A new way to approach others (Flashback) (Aello)

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

A new way to approach others (Flashback) (Aello)

Postby Darren on May 16th, 2011, 10:31 pm

Darren sat up straight shrugging yet again at Aello. This woman is really all types of difficult he thought, allowing a small sigh to escape his lips. He was agitated for sure and the constant threats and taunts from the woman was he knew was going to set him off. It was just a matter of time until he would drop the facade and start to act against her. He made a flaccid attempt to cover up the anger in his face with his usual smile before standing up to address her. "You really don't know anything about me, Miss" he said back, nearly hissing the last part out. Catching that his usual composure, was lost for a bit he tensed up.

Darren really didn't like showing others how he was like when he was angry, making a vague waving motion with his hand as if to dismiss Aello's words. "There is nothing that tells others of me having a low level of intelligence simply since I don't have such a restriction" he said proudly. Alright now to take it home, say what you wanted to say in the first place he told himself, seeing that a prolonged session with this Aello was just going to antagonize him to no end. Normally he had an air of playfulness with him when he said but today no such courtesy was given.

"Look, honey..."
he said, forcing himself not to smile at the title he gave to her. He stopped as he took a deep breath, relaxing the features of his face and helping him calm down. "I just came to tell you to watch yourself" he explain simply for her. By now he knew that this was something most people can understand and agree to. A bit happy of himself he went and continued on "I understand now that what might have happened with the Snowsong might have been an accident but I'm telling you to be careful next time. Word travels fast around Avanthal and it's usually bad information that is given to outsiders. Next time you might not be forgiven so easily. To be honest I'd rather do that myself..." he smiled at the end of the last sentence. He assumed a relax, carefree posture as he strolled up to Aello a teasing smile on his face. He walked past her as he whispered discretely, just loud enough so that she was able to hear. "Maybe next time I'll come and try to punish you myself. You said it yourself, this suit is embarrassing to be seen with. What if you were in the middle of town getting down and dirty wrestling me while I was in this suit?" he chuckled. Perhaps even spank her a few times for good measure also he thought, she is certainly working up to it.
Last edited by Darren on May 17th, 2011, 1:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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A new way to approach others (Flashback) (Aello)

Postby Aello on May 16th, 2011, 11:53 pm

"Excuse me?" Aello growled as she turned abruptly on her heels to face Darren. "How dare you?" she hissed, as she extended her free hand towards his neck. She intended to choke the man with her bare hands. As soon as her hands had wrapped around his neck, she'd curl her fingers into his flesh, digging her nails into him as she squeezed his breath out of him. She could just picture his eyes growing wide, his flesh taking on the form of tiny crescents where her nails had made their mark. That was of course, if he didn't pull away from her. Perhaps though, the arrogant bastard would think it a gesture of love, like she wanted to kiss him. Thus, failing to move.

As soon as Aello's hand had met its mark, or perhaps even missed, she would continue speaking. "Don't tell me to watch myself," Aello hissed, "when you should be the one watching yourself." There was a slight pause as the edges of the girl's face continued to grow red, "you came out here in a bloody bear suit thinking you could so much as begin to convince someone that they should not bother to go hunting with their bow in order to find themselves a halfway decent meal around here. Something fresh." Aello's eyes were blazing as she continued speaking; her tone was as cold as the Avanthalian night. "You came unarmed and unprepared. You're information is entirely wrong, that Snowsong ran in the way of the arrow," she spat. "Your kind, after all, is not worth hunting, let alone eating."

If Aello had actually managed to grab Darren's neck, she'd be squeezing it a little harder now, watching the edges of his face grow as red as hers. "And you had better hope there won't be a next time Darren, for if we ever cross paths, you will not live to tell the tale. Is that understood, fool?" she hissed. She would tighten her grip and shake him to the best of her ability, listening to the sounds of his gasping for air. The choking. Aello would smile evilly as she waited, her eyes blazing, her body cast in a pale glow from the light of the moon. "Is that understood?" she'd scream again before pushing him away from her. As soon as he had stumbled away, she'd walk past him into the night, towards the Holds, so that she may get some sleep. So that she may get out of the cold.

OOCSorry for the awkward wording. I can't actually choke Darren without permission, so... yeah, that's why the post sounds so weird.

Also, feel free to wrap up if you'd like. Just a tip: don't follow Aello, she will try to kill you. Or at least seriously hurt you. =)
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A new way to approach others (Flashback) (Aello)

Postby Darren on May 17th, 2011, 3:13 am

"How dare I? Once your this good you don't even hesitate, babe" he jeered as he faced Aello. And as if on cue Aello moved to swoon on Darren's imposing presence. Oh yea... a typical day in the life of-bleh! his thoughts were cut off as Aello's hands suddenly closed in on Darren's neck. "Bleh!" he said, his tongue sticking out comically as he then inched his hands up Aello's body before he found her face. Whatever she was saying was lost on him as he then shoved her away from him.

By the time he regained his breathe and focus he was able to catch that she wanted something to eat, something fresh in fact. That and she was looking at him with such intent, her eyes seemingly going a familiar red and somehow matching her face to a lighter shade similar. His face grimaced as he returned her stare, his eyes glowing a similar shade of red to match her face. He might have been in the wrong, he even admitted it but she still chose to rub the fact in her face. I think I just had enough of this he thought, his hands shaking with indignant anger.

It looked as if she wanted to hurt him again, this time he would welcome such a notion. He would react accordingly this time, at the very least she wasn't going to have the last word so easily. Shrugging off the cannibal remark due to a lack of understanding by the meaning he was shoved violently by the screeching woman. Darren cringed as hearing Aello raise her voice to a higher octave, looking back up only to see her starting away. "Hey I'm not done with you yet. Maybe your are right...though," he said talking a step towards her. He had an apologetic look on his face as he tried to catch up with her. Raising his hand up in an attempt to grab her shoulder to turn her around so that she can speak to her, stopped only a half step in front of her.

He then moved closer so that she wouldn't be able to miss the next words he was about to say. "Maybe I should treat you out to something decent around here. Something fresh, something I know you would like. Before I do this at least." he said in a hushed tone. Darren then moved towards Aello to make give her an overzealous bear hug. If he was successful he would suspend her in midair for a few moments, squeezing the air out of hers lung before dropping her to the ground. Where he would then playfully initiate a free form wrestling mortal combatness.

Well that was what he would have said and done if he knew she was paying attention. Seeing only an annoyed expression on her face with no sense of recognition on her face, Darren merely muttered some incromprehensible words while he followed her back to town. Taking little to no discretion in his actions he observed her movements, quickly becoming bored with what little descriptive actions she took. All the motions she was doing started to somber up Darren's opinion on archers in general. Nothing special about this one he thought after five minutes of following led to nothing. He resigned from bothering the foreigner any longer, he didn't take her too seriously to begin with but now he found himself an enemy. He wasn't too worried about the promise she made to him but respected it nonetheless.

Next time? Hmm I highly doubt we'll meet again he thought as he made his way back to his hold. He was tired from the two's meet and greet, spending the time in a pinched position waiting in the snow in a hot bear suit, arguing with a less then sane woman and parading around the forest following her in the stealthiest fashion he knew of. I really don't see why some individuals do that willing he wondered, trying to run through how the two reacted to each other. He shrugged as he took out the option of watching people as a way of approaching others.
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A new way to approach others (Flashback) (Aello)

Postby Cheshire on June 9th, 2011, 4:10 pm


Character: Darren
Experience: Camoflauge +1, Disguise +1, Interrogation +1, Intimidation +1, Observation +1
Lore: Gossiping, Putting Down Snowsongs, Threatening with Embarassment

Character: Aello
Experience: Observation +1, Intimidation +3, Auristics +1, Philosophy +1, Brawling +1
Lore: Seeing Through a Disguise, Making Excuses for One's Actions, Putting a Vantha in his Place

Additional Note: Good job guys! PM me with any concerns.
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