Spring Day 38 510 AV This was it! After traveling far and wide Raven finally found the perfect place to run. Touching the grass, Raven started to examine this dream world. “Where am I?” Raven asks herself. Out stretching her arms, Raven starts to spin herself in circles. The clouds start to spin with her. It was Raven, the sky, and an open field moving in circles. Slowly, she sits to the ground. Her world keeps moving and she lets the soft ground absorb her. Raven was finally free to run. Her life consisted of running away from those who would steal her. Now, she does not need to worry about enslavement. She was ready. Ready to shape shift and live the way she has always wanted. Closing her eyes, Raven starts to relax into the land. Her freedom felt so perfect that she started to hum a lullaby from her mother. Thinking to herself, ‘If only mom could be here to see this beautiful land, she would be so happy. This is like the afterlife. It could be the afterlife. But if it is, then I would be dead. I am not dead. Which means this is not paradise and thus this world is not perfect.’ Sitting up, Raven took her idea to heart. ‘This world is not perfect. Something has to be wrong with it.’ She slowly looks around and opens her senses. Raven hears slithering sounds in the background. Looking towards the sound, she finds huge serpents moving gracefully through the grass. “You all are so beautiful, if I could be like you I would.” Raven rolls to her stomach and watches them swim by. She is in a trace as them swim. The motion is like dancing. Her lullaby fit their movements and so the dance and song started to run through her head over and over again. “The only thing that would make this perfect would be friends.” Putting her head onto the ground, Raven hoped to run into someone new. Her entire life she lived to serve. She never had a friend with that did not want somthing from her. They always had connections. Connections meaning that Raven alwasy had to do something for them. It also refered the the fact taht she was owned by those people It was not a true friendship. She had to make them food, buy the educational books, create new stories, and clean the house to make them happy. Real friends would not have these connections. Raven dreamed of people who would protect her, believe in her, and make her laugh. These were the people she longed to meet. Those who would nut judge the scars of abuse. Raven rolled over, into the grass, so that she could look up into the sky. Everything was calm, so she played with her necklace and hummed to herself. Was there anyone else in the grass? |