by Aidara on May 9th, 2011, 11:46 pm
by Ronin on May 10th, 2011, 5:18 pm
Ronin was quite embarrassed about his telepathy mistake, and the incident kept him from saying anything else for now. He didn't know enough about this to tell if they could tell what he was thinking or not, so he tried his best to think of nothing but the hunting of sharks. Ronin figured that was a safe enough topic to think about, just in case they were listening in to his every thought. However, it wasn't long before his thoughts were interrupted by the jostling that Sira had to do before she could take off. Though it was slightly uncomfortable to be bounced up and down, Ronin wasn't about to complain in the least. For one, he didn't want to be disrespectful, but also, he considered himself incredibly lucky to have this chance to ride an eagle again. It wasn't long before the excitement of taking off had consumed his every thought. This was only Ronin's second time riding a Wind Eagle, so it was still something very new to him. Sira's 'hold tight' message had Ronin a little worried, as he had no idea what she was planning on doing that required him to hold on tighter than he already was. This unpreparedness cause Ronin to be taken by surprise when they went plummeting down the side of the mountain. Instinctively, Ronin grabbed onto the nearest thing, in this case, that happened to be Aidara. When they leveled out, Ronin realized what he had done and quickly let go and straightened up. "I am.." He forgot to use his thoughts instead of his words. Correcting his mistake, he tried again. "I am terribly sorry, I don't know why I did that." Embarrassed again, Ronin stopped trying to communicate mentally. However, he didn't close of the telepathic channel as well as he thought, and his following inner dialog was inadvertently sent to both Sire and Aidara. "Why would you do that? She probably thinks you're a fumbling idiot now.. You'll be lucky if she doesn't tell Sira to turn around and leave you back in Wind Reach right now. Seriously, who does that? Why can't you just keep your cool and act like you know what you're doing instead of embarrassing yourself all the time." Ronin's scolding of himself may have been too harsh, but he had grown accustom to thinking this way. Doing so helped him to refrain from making the same mistakes twice, and he usually didn't expect other people to be listening in. Thankful for a different topic to think about, Ronin payed attention to the pictures Sira was sending them mentally. Passing up such good game was a shame, but Ronin had hunted all those animals before. Hunting shark was going to be a completely new experience for him. In fact, Ronin had only ever been to Thunder Bay a couple of times. Ronin's interests outdoors had always been in the woods so he never saw any reason why to go explore around the ocean. However, now that he was actually going to do, it had him quite excited. Ronin listened intently to Aidara's instructions, suggestions, and warnings. He was beginning to realize the actual danger of what they were going to be doing. It wasn't going to be simple as, ride around on a Wind Eagle while you circle around an easy, unsuspecting target. No, this was actually going to be a dangerous task. Ronin wasn't sure whether this excited him or scared him, but either way, he was anxious to get started. He had nothing to add or ask regarding Aidara's statement, so he kept silent and just did whatever he was told. It was surprising to Ronin that Aidara asked him how he was doing. He didn't expect the two Endals to be all that comfortable with being assigned a Chiet as a hunting partner, but they both seemed to accept him. For this, he was indeed thankful. "I am just fine, ma'am. I think I'm starting to get used to flying." It felt weird for Ronin to use the word "ma'am" in reference to someone so close to his own age, but she was an Endal and he wanted to show proper respect. Ronin wasn't sure what was going on when Sira took a sudden dive, but he handled this one much better than the previous one. Due to Aidara's laugher, he was sure something was up between the two of them, but he was unaware of what it was. Ronin laughed at Aidara's comment about Sira's flying and reluctantly engaged in the conversation. "I don't have much to compare it to. The only other eagle I've rode didn't seem to like me much, and I think it would have been happy to see me fall to my death. So as long as she doesn't drop me to the sharks, I think she's a great flyer." Ronin chuckled again, hoping that it was okay for him to be candid. That was when it happened, for the first time, Ronin saw the ocean from high in the sky. The unending field of blue was astounding and rendered Ronin completely speechless. New experiences were always fun for Ronin, but this one might have taken the cake. The rolling waves were beautiful, and the flocks of sea gulls were larger than any flock of bird he had ever seen. Ronin had never imagined the ocean being such an amazing place, but here he was, breathlessly staring out over it, in awe of what he beheld. Then, like frosting on a cupcake, they saw a wondrous sight. What Ronin could only describe as a huge fish leaped out of the water and devoured one of the passing birds. He knew this had to be what they were hunting, and a sudden mix of fear and exuberance washed over him. "That's amazing," was all he come mutter. |
by Sira on May 13th, 2011, 12:13 am
by Aidara on May 17th, 2011, 12:54 am
by Flicker on September 8th, 2011, 9:00 pm
Sira XP: Intimidation: 2 Seduction: 2 Observation: 3 Instigation: 2 Leadership: 3 Sira Lore: Waking Aidara up Plotting demises with Addy Shark hunting Bad saddles and having the weight of two people in them Aidara XP: Observation: 4 Flying: 2 Instigation: 2 Leadership: 1 Aidara Lore: Sira is an early riser Sira’s aerie doesn’t usually smell like fish...or does it? Sira’s bathroom Gearing up for the hunt with Sira Plotting to outdo Sai Bad saddles and their effect on feathers Ronin XP: Observation: 3 Flying: 2 Ronin Lore: Sira’s Aerie Sira’s aerie doesn’t usually smell like fish...or does it? Sira is kind of nice Sira transforming Using telepathy Comments: I would have liked to see you two try to continue this one without Ronin. The interaction between the ladies is adorable! And Ronin’s discomfort was capitalized on, a good read. |
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