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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Mabel on May 13th, 2011, 4:35 am

Character's Name

Basic Information

Race: Human
Birthday & Age: Born 479 AV, 32 years old
Gender: Female

Physical Description

Mabel is a semi-short woman, standing at about 5''9'. She has curly, auburn hair reaching down to about her shoulders that tumbles down around her face, that often causes her to push it out of her eyes. She is somewhat stocky, but only from the years of chopping her own firewood, and picking her herbs, leaving her with a good amount of muscle. She is often mistaken for being younger than she really is, due to her rounded baby-like face and light complexion. She has plump, rosy lips and a straight set of teeth. Her eyes being a warm brown, she often gives off a pleasant presence, even if that's not always the case.

Character Concept

Mabel is a hardworking, self-kept woman, choosing to keep to herself, rather than interacting with others. She is often seen reading a book or tending to plants and herbs. She is a strong willed individual, who knows who she is and what she wants, and loves the morning time. She loves to speak in riddles and puns, often making her meaning difficult to decipher. She loves to mix different potions and experiment with different plants, putting some plants in extreme conditions to see how they react, etc. She often casts shields around herself that fade other people's sight of her, loving to be stealthy and unseen. She is a cautious woman, due to years traveling and encountering difficult situations. Even though she loves who she is, she still has her insecurities and doubts, and is careful not to reveal them to others.

Character History

Mabel was born into a middle class family in the city of Zeltiva. Her father was a blacksmith, and her mother tended to the house. Her mother fancied the finer walks of life, loving expensive clothing and jewelry. She loved to attend dinner parties and social gatherings, and loved to make a spectacle of herself. When Mabel was a child, her mother tried to show Mabel how to be proper, and tried to teach her manners and etiquette. Mabel never grasped the concepts, preferring to spend time in her father's workplace, watching him forge different types of metal tools and weapons. Mabel discovered her love for plants at a young age, instantly captivated by them. Mabel also stumbled across books on various types of magic, and was fascinated by the idea. At the age of 19, Mabel entered the University in Zeltiva, choosing to study courses on herbalism, botany, and shielding. She was gifted in her schooling, being a hard study and a gifted magic user. She grasped the concepts of her arts easily and excelled. Near her mid-twenties, she left the university, pleased with her amount of knowledge, and left Zeltiva, starting her own life away from her family, never to see them again.

Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)

Herbalism: 30 (15 Starting Pack, 15 Racial Bonus)
Shielding: 30 (30 Starting Pack)
Wilderness Survival: 5 (5 Starting Pack)

Lore of Parent Issues
Lore of Plants in Zeltiva


Common: Fluent
Ancient: Basic

Equipment and Possessions

1 Set of Clothing (cloak/coat & footwear included)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel
A simple necklace made of iron from her father (family heirloom)

100 Gold Rimmed Mizas

Thread List
Posts: 3
Words: 2311
Joined roleplay: April 21st, 2011, 6:49 am
Race: Human
Character sheet

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