (Quest Participants Only)

Postby Verilian on May 29th, 2011, 2:09 am


"Questions? Eeyahahahahaa!"

The voice echoed throughout the room as the odd monkey thing cocked it's head to the side, eying Reaver with something that looked like it might be curiosity. The laughter that followed was high pitched and bounced off the walls before the echoing voice continued. "We all have questions, Reaver. What is he doing here? Why is he still alive? How did he get the vial? Why doesn't he remember me?" Every word echoed faintly a thousand times over and over as the creature spoke, making it difficult to understand. The strange monkey thing sat down on the table crossing it's legs and resting it's head on it's hands. "Well let me think now. What is my name? Let's see.. It's been so long since someone asked. Oh yes, you can call me Kiochi. Servant to our glorious lord of chaos, Rhysol."

The monkey thing gestured to the chair that had fallen over next to the table. "Please, Reaver, have a seat. I have things to tell you. Hopefully they will answer some of your questions, but I'm sure you will have more when we are done." Kiochi waited to see whether Reaver would accept his invitation to sit, but even if Reaver decided to remain standing he would start talking anyway.

"That vial you found. It was created in the Well of Madness.. the guy you found it in stole it from us. Basically it killed him."

"AHAHAEHEHEHEE!" The monkey thing waited for the laughter to subside before continuing, "It drives you mad, and eventually it will kill you too. The blackouts are just the beginning. You cannot get rid of it, but if you keep it you will die." Kiochi paused for a moment, judging Reaver's reaction before continuing. "But you are special, are you not? Yes, I think you are. It could be that you could pass the vial to someone else, with some help. But Reaver, you will have to do everything I say." Again the laughter sounded, hysterical and maddening, and it continued for some time. All the while Kiochi sat staring at Reaver with a blank expression. When it died down once more Kiochi leaned forward. "So Reaver, what do you say? Do you want to be consumed with madness and die, or do you want to live.. so to speak?"

OOCThis isn't the best of posts, sorry. Anyway, feel free to bombard Kiochi with all your questions, as well as respond to his proposal.

Cassandra Coven

When Cassandra awoke the next morning the sun was already high in the sky, and Trevinus was nowhere to be found, having left some time in the night. She fully remembered the events of the previous night, and while her reasons for enjoying it so much may have been unclear, she found she was not entirely disgusted with herself for it. She could not deny that if she met Trevinus again she would more than likely fall into his arms once more if he asked. But Trevinus was not there, and Cassandra suddenly remembered another thing. She was late for work! She was supposed to work the day shift, and the day was already half way over.

When Cassandra arrived at the Silver Sliver she found it was busy as usual, and upon seeing her the bartender waved her over. His voice was low and perhaps a bit judgemental when he spoke, "I don't know what you did last night, Cassandra. But that Black Sun fellow is back and he wants to speak to you. ..and.. he says you will not be coming in to work for the next few days." If Cassandra wanted to know more she wouldn't get it from him, she would have to go talk to Trevinus, who was sitting at the same table he had the night before minus his two lackeys. The Acolyte was sipping from a cup of ale, the shimmering silver of the tavern's signature drink visible when he tilted the cup to his lips. When Cassandra did go over to him he motioned for her to have a seat, his eyes following her every move, reading her reaction to his presence.

"Hello, my dear. I trust you had a good rest? I'm sorry I had to leave so early, but I have duties to attend to, I'm sure you understand."

Trevinus flashed her a charming smile, then motioned to one of the other serving girls. "Please bring us something to eat. I'm sure we are both very hungry after our endeavors last night." The waitress nodded politely to the Acolyte and shot Cassandra a dirty look before disappearing to get their order. Trevinus watched her go and then turned his gaze back to Cassandra. "Tell me, my dear. How does it work.. your mark? I am sad to say I know little about such things aside from my own marks. Do you require the taking of a life, or is simple injury enough?" The Acolyte spoke openly of her mark, unconcerned who might overhear, but if Cassandra took a moment to notice all the patrons had been seated far enough away that they could not eavesdrop on the couple. Trevinus had apparently even gone so far as to task the bouncer with making sure nobody but the waitress who was serving them would enter the immediate area. "I only ask about this because I wish to help you. The Black Sun can give you a.. legal outlet for your mark. Or, if it is your desire, we may even be able to help you remove it."


Korin smiled and nodded his head. "A lost cause indeed. To move against Rhysol directly would be suicide. But that does not mean they are not a threat to Ravok. If war were to break out on the streets.. it would not be in Ravok's best interest. This situation must be.. controlled." The Stryfe was hesitant with his words. He was speaking of order, the very opposite of Rhysol's beliefs. And yet what was Ravok itself if not an ordered chaos? "It is the task of the Black Sun and the Ebonstryfe to ensure Ravok's longevity. This conspiracy must be dealt with in as minimally damaging a way as possible."

When Crismento finally seemed to collect himself and began asking questions the Stryfe seemed pleased. And he was, for he needed Cris to be at his best if he was going to get any use out of the man. "We are not entirely sure what their motivations are, aside from the destruction of Rhysol and the downfall of Ravok. From what we can tell they are led by a member of the Order of Radiance, a woman marked by Priskil. So far all they have done is disrupt slave trade, free a few slaves, and stolen a few documents and items of.. religious value. But we believe they are planning something larger and are simply building their numbers from the slaves they free. The one you will be interrogating is a slave." Korin reached for something inside his tunic, pulling out a folded parchment sealed with the emblem of the Ebonstryfe. "Every thing we know is on those documents. Study them, and when you are ready we will take you to the prisoner."

After handing Cris the document Korin left him alone for a while. Once he was ready Cris was bound and blindfolded and led to the dungeon where his bindings were then removed and he was shoved roughly inside. The cell was small, damp, and smelled of excrement. A loaf of half eaten bread was laying in the muck at Crismento's feet. Slumped against the wall was Phillip, the man he was supposed to extract the information from. Phillip looked up when Cris was shoved in for only a moment before looking back down at the ground. In general Phillip was depressed, responding to any questions from Cris in a rather gloomy manner. He seemed to regret his decision to turn on Rhysol now that he had been captured. It was all great while he was freeing slaves and thinking he was making a different, but hours of torture and interrogation he seemed to have lost his spirit though he was still unwilling to reveal any of the conspiracy's secrets so far.

OOCCheck your PMs. Feel free to use the info all you like. Start up a dialogue with Phillip and control him, once you get him going and he realizes you are one of his own he will open up a bit more. After that you may begin attempting to extract new information from him, which will is when you'll need me to respond.


OOC: Roman has temporarily dropped out. Should he choose to return he will pick up where he left off.

Aello & Alenias

The moment Alenias shifted it caught Jug's attention. As if the colors alone hadn't been enough, now there was a second pretty bird flying about the room. "Oh.. two pretty birdies." Jug looked back up at Yune who was chirping frantically at Alenias. "Alenias, what are you doing? He's going to eat you!" "You wait there pretty birdie," Jug said to Yune, "I will go and get your friend." Jug began to grab for Alenias, but she was to quick for him and he could not catch her. When she flew across the room to Burton Jug pursued, oblivious to the collision course he was now taking. His eyes were only on the pretty blue jay that had just landed in it's nest.

Burton swatted at Alenias as she tried to settle onto his head but forgot about her when he noticed Jug lumbering toward him. "Jug, what are you doing. Sto-aaaarg!" Burton cried out in pain as Aello stabbed him not once, but twice in the leg. He was already on his way down when Jug collided with him and they both toppled to the ground. "Biiiirrrddddiiiieeee!" Jug cried all the way down before he was muffled by the sound of the two large men crashing into the table next to them, turning it to splinters as they contours right through and onto the floor. "Oh, hello Burton," Jug said when the debris finally settled around them. "Jug, get off me," Burton roared as he flailed beneath the giant and started pounding on him with his fists. Jug slowly got off his companion and sat down next to him. Burton sat up, holding his leg.

"She got me, Jug. That crazy bitch got me. I'm hurt.. Jug, I'm hurt. Do you see it... she hurt me. Make it right, Jug. Hurt her for me. Can you do that."

As Burton spoke Jug's eyes began to grow wide. They fell to the wound and the giant gasped when he saw the blood. The dumb expression that adorned his face began to change, replaced with one of anger. His dim witted voice, while still lacking any semblance of intelligent, took on a darker tone. "Nobody hurts Burton. Nobody hurts Jug's friend! We just wanted to play, but mean ladies didn't want to and now Burton is hurt!!! Jug make them PAY! JUG SMASH PRETTY BIRDIES AND MEAN DAGGER LADY!!!"

OOCYes... Jug Smash! I went there. Anyway, while Jug isn't the most competent fighter, he is big, tall, thick, and can take stab after stab without flinching. He will not be distracted anymore. His attentions will primarily be on Aello. Burton will just sit and watch, unless attacked directly. ...of course, there is an opportunity here. Jug's back is to Aello while he is talking about smashing her, and she can certainly attempt something if she wants.

OOCThis isn't the best update :( But I wanted to get something up and this was the best I could do. Sorry guys.
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[Ravok Quest] Havoc in Ravok (Quest Participants Only)

Postby Reaver on May 29th, 2011, 2:37 am

Reaver waited patiently for the creature to finish talking, up until it offered him a seat. He took it swiftly, as to get off his feet. He sat there, silent and cold, the entire time. He was almost welcoming the chill air, though the hot air assaulting his ears wasn't always so welcome. "You cannot get rid of it, but if you keep it you will die." Reaver kept his cold stare, the needed energy to move his face wasn't worth wasting on an expression such as fear or surprise with his injuries. As it finished talking, finally, Reaver worked through his answers in order. He almost took it as a challenge, seeing if the creature could even remember all his own questions.

Once Reaver began to reply, however, his emotions started to show in his voice. In answering the questions, he almost seemed angry, though mostly through him rushing all the answers out at once. "Yes, questions. I'm researching life. I'm not. Happenstance, or fate should Rhysol have felt it so. Because I didn't want to... Kiochi, I can be, whatever I feel like, and I do indeed wish to continue my existence." He smiled with his next reply, though his mask would hide it. "My turn." He did well to hide how excited he was at the potential answers to his questions, a sense of inevitable disappointment keeping his few emotions in check. "Are you a product of the vial? Is it possible to be a touch less maddening? Can you teach me the skills I had during those blackouts? Most importantly, as you seem connected to Rhysol, and thus the Black Sun... Can you get me access to some books on topics I wish to research?" Reaver paused a moment, but not enough to prompt a reply. "I reserve my other four questions to a later date. Beyond that, I suppose I'm good to start working my way out of my 'fate.' Feel free to begin, Koichi." With the end of his small array of comments, Reaver made a nod, intended to resemble a small bow.

OOCI felt free as a bird. He actually only had the one important question, he asked the name to be polite.
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[Ravok Quest] Havoc in Ravok (Quest Participants Only)

Postby Aello on May 29th, 2011, 3:46 am

And here comes Jug, Aello thought, as she followed the over-sized man with her eyes. Coming for Alenias, as though she were some sort of play thing. Her grip tightened around the hilt of the dagger as she waited, knowing somewhere inside of herself that his stupidity would play to her advantage, in the end. And she was right, within seconds, Jug had collided with Burton, the impact sending them into a table. And they all come tumbling down, Aello thought with a small smile, as she watched Alenias hovering in the air out of the corner of her eye. She really does come in handy sometimes, Aello thought to herself, as she turned her attention back to the two morons who had just crashed into one of the nearby tables, and made quite the mess. Hopefully they have to pay for that, they're the ones who were stupid enough to break it after all.

Yeah but you egged them on, another portion of Aello's brain replied a moment later. Yeah, but with good reason, they were creeping on Alenias, and trying to hit on us, another portion reminded it. There was a slight nod, as a sudden urge to vomit overcame the girl. Oh no you don't! Not until they're both struggling to breath, and are covered in their own blood... or dead. Dead would be good. A small smile crossed Aello's lips, "yes, dead would be good," she whispered, as she glanced at the two men. Jug truly is quite the fool, she thought, keeping his back turned to one that wields a dagger. There was a slight pause, I suppose someone should show him his mistake, Aello thought, as her smile widened, and her grip tightened around the hilt of her blade. Her knuckles beginning to turn white with the pressure she was exerting upon it.

"Hey Jug," Aello said as she slowly got to her feet, ignoring the sharp shooting pains that coursed through her body as she did so, and tapped on the center of Jug's back with her left pointer finger, before retracting her hand. "You didn't forget about us, did you?" she asked, as she thrust the blade into the center of his back, the spot where her finger had been only moments before. "Because we were just beginning to enjoy our little game, weren't we Alenias?" Aello asked. "You see Jug, your toys don't like when you forget to play with them," the girl went on, her voice a mixture of ice and playfulness. A wicked smile was crossing her lips as she pushed the blade a little deeper, dark red blood pooling around the edges as she waited to hear his scream. As she waited to watch him fall to his knees and beg for her mercy; assuming a blade thrust through the center of his back wasn't enough to kill him, of course.

Aello let the blade linger for a second, before she pulled the cursed dagger out of Jug's flesh, bringing a thin trickle of blood along with it. Plop, several deep red droplets fell onto the hardwood floor. There is always more where that came from. So much more for him to lose. So much more to be shed...

OOCHey V, if there is a problem with anything, just tell me and I can edit.
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