Wondering & looking for friends [Flashback] (open)

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The Wilderness of Cyphrus is an endless sea of tall grass that rolls just like the oceans themselves. Geysers kiss the sky with their steamy breath, and mysterious craters create microworlds all their own. But above all danger lives here in the tall grass in the form of fierce wild creatures; elegant serpents that swim through the land like whales through the ocean and fierce packs of glassbeaks that hunt in packs which are only kept at bay by fires. Traverse it carefully, with a guide if possible, for those that venture alone endanger themselves in countless ways.

Wondering & looking for friends [Flashback] (open)

Postby Raven Black on May 6th, 2011, 4:34 pm


Spring Day 38 510 AV

This was it! After traveling far and wide Raven finally found the perfect place to run. Touching the grass, Raven started to examine this dream world. “Where am I?” Raven asks herself. Out stretching her arms, Raven starts to spin herself in circles. The clouds start to spin with her. It was Raven, the sky, and an open field moving in circles.

Slowly, she sits to the ground. Her world keeps moving and she lets the soft ground absorb her. Raven was finally free to run. Her life consisted of running away from those who would steal her. Now, she does not need to worry about enslavement. She was ready. Ready to shape shift and live the way she has always wanted.

Closing her eyes, Raven starts to relax into the land. Her freedom felt so perfect that she started to hum a lullaby from her mother. Thinking to herself, ‘If only mom could be here to see this beautiful land, she would be so happy. This is like the afterlife. It could be the afterlife. But if it is, then I would be dead. I am not dead. Which means this is not paradise and thus this world is not perfect.’

Sitting up, Raven took her idea to heart. ‘This world is not perfect. Something has to be wrong with it.’ She slowly looks around and opens her senses. Raven hears slithering sounds in the background. Looking towards the sound, she finds huge serpents moving gracefully through the grass.

“You all are so beautiful, if I could be like you I would.” Raven rolls to her stomach and watches them swim by. She is in a trace as them swim. The motion is like dancing. Her lullaby fit their movements and so the dance and song started to run through her head over and over again. “The only thing that would make this perfect would be friends.” Putting her head onto the ground, Raven hoped to run into someone new.

Her entire life she lived to serve. She never had a friend with that did not want somthing from her. They always had connections. Connections meaning that Raven alwasy had to do something for them. It also refered the the fact taht she was owned by those people It was not a true friendship. She had to make them food, buy the educational books, create new stories, and clean the house to make them happy. Real friends would not have these connections.

Raven dreamed of people who would protect her, believe in her, and make her laugh. These were the people she longed to meet. Those who would nut judge the scars of abuse. Raven rolled over, into the grass, so that she could look up into the sky. Everything was calm, so she played with her necklace and hummed to herself.

Was there anyone else in the grass?
Last edited by Raven Black on May 8th, 2011, 2:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Wondering & looking for friends (open)

Postby Lavia on May 8th, 2011, 1:31 am

It was Spring, the most perfect season of them all. At least, it was that way in Lavia's opinion. Just in the middle of it all. After the world was done shivering from the cold of Winter, and right before land would become dry from the Summer sun. It was the season where it rained, in just enough amounts for beautiful flowers to come out of the soil and blossom, expanding their vibrant and colorful petals. For the grass to be at its brightest and healthiest, gently caressing each passing ankle and foot. Lavia embraced Spring every beating moment of her heart, taking in as much beauty as she could before it fluttered away. She had found herself wandering, flying over The Sea of Grass for the evening, enjoying the kiss of the sun against her feathers, and the gentle breath of wing that carried her in flight. Below her, was nothing but green, green and more green. What a beautiful shade of color it was.

Though, the Sea of Grass was a sight to see, just as all of Cyphrus was, Lavia was growing a bit tired and felt as if she needed to take a break from flying. She continued to beat her wings against the wind, swirling above the large area of grass, finding a suitable spot to fall and lay upon. Once her talons were against the grass, she inhaled and exhaled deeply before a swirl of bright lights circled the owl, bathing her in its brightness. Within an instant, Lavia has shifted back in to her human form, the feeling of dizziness briefly taking over as she remained knelt to the ground, her eyes closed as she regained her composure and focus. Her eyes opened, as her bare body lifted itself in to an upright stance. It was at that moment she watched as a dark haired girl was running opposite of her direction, her back being towards her. Lavia saw her, but she was certain the girl had not seen her just yet. Lavia's eyes gazed with curiosity, the shade of bright gold gently glimmering just under the sunlight. Lavia took a few steps, very quietly and gracefully, as she watched the girl cheerfully spin in circles, landing to the ground with a soft 'plop', in to the arms of the gentle grass. It brought a smile to Lavias face, watching the girl in all her simplicity, finding the biggest joy in the smallest way. Curiostiy, as it always did, took over Lavia and gave her more reason to continue to approach the girl, who from a distance seemed so harmless.

Lavia drew closer and closer to the girl, the gentle hissing of the snake near her filling the air, the environment not as silent as it was. Lavia stopped in her tracks, the wind gently pushing her hair to the front as it covered her bust, but the rest of her body was still bare. Of course, as an Kelvic, the mere thought of being naked brought no worry. It was natural, among their race. Lavia continued to stare, knowing her presence would either be eventually seen, or felt. She kept quiet, her arms freely dangling at her side, her eyes still as bright and curious, if not even more.

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Wondering & looking for friends [Flashback] (open)

Postby Raven Black on May 8th, 2011, 3:21 pm


Looking up into the clouds, Raven felt someone or something draw near. As a kelvic horse she was always alert to her surroundings. Of course, if there was a wolf in the field she would need to sense it so she could run. Yet, this was not the same feeling. She would know from multiple times of living in the woods where carnivores live. However, her body was not telling her that she was in danger. This feeling did not painfully tingle and make her stomach churn. It was more of, a slight warning, an alarm singing quietly. It was as if her senses knew something was there and that she should roll over to see who it was. Yet, Raven did not fear because of her senses. These warnings were not bad and so she shrugged them off. Her humming lullaby never stopped. Her hands never changed pace when rubbing her necklace.

Calmly, and slowly, Raven rolled over. The grass shifted and comforted her. Flowers she never seen before started to catch her eye. The beautiful place would be her paradise. Nothing would be as bad as her enslavement at her other homes. With that thought, her humming lullaby changed to a dancing song. Using her senses to started to search her surroundings.

Looking around, she found the presence of another being. Tilting her head to the side, like a curious horse, Raven just looked in shock. Another human, or kelvic, lived in the grass. Raven smiled, it was part of her nature to not wear clothing but because of towns and laws she learned to wear them. It was against everything she wanted. So when she saw this stranger without clothing, she knew the next time she changed to a horse she would not have to worry. She could be free, without any restraints, once again.

Not sure if Raven should be nervous, she started to stand up. Raven started to notice more and more details. The lady’s hair was exotic and beautiful. The curls appeared to be thick and untamed. It seemed that her hair was the only thing that was used as clothing. She looked as curious like Raven herself.

Standing completely up, Raven looked into her eyes. Still not sure if she should run, trying to gage her instincts, Raven smiled and stopped humming. “Hello. My name is Raven.” Looking into her eyes, Raven stood there. The golden hue pierced her like a bird. They were so powerful she waited for an answer. This was her chance, she could finally meet someone like her. Possibly make a friend that would understand her.

Quickly, she became more and more excited and less and less nervous. This could be her first true friend.
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Wondering & looking for friends [Flashback] (open)

Postby Lavia on May 8th, 2011, 11:43 pm

She could hear the gentle rusting and movement in the grass, a long with a soft humming sound coming from the girls direction. Lavia grew even more curious than usual, as she began to inch closer and closer to the tune, wanting to match it with a face. Lavia watched carefully as the dark haired girl found her way to her feet, turning to face her. She was a dark haired girl with peculiar and bright blue eyes, that showed who she truly was. In an instant, Lavia could sense she was a Kelvic, just like herself. This pleased her greatly, and brought a flutter of happiness in her stomach, tickling her from within with joy. The girl looked her direction and a smile slowly pulled at the girls lips as she spoke.

“Hello. My name is Raven.”

Raven. A unique name that she had not heard too often. Lavias lips trembled a bit with nervousness, but slowly curved in to a warm smile. She nodded in the girls direction, as she lifted her hand and placed it to her own chest. She was known to decorate her conversations, with the use of hand movements.

"I am Lavia. It is a pleasure to run in to you." she said lowly, in a sultry and gentle voice, her bright eyes blinking as she peered over the girls shoulders, and then around, "Are you alone here?" she asked, her feet carrying her a bit closer to the girl, a look of wonderment on her face.
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Wondering & looking for friends [Flashback] (open)

Postby Raven Black on May 14th, 2011, 3:07 am


Raven watched her hands move. There seemed to be a pause from the lady. Raven tilted her head slightly and waited.

‘I am Lavia. It is a pleasure to run into you.” Lavia said this in a very calm tone. ‘Are you alone here?’

Raven smiled at Lavia. “It is a pleasure to meet you.” Raven took a few steps forward and then stopped. She did not want to seem dangerous or creepy. She looked down at her feet. She had to think about the question. She would be the first person to ask her about being alone. Her memories haunted her. Because of this she was not alone. Except people is what Lavia probably meant. “I am alone.” Raven was shocked at how she sounded. She sounded like a lost puppy.

“Where am I? I am not really sure of this places name. I am traveling and sort of lost my way.” Raven blurted out the questions that came to mind. After this she felt very rude.

Raven took a step back and looked up. “I am sorry. I am being very inconsiderate right now. Are you alone here?” Raven asked the same question Lavia asked because Raven was not sure what would be proper to ask. Why are you naked? Can you help me find shelter? Are you kelvic? Are kelvics free here? There were so many things and yet Raven did not and could not ask them. Each would have been improper of her. “Thank you for asking me; you are the first person I have met here.” Raven smiled at Lavia; hopefully Ravens outburst of questions would not ruin her chances of making a new friend.
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Wondering & looking for friends [Flashback] (open)

Postby Lavia on May 15th, 2011, 3:37 am

"It is a pleasure to meet you." the girl said, giving a pause afterwards before continuing on to answer Lavia's question, " I am alone."

Lavia immediately sensed a bit of anguish and sadness in her tone, and it caused Lavia to become quite sympathetic, almost instantly. Lavia's own expression seemed to frown, her eyebrows lifting but caving in just near the middle. Her lips separated by a slit of room as she breathed inwards and outwards through her mouth. She watched the girls movements, and just as she was about to speak, Raven spoke again.

“Where am I? I am not really sure of this places name. I am traveling and sort of lost my way.”

Lavia tilted her head to the side, wondering what would cause a person to pursue a travel, without someone accompanying them. Especially, a girl so fragile as Raven seemed to be. From sight, Lavia could only assume she was a typical human. Again, just as Lavia was about to answer her question, Raven spoke out once more. Lavia silenced her own tongue.

“I am sorry. I am being very inconsiderate right now. Are you alone here?”

Lavia gave a quick nod, as she inched closer towards Raven. She was sure this girl was completely harmless, and even if she was to pose a threat of some sort, it wasn't anything Lavia couldn't handle. Yes, she was that confident in herself.

"You are in the sea of grass. Just between Endrykas and Riverfall." as she spoke, she used her hand to point in the two opposite directions, her eyes settling back on to Raven, "-and yes, I too am alone. I am actually traveling, just as you are."

Lavia examined the snaked near Ravens feet, who were slithering about. They appeared harmless theirselves, but she knew from experience, that the wrong move could trigger their own defensive reflexes. Lavia looked from the serpents, back to Raven.

"Here, follow me. It is not safe right there. Trust me." she said, a smile gently tugging at the corner of her lips as she jerked her head in the direction she was about to move, "I have a tent, not too far from here. Are you hungry?" she asked, looking over her shoulder to see if Raven has decided to follow behind, "-and what is bringing you to travel anyway? -and alone, what a risk don't you think?"
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